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2006-05-12 17:58:59| 人氣63| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

25th anniversary of UMAC

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This year is the 25th anniversary of UMAC, as a result, there are a series of activities will be held. One of them is a drama that provided by our "Introduction to Theatre" class, which is held on 25 and 26 of May, 7:00p.m.~10:00p.m., free admission. The location is at the Cutural Centre of Umac. This play is called "Our Town". A play that devided into three parts, which is the "Daily Life, Love and Marriage, Death". A very nice play, the play mainly talking about the daily life, it can reflect many things that we didn’t noticed in our life. A little bit touching at the end of the play. The thing i think the most challenge is we only have tables and chairs in our performance, no scenery and other stage properties. There’s scenery and stage properties for those who think they have to have scenery and stage properties. In this play, i will play the role of a doctor, man again. I’m a father, a husband, but somehow my wife is taller than me. TOO BAD. This is an other challenge for me, i have to feel like a father and teach my son to behave.

P.S. Pic is our banner, isn’t it beautiful?..i love it so much...it is combined with the photos while taking during our rehersal.

台長: 迷失的女孩
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