【Q】Hello,I already used telegraphic transfer on 31th July,but until now I don't receive my money from free up account.Today I try again to do telegraphic transfer,could you please check whether successful or not. My reference number:xxxxxx My kiwibank access number:xxxxx 08/08/2012
【A】Hi,Thanks for your message. I apologise for the inconvenience. Could you please contact the bank that initiated this transfer if the payment has not yet arrived? You can then trace the payment 08/13/2012
就是這封回覆訊息,有回答等於沒有回答,讓我必須帶著有待加強的英文和提著無後路可退的勇氣打這通貴鬆鬆的越洋電話,為了那筆依舊在Free-up不動如山的紐幣,我必須強迫自己說英文解決問題。結果,花了九分多鐘的確認與溝通,我很快速的說明我的問題,但對方回答的,哈哈哈~聽不懂的比聽得懂的多,Pardon當然沒有少講,最後很鴕鳥心態度的說了『Is there anyone who speaks mandarin?』服務人員沒有正面回答有沒有中文服務人員,至少在掛斷前我有努力聽得懂一句「明天如果沒有匯款成功,我們會打電話跟你確認」應該是這個意思,哈哈哈~我真的很認真聽,卻是有聽沒有懂。只能等明天 看帳戶有沒有動靜。
Hi Jim,Thank you for your reply,I have already contacted kiwibank,I hope to resolve as soon as possible. 08/13/2012
Hi ,Thanks for your response and confirmation, and we wish you the best of luck. 08/13/2012
以上這些訊息留言,是在Kiwibank首頁上的Contact us/send us an email得到的答覆。14日上Kiwibank確認,看到紐幣依舊穩穩存在Free up裡。心都涼了
。(心中的OS,我要找誰求救啊!!!)15日重新振作,我又重新登入International services尋找可以解決問題的蛛絲馬跡,沒想到讓我在International payees(第一次有Add an international payee,主要填寫在台灣銀行外幣帳戶的基本資料)裡,發現上次填寫匯到台灣銀行的account number少了一個數字,天啊~怎麼會這樣!!難怪紐幣都不動如山,當下馬上按Edit要修改,結果出現「Unfortunately, it's not yet possible to edit an international payee online. If you wish to modify a payee's details, please contact the international help desk.」當下再度寫信聯絡更新。
I would like to renew my international payee's details,
could you please help me to modify it? My kiwibank access number:xxxxx
Account holder name:xxxxxx
Account number:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5(it needs add 5)
Bank:Bk of Taiwan
and I have another problem, I already used telegraphic transfer to send money to Taiwan on 8th August,but until now I don't receive my money from free up account.
could you please check to transfer whether successfully or not.My reference number:xxxxx.if you need my details ,please call me 00886932xxxxxx
隔一天(16日)馬上收到回覆「The internet template has been amended to include the additional number as shown in your e-mail below. There is no record of a any recent transfer to Taiwan from your accounts. The number you quote is a template reference, but not a transaction reference as would have been provided had you successfully established a transaction. Please re-establish your transaction via your internet banking.」當下大叫,裝哨a!!!!!!!!!
搞了半天,結果我根本沒有執行Telegraphci transfer動作,我提供查詢序號只是證明填寫基本資料成功的number!!!!很好,我是笨蛋。我是笨蛋。我是笨蛋。啐啐念結束後,二話不說的進入Telegraphic transfer進行線上轉帳【如果你也是要使用線上電匯的,請參考紐來紐去JO爽耶http://chi227.pixnet.net/blog/post/30721612有分享詳細的步驟】,然後再寫信確認「Hello,Thanks for your reply,I have already try again to use telegraphic transfer today.Could you please check whether success or not?My transaction number is 12x8xx-x9x8-x189.If I successfully established a transaction,when do I receive my money?」
17日收到確定的答覆「Good morning,Yes, your transaction for NZD x,949.61 has come through okay with the correct account detail on it. It will be processed today but is payable for value date 21 August 12, this being the date that the funds should be made available to your account in Taiwan.」我終於成功了。心頭的一塊大石終於飛走啦!!!!!
為什麼同樣是寫email,寄到contact us沒有得到正面回答,反而是要更新international payees基本資料時,寄到信箱international@kiwibank.co.nz才終於得到解決,或許是分工合作吧!有國際上的問題,要寄到國際信箱才能馬上得到答案。反正事情就這樣告一段落,紐幣在今天終於出現在台灣銀行的外幣帳戶裡了,當下馬上轉入定存。哈哈哈~
在決定使用電匯匯錢回台前,我也是參考「JO分享如何線上電匯」一文,怎知?結果沒這麼順利,想看看還有沒有人有分享和我也遇見一樣問題的包友,結果是沒有的。要解決問題其實不難,我的罩門是「使用不熟的語言(英文)說話」,只要這關過了,其它的問題就不是問題了。也好,有機會再刺激自己,我需要刺激一直在,很怕忘了要積極說一口流利英文的約定,畢竟,安逸的生活,會讓人處於就這樣 就好的心態,然後一些「說好的目標」就自然而然的被打包在內心的某個深處。
對不起,我 不想被 怠惰 綁架。因為 我 為了自己 留了一個必須解決的問題,離開NZ前我沒有關掉帳戶,把沒帶回台灣的紐幣在Kiwibank開了Term deposit(定存),到時有什麼問題,我肯定要解決的。對付自己的最好辦法,想辦法一直給自己出難題。哈哈哈~