There are at least two things that I really like in ShenZHen:
1) the food included those in the restaurant and the supermarket.

I love the KFC here, they have more choices of food:

such as the yummy DEEP SEA FISH SANDWICH, it's really mouth watering that you can't compare it with McDonald's Filet O Fish!!

However, the size is a bit too small that you really want them to double the size !! ERika could finish her Kid's meal in KFC, how amazing!

Actually, when talking eating habit, it seems like she eats better than the time she was in Canada.

In the noodle restaurant 面點王 , wow, Erika loves it too, she adores to any kind of Noodles (of course, she loves the instant noodle that most, but I won't let her to eat too much of those, it's not so healthy. ) This noodle restaurant is more a 'fast food' type... very cool. I love the food there too, and they are real cheap. :) Really worth to go there for a lunch!
(the noodle restaurant)
IN the supermarket, you can find some good and cute food as well, just like today, I found a box of HELLO KITTY curry 'ready to eat' package. I firstly thought that Erika might love it, but then, I found that the tag said that it's CURRY, so, I will be the one who eat this. :)

2) the book store : you can't imagine how big the bookstore it, it's much much bigger than CHAPTERS! they have any kind of books that you can think of. They also have ENglish books, of course, much more expensive, but in the sense of "LEARNING" , I think they have good resources for age 0 - 100+ ... As long as you are willing to learn, they have the books , DVD, ... for you. AND THE IMPORTANT THING IS: THEY ARE REALLY CHEAP!!!!!
let me show you what I've got yesterday:
a) Knitting book ,

in CHinese, but with "japanese knitting method' INstruction. The projects inside are really great with great , clear pictures.

I already have some projects in mind that I might work on them in the coming FALL. guess how much? only $18 Yen. Isn't it CHEAP ?? (around $3 CAD)
b) sewing book for kids:

this is really cute with full patterns and diagram at the back! ONLY $26.8 yen. (around $4 CAD)

c) Purse making book:

super cute and elegant purses, and no need to use sewing machine, it's all hand sewn! I love it. WIth clear diagrams and instructions. Only $28 Yen again!! How Can I stop myself not to buy it? '

We also went to the "WALMART" today, and we surprisedly found a EARLY LEARNING CENTER in the mall, it's Gymboree, so cool!

we went inside and had a tour there, I love it. ANd we will join the 'demo' class on the coming Saturday to see if Erika loves it or not. They will teach them in both Mandarin and English, I think this is good for Erika as she needs to learn these two languages in the mean time. :)

Hello From Erika with "uncle" McDonald...