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2008-08-16 23:36:26| 人氣72| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

DEAD fatty

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現在老爸的身邊 常多了一個胖子 因為他有一個朋友 跟我爸

還滿好的 但是她兒子 就是現在這個胖子 欠了一堆卡債 然後

又沒有正當的工作 她就拜託我爸 可不可以收他 做小工

我爸看在跟她不錯的交情份上 就答應了 因為我最近都跟老爸

去工作 那第一天那個胖來的時候 一眼沒有給我好印像

可能因為外表的關系 可是正常人第一眼 一定是看外表 無論

男女 後來我跟他互動之後 就發現 我更討厭他 因為他又抽煙

又吃檳榔 又超級愛喝酒 加上我對他的了解 欠錢之類的 所以

我非常討厭他 加上他現在來當爸的小工(台語) 所以這幾天

我也沒有出去工作 我也是有跟爸說 若他在的話 就不要叫我

他超級會命令我的 幹 我跟你一樣都是小工 憑什麼你可以

命令我 就因為你比我資深一點 年紀大一點 胖很多嗎

媽的 且我也很討厭他跟我爸在一起工作 他是個愛喝酒的人

若跟我爸一起工作 一天一定會買一次保力達的 那個不便宜ㄝ

然後我爸已經肚子不小了 還整天跟他在那喝酒 更嚴重的是還

吃檳榔 真是被我爸氣死了 講都講不聽 我現在每天開始嚇我

爸好了 跟他說 以後得什麼病啊 吃什麼會怎樣 讓我爸緊張

一點 因為有時候 身邊常有一個人在旁邊跟你講一些對你身體

不好的事 那他就會怕一點 但要是有一段時間 那個旁邊的人

沒有在那唸 那他又會放鬆一點 就又開始做那些事 所以

就這以決定了 每天嚇爸 因為 人都是 不見棺材不掉淚

Now there is a fatty胖子 nearby身邊 my dad, because

dad has a friend and they are good friends but her son

that is now the fatty, he own money欠債 very much

and he have no proper正當 occupation職業 ,so she

request請求 my dad can take in收留 the fatty as a

do odd jobs打雜 , their friendship交情 is not too

bad so dad consent答應 her. Because dad took me to

do his job recently最近 , on the fatty come with us

day he didn’t give me good impression印像 maybe the

reason is his outward appearance外表 , but the

normal正常 people fisrt taste眼光 is people’s

outward appearance外表, no matter無論 man or woman .

And then the interaction互動 between me and the

fatty , I found發現的過去式 I more hate him because

he smoke and eat betel nut檳榔 and very like to

drink alcohol酒 and add I know his (conduct and

actions作為) for Ex. own money so I’m very hate him

. And now he is dad’s employee員工 so these days I

didn’t go to work. I also say to dad , if the fatty

go I won’t go, as well as且 he is very like to

order命令 me , we both are do odd jobs打雜 ,why he can

order me to do something ? just cause you are more

experienced資深 than me or older than me or fatter

than me? As well as且 I also hate dad and he to do

work together, he is very like to drink alcohol酒

if he do work with my dad, I certain確定 they will buy

保力達 on day. It’s not cheap. And my dad’s belly肚子

is not small, he drink alcohol酒 with the fatty every

day yet. And the more serious thing is eat betel nut

檳榔 I’m get angry for dad . Dad didn’t listen to me.

Now I start to frighten嚇 my dad every day. Talk to

him, if you do what and you will get what, eat bad

food and your body will can get sick, let my old dad

afraid. because sometimes a person talk you about

body’s healthy and then he will afraid, but if a long

time the person don’t talk about this to dad, he will

relax and start to do those thing. So I decide決定

to frighten dad every day. Because every people is

have no see the coffin棺材 and can not cry !!!!

台長: kurama
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