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2006-05-29 15:44:47

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Today is my birthday... but no one remember.... too bad...too poor... no...there still some people... just some...i think no more than 5........ i have to ask people ..do they remember ...

2006-05-26 23:37:46

~~~~~~~~~~~Performance Days~~~~~~~~~~

25/5 岩岩返到home...終於完成個performance la....再做埋聽日就大公告成...好開心a...今日我地無笑場...無漏對白...好順利咁完成左...今日ge我...化妝化到無人認得我...都係靠把聲黎認我...hoho...今日大聲到..差d...

2006-05-25 14:30:04

rehersal diary 2

24/5 尋晩最後一次rehersal...個個都好俾心機a...每個步驟都做得好好...而我就梗係化左個40幾歲ge男人裝...超掂a...當堂老左幾十年..連d頭髮都噴到白埋...個頭仲攪到...有少少有錢feel...haha...今晚實掂a...尋日終...

2006-05-24 14:45:09

rehersal diary..

22/5 呢日我地開始係culture centre度rehersal la...所以我地要全副裝備上陣...包括化妝,set頭,同著costume..唉...戈日人地幫我化妝....化到好恐佈a...我本人覺得唔化仲好過化...因為佢攪到我隻眼好似熊貓眼咁...嚇...

2006-05-12 17:58:59

25th anniversary of UMAC

This year is the 25th anniversary of UMAC, as a result, there are a series of activities will be held. One of them is a drama that provided by our "Introduction to Theatre" class, which is held on 25 ...

2006-05-01 16:21:38

birthday party

呢兩日都好忙碌咁去人地d生日party…..首先星期六…去m記攪…haha…好耐都無去過m記攪生日…只係好細個戈時去過一次…估唔到我地咁大個都去m記..全靠pinky la…我地戈日無遊戲姐姐ge出現..只係我地ell癲左咁狂影相…...

2006-04-17 19:17:17

My Major

You scored as Philosophy. You should be a Philosophy major! Like the Philosopher, you are contemplative and you enjoy thinking about the purpose for humanity’s existence. Mathematics 6...

2006-04-08 17:15:59


蒞臨朋友聚會 欣賞到恩愛示範 你有人陪 我卻沒有份 一片平淡 好心問我 找不到男朋友 怎麼可習慣 尷尬地說 寧願將工作一天排到晚 謝謝關心 知我 永沒有驚喜 自問不怎麼醜 孤獨無道理...

2006-04-02 20:27:23


今日收工戈時... 我竟然差315.9.. 當堂呆左... 我竟然俾多左咁多錢... 三百幾蚊...要做三日ga... 戈時真係好驚... 後尾佢地check番... 先知原來係我自己攪錯左.. 明明要cash out ge...我變左...

2006-03-31 19:47:46

~~one month later~~

今日係返iacm ge last day... 有少少唔捨得添... 其實同戈度d人都唔熟... 佢地叫乜都未知哂... 但有時都會講下笑咁... 幾好ge.. 有好多人都唔知我今日last day.... haha...到我話last day ge時...

2006-03-29 23:33:30


係而家呢一刻2006/3/29 11:16p.m. 我真係好想死左佢.... 我發覺我已經再忍受唔到呢種生活... 每日都有一大堆野等住我去做... 但每日我都無時間去完成... 近排midterm係咁黎....功課係咁黎.... 最煩...

2006-03-24 19:28:16

The First Impression of TIS

I’ve gone to the Grade 1B, Miss Beth Windsor’s class. When we arrived they were having the language and writing class. The teacher uses words that are related to the daily life. For example, Easter ...

2006-03-22 20:01:25


考車前一日收到呢d msg... Jenny媽,祝你聽日心想事成,事事順利,唔好緊張,大家都支持你,你一定得架-----from 植美 請注意!這是一道靈驗非常的符咒!保證您萬事順利,平安大吉,幸運到極點,塔羅牌星宿命理睇相測名的...

2006-03-22 11:12:41


係2006/3/22 10:07 a.m. 我考到車la.... 以後會多個車牌係個銀包入面... 真係諗起都開心..haha.... 講起今日考車..我係第一個考.... 真係好驚.... 行行下..因為有架車無讓我過先... 我又照行wo...

2006-03-20 22:56:34


死get..今日考到車la... 考完就即刻sd msg俾我... 佢超開心lo....ha... 但佢都好衰a... 問我夠唔夠錢補品... if唔夠...可以問佢借...唔收息wo.. 我一定唔會衰俾佢睇ge... 聽日係最後一日la... ...

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