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2008-01-12 14:44:37

Continuous night

新年小寶寶又long night喇,為鰦就返學,年卅十、初一、初二、初三都係小寶寶night。算啦,還掂都無乜地方要去,不過就要安排下跟爸爸同阿媽鮋食飯時間(分兩餐真係好煩!)。小寶寶已經兩個幾月無見過爸爸喇,真不孝...

2008-01-10 11:12:10


尋晚上鰦Ricky屋企食飯,好開心呀~ 好耐無試過咁樣食飯喇!小寶寶食得好飽!好耐都無食過煎雞翼喇,令我想起細個屋企食飯鮋情景,又想起了哥哥~(因為哥哥最喜歡吃煎雞翼!)感覺到Ricky屋企人鮋融洽,好warm好warm....

2008-01-07 23:43:30


終於回歸到自己鮋工作崗位喇!當然有d唔慣,個人未回魂,不過比兩日時間我啦,我會pick up番病房個節奏。今日真係好忙!今期d M.O. treatment好似唔係好得,不過睇落都算易相處鮋~~ (希望係真架啦!日後有事相求都易...

2008-01-07 01:17:58


Argued with my mum in phone again tonight..... Really don’t know what I did wrong! I do my best to help, to solve the problem but always without any appreciation. Fine! But I really never think you h...

2008-01-02 01:48:07

Too fast

Everythings come too fast on me, it is not my speed and I cannot handle in a moment. Is it good or bad? I really not sure! However I always take it serious and therefore I still need some time. Bu...

2007-12-31 14:57:26


So ugly today! Because I cried too much yesterday! Why cry? I really don’t know the answer~ but the non-stop tears came out itself~!! Cried since 5pm...after it stopped I took a bath and went to buy...

2007-12-30 17:22:41


點解要喊.......此刻的我淚流滿面。 可以停下來嗎?我心裡懇求著。

2007-12-26 21:22:22


平安夜、聖誕節、Boxing Day,三日小寶寶都安在家中。除了平安夜跟Ken度過外,其餘兩天小寶寶都獨自一人。心情壞嗎?那又不是!這幾天感覺好peaceful,安靜地度過了我最喜愛的Christmas~ 昨晚買了sushi吃!Yummy~...

2007-12-23 01:17:31

Lonely Christmas

悠長假期才剛剛開始,心情已經處於極度低落鮋狀態,how long I can stand for it?! 尋晚終於崩潰,wing wing下終於引唔住喊鰦出黎。 我深知道而家過鮋並唔係我鮋生活,但我又可以怎樣?呢個moment我有鮋就只有呢...

2007-12-19 13:57:47


嘻~ 個天真係有聽我講,今日真係涼左呀!個天係鍾意我架~ ^.

2007-12-18 17:49:14


Reading from others diary, I found my littleness. I really feel sad about it. What can I do? What should I do? I still searching....... Is it too late for a 26 lady? I know there is always no ’late’...

2007-12-18 01:00:38


Actually I do not know what I did is correct or not, however this make me feel better. The ward is so busy today! One staff sick leave, I need to handle half of the ward again. No people help, no p...

2007-12-15 23:51:43


原來你都係咁膚淺!真叫人失望! 而且有點討厭~~ 心領~ 究竟之前雜誌睇到好想睇既戲叫咩名?幾時上映?我好想睇呀!!

2007-12-14 01:46:47


終於都考完試喇!有放監鮋感覺~ 不過sem break唔洗返學又多鰦d時間出黎,又AL........um~~就當比自己透透氣啦!Relax,refresh and restart! ^.^ 乜事情一定要係其他人諗咁樣?點解唔可以諗得簡單d、單純d?就咁就...

2007-12-11 23:04:18


究竟點樣我先可以好好咁concentrate in my study?星期四又exam la,完全無推動力!我係咪又選擇錯?! 又做鰦d應該係錯鮋事,我係咪要一直做錯事呢!!! 心情時好時壞(不過我已經比上個月掩飾得好!),好討...

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