Boom!快速與凝結新媒體的交互作用─台澳新媒體藝術展 參展台灣貴賓簡介
1997 年國立清華大學資訊科學博士畢業
幸福晚餐系列 / 2007
<幸福晚餐系列>是件互動藝術實驗創作,運用Max/MSP/Jitter 程式與Sobel 運算,並結合影像、聲音、MIDI 音樂之間的互動。在短片中,我記錄著回宿舍時,沿途期盼老婆準備的晚餐,那種幸福滿滿的感覺。本作品以老婆準備晚餐的聲音作為輸入控制源,同時邊緣偵測扮演了重要角色。它隨機並且巧妙地勾勒出沿途景緻的輪廓,並且將物體色彩做了不斷的置換,因而產生一種奇幻的效果。由烹調聲音控制而產生的音樂,一樣有種在搖晃視覺裏充滿期盼的感受。於是,我對於幸福晚餐的期待,紛紛化成了音符;眼前的畫面,也都因此有了節奏。
Lin, Hao-Chiang
1997 PhD, Department of Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University
Tainan National University of the Arts ,Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Associate Professor
Felicitous Dinner / 2007
This artwork (The Felicitous Dinner Series) is created by using Max/MSP/Jitter and Sobel operations, and based on the interaction among images, sounds, and MIDI music. This work is created through the following steps: decibel transformation, tracing of the peak sound, automatic event detection, usage of sound event message, edge detection, generating MIDI music via sound signals, controlling the image processing via sound signals, automatic change of RGB brightness, and so on.This is an interactive digital artwork. In this video work, the author recorded the felicitous feeling of the expectation on the dinner prepared by his wife when he was on the road toward his dormitory. In this work, the author inputted the sound gathered when his wife was busy in the kitchen, and then the program automatically generated some MIDI music, and changed the image of the video so that it got some tempo. Therefore, the expectation on the felicitous dinner became some music notes, and all the sights became rhythmic.