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甲狀腺亢進是一種病 是很難好的病 得到這種病很不好

因為它會伴隨著一些更不好的病一起來 像是 心臟病

骨質疏鬆症 眼突 ........等 我有一個朋友有得 我滿想

幫助他的 其實最重要的 也是跟自己的作習 脾氣 飲食

有關 要常常保持愉快的心情 多蔬果 少動怒 我很想建議

他去買 維他命來吃 因為對病情有益 我也有再吃 是吃

B群的 維他命 但我是希望他吃 綜合的維他命 可能要花一

點小錢 他是對健康是有益的啊 但最近他都滿忙的 過得也

不太好 這樣病情會越來越不好 也是跟他的個性有關 但

個性又非常的難改 你一定要常保持 愉快的心情 其實也是

有機會可以好的 雖不能完全 痊瘉 但是是可以 幾乎控制

的住的 你自己也要加油哦 改天等你有空 再去找你

Thyroid甲狀腺 sick is a diffcult to cure醫治, if

you got this sick, it's very not good, because it

can accompany with伴隨 some more bad sick, for Ex.

heart attack心臟病 and the lax鬆散 of bone骨 and

outstanding突出 eye. I have a friend who get this

sick. I want help him. In fact the important is

about his food and temper脾氣 and living生活. He

have to keep happy mood心情 usually, and more eat

fruits and vegetable and avoid angry. I'm very want

to suggest him go to buy vitamin維他命 cause因為

it's good for sick but I hope he eat vitamin維他命

synthetically綜合地. It have to take some money.

But it's good for sick. And he is busy recently最近

and not fine. For sick it's very not good. It also

in connection with有關於 personality個性.

As well as且 it's very diffcult to change

personality個性. So you must be keep happy mood心情

always. In fact you have chance to

recover from illness康復, Although it can't

completely recovered痊瘉, but it can control almost

. You have to encourage加油 yourself. Another day

if you free, I will go find you again.

台長: kurama
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