This two days have a bit diarrhoea but it is not serious, I still ok at all.
Am I really think too much? Am I too concerned about what you are thinking? But thats me! My friend said great discrepancy of life is not a problem being together, of course I agree. But the sudden change make me feel under pressure. If we achieve our goal together (can it be our goal but not only your goal?), thats different! I will be happy and enjoy in the process. You said your trip will be a challenge of our relationship, why? I don’t think so. Will you miss me? I know I will.
Why I always don’t know your secret in mind? Thats make me feel scared, seems that many things I cannot control! Or.......I really no need to think too much because you may take care of me, will you? I wanna rely on you, should I?
However I should remind you that not all the women may ask for trouble, if I am treating bad......I must go away! >.<