Fate is the wind, come-and-go.
緣份 是來去的風
Love is the passion blowing in the wind.
愛情 是藏在風中的觸動
It follows the wind,
Stop and blow, be trapped between leaving and staying.
忽靜忽動 欲走又留
We met in a mutually interdependent web of cause and effect.
相遇 需八風吹送
Our love affair originated from serveral previous lives.
愛戀 要幾世因緣的牽動
Just follow the wind.
If you don't want to stay for me,
Still I can keep the affair alone.
The love hiding in the wind.
I can take it with me and go around.
I can let it come and go at will.
Still I can live my lives without you.
沒有你 日子一樣能過
The world is still beautiful and unlimited.
The love hiding in the wind.
I treat my feeling with the time.
Probably it will be tossed into the wind some day.
Probably it will stay in the corner somewhere.
或許 駐留在某個角落
Just let it go with the wind.

【About Love 關於愛情】
對於感情, 若是真心, 沒有所謂對錯, 因為前世因緣的牽扯, 水到渠成, 因緣到了, 它就是發生了, 有時想躲都躲不過, 這就是為什麼 "菩薩畏因, 眾生畏果" 的原因. 只是, 我們要從中思考, 這功課所要給你的深層意義, 你應該得到什麼成長, 要怎麼解套, 把傷害降到最低點, 盡可能地圓滿.
要遇到一個人不容易, 要深愛一個人更不容易, 那需要更大的因緣, 所以於我來說, 我會很珍惜. 以前年輕的自己, 可能會因為得不到而痛苦, 但是現在的我心態卻會不同.
愛就是愛了, 不需要因為對方的有無回應而強迫自己短時間放下, 那太為難了自己, 只是讓自己更心苦煎熬, 我寧可順其自然, 什麼也不做, 接受所有感覺的來去, 把那份感情交給時間來處理, 讓因緣去自然緣起緣滅, 該來的時候來, 該走的時候自己會走, 就算不走也沒關係, 但要把它放在不會傷害自己的位置.
能深愛一個人也是一種幸福, 雖然它也附帶著些許孤獨和痛苦. 但我們要愛對方, 也要愛自己, 要讓自己依然能好好地生活著, 不要讓自己變得悲情, 這樣對雙方只有傷害和遺憾, 就可惜了"愛"的美意了.
Happy 我要快樂 Leona Lewis (里歐娜)
Someone once told me that you have to choose 有人告訴我 你要選擇
What you win or lose 什麼要取 什麼要捨
You can't have everything 你不能樣樣皆得
Don't you take chances 不要冒險硬闖
You might feel the pain 只會痛苦受傷
Don't you love in vain 也不要自陷情網
'cause love won't set you free 因為愛會將你綑綁
I can't stand by the side 我可以冷眼旁觀
And watch this life pass me by 看著生命從眼前遠颺
So unhappy 雖不快樂
But safe as could be 但安全無恙
So what if it hurts me? 就算受傷又怎樣
So what it I break down? 就算失敗又怎樣
So what if this world just throws me off the edge, 就算世界將我拋開又怎樣
My feet run out of ground 我的雙腳找不到方向
I gotta find my place 我必須找到立足的地方
I wanna hear my sound 我要聽到自己的心聲
Don't care about all the pain in front of me 不在乎眼前有多坎坷
I just trying to be happy 因為我只想找到 快樂
I just wanna be happy, yeah 我要 快樂
Holding on tightly 緊緊把握
Just can't let go 不能放手
Just trying to play my role 努力扮演好我的角色
Slowly disappear 緩緩離場
But all these days They feel like they're same 這些日子在我眼中都一樣
Just different faces Different place 只是不同名字不同臉龐
Get me out of here 讓我離開這地方
I can't stand by the side 我無法在你身旁
Oh, no
And watch this life pass me by 看著生命從眼前遠颺
Pass me by
So what if it hurts me? 就算受傷又怎樣
So what it I break down? 就算失敗又怎樣
So what if this world just throws me off the edge, 就算世界將我拋開又怎樣
My feet run out of ground 我的雙腳找不到方向
I gotta find my place 我必須找到立足的地方
I wanna hear my sound 我要聽到自己的心聲
Don't care about all the pain in front of me 不在乎眼前有多坎坷
Cause I'm just trying to be happy 因為我只想找到 快樂
Oh, happy 我要 快樂
So any turns that I can't see 只是在這條路上我沒看清
Like I'm a stranger on this road 這陌生人的表情
But don't say victim 別為我貼上受害者的標記
Don't say anything 毋須任何言語
So what if it hurts me? 就算受傷又怎樣
So what if I break down? 就算失敗又怎樣
So what if this world just throws me off the edge? 就算世界將我拋開又怎樣
My feet run out of ground 我的雙腳找不到方向
I gotta find my place 我必須找到立足的地方
I wanna hear my sound 我要聽到自己的心聲
Don't care about all the pain in front of me 不在乎眼前有多坎坷
I just wanna be happy 因為我只想找到 快樂
Ohh, yeah, Happy, ohh, happy 快樂
I just wanna be, oh 我只想要
I just wanna be Happy. 我要 快樂
oh, happy 快樂