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2008-02-15 04:50:00


Really full of suprise for tonight! Thanks so much for your suprise gift! I really like it! And I think you too~~~ :P Suprise that you come! It far away for you and there is only 10 minutes for us! It...

2008-02-11 06:14:45


仲有一個鐘左右就完成我連續鮋第五個night duty,原來連續五night真係好架!特別係你每日night完之後都無乜點訓!點解今晚咁精神?因為尋日and前日無野做,night完可以由朝訓到晚再返工,不過咁鮋生活真係好dull,...

2008-02-09 00:42:01


今朝放工只係訓鰦四個幾鐘,十二點幾起身,又趕到裵魚涌跟爸爸、阿叔....飲茶,之後到Ricky家拜年。同你屋企人打麻雀!(I am serious:一家人可以一齊打麻雀係件好開心鮋事!)其實我已經好耐無打過麻雀,都應該超過...

2008-02-08 03:23:44

小寶寶今晚覺得好好,好想好好休息一下。 乖乖的,把腦袋暫時停止轉動一陣子,可以嗎?

2008-02-07 04:51:37


2008-02-07 01:23:49

Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Lunar New Year to You All~! Little Bobo is now on night shift!! Yes...a bit poor but I can’t choose. But it doesn’t matter, cos every year I don’t have place to go. And 3 years ago, I star...

2008-02-04 00:47:49

Add Oil~

Start my continuous night again! Add Oil~! Two days to go!! See you on Tuesday night. ^^ Once again, I don’t want to have this family. Can I be alone? I really feel tired. Many things waitin...

2008-02-01 00:39:40


《上》 今日返完A之後去教琴,因為上水太凍喇,成晚流流長小寶寶唔想一個人粛屋企凍死,所以夜晚去鰦沙田逛逛。行到書店,買鰦本書(今次小寶寶揀鰦張小嫻鮋一本散文),再買鰦個賲包吃,我已經急不及待去Starbucks...

2008-01-30 01:16:04


今日下午去鰦Starbucks溫書,不錯!可惜時間唔夠,只係坐鰦一個半小時,之後又要教琴、夜晚又返學。 今日Angela比鰦個小小鮋暖風機我,不過我就要小心用!訓覺前要關機,好驚燒著我個仔d毛呀!!聽聞聽日仲會凍d呢~...

2008-01-29 01:48:23


呢幾晚真係好凍!每晚小寶寶都沖暖水袋比自己~~ 今晚跟阿子and 阿Ber食飯,之後到Pacific Coffee傾計,好鍾意咁樣坐粛度傾計呀,可惜三缺一!美,下次唔可以缺席喇! ^.^ 對08年有咩感覺?覺得將會有變動?有鮋...

2008-01-28 01:11:13


Its cold again! When I am walking back to work, I have no feeling because my nose, my face, my fingers....already stiff without feeling! However when I think of your working place is now only -20C, I ...

2008-01-25 11:18:19


This week is feeling good~! ^.^ Nothing special happened but just feeling good! That’s enough. When I am thinking about your trip, I feel a little bit unhappy. When I am thinking about my continu...

2008-01-17 12:24:08

Should I?

This two days have a bit diarrhoea but it is not serious, I still ok at all. Am I really think too much? Am I too concerned about what you are thinking? But thats me! My friend said great discrepan...

2008-01-16 12:16:16

病,今日好多了,只係間中仲有d肚痛,我當好返架喇!! 唔知點解心情有點怪怪的,有點不是味兒,但我又唔知點形容。係咪我又胡思亂想?粛呢半個月,有時感覺好實在,有時又覺得有點虛無同捉唔實既感覺.....唔自在...

2008-01-15 12:34:40


Little Bobo is sick again.... Fever, headache, generalized discomfort and pain, sore throat, epigastric pain and abdominal pain! So many sign and symptoms come out at the same time! Because of fever,...

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