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當你在跟一個人談話的時候 若他跟你的觀點是一樣的 那

你們不管聊什麼 一定都會聊的很高興 因為你們的觀點都

一樣 不會被對方反駁 也不會有爭論 就不會吵起來 可以

聊的眉開眼笑 每次我媽跟我聊天的時候 因為我跟她的觀點

一定都不一樣 所以每次聊天幾乎都會有爭議 爭到一半

我就會叫媽 去跟大姊聊天 不要跟我聊天 因為跟我聊

不會順你的意 我一定會 反駁你 她們真是典型的 母女倆

超像的 彼此的觀念 思想 都很像 所以我媽還是去找我

大姊聊天好了 這樣妳才會開心 才不會跟我聊了之後 在那生氣 OK
翻譯: 自翻的 = = 為了學點單字
If some body’s standpoint觀點 same to you and when you

have a conversation對話, in that way那麼 whatever

無論什麼 topic話題 that you talk, you’re must be

happy, because your standpoint觀點 are same. And can

not be retort反駁 by the other party對方. And can not

fight吵架. You are so happy in the conversation對話.

Every time my old mom talk to me, cause my mom’s

standpoint is differet to me, so every time we’re in

talk, we will be controversy爭議, and at the we’re

controversy爭議 time, I order my old mom to call my

sister, and order mom talk to her, cause talk to me

I can’t obey順從 you, I must be retort反駁 you. They

are typical 典型 mother and daughter母女. They’re

very similar. And their standpoint觀念 and

thinking are similar一樣, so my old mom that you still

to talk to my sister, like this這樣 you will be happy

, and can’t angry after we’re talk.

台長: kurama
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