The story goes that yesterday we were driving home from the Beach when I swerved to miss a truck bed liner that was laying in the middle of the left lane and just as I was getting my bearings back the woman in front of me started braking. Well, I thought she was just slowing down so I slowed down. I realized too late that she was stopping. So I bumped her from behind. Not hard enough to really damage her car, just her bumper was a little scratched up, but the problem was our car. The grill was knocked in and busted a hole in the radiator (which we just had replaced two weeks ago) and the radiator was pushed back into the fan behind it. Well, I got a ticket for "following too closely" - which is baloney because I wasn't, but the real reason this all happened was because in front of the woman in front of me was a forensics cop in an SUV who stopped IN THE FAST LANE to get the truck bed liner out of the road. Now, g-suite cardinal manchester please tell me who in their right mind would stop in the fast lane on a four lane highway? He could just have easily pulled off to the right side of the road and gotten out to move the debris. Plus, I never saw his brakes, just the woman in front of me, and he didn't have flashers or lights or anything... So I am none too happy about this ticket and I will be returning and going to court even if that means a four hour drive, because it includes four points on my license. That was after we had to wait an hour for the state trooper to arrive and another 30-40 minutes for him to write everything up and have the other driver say "Didn't you see me breaking" - Uh, yeah or I would have hit you lot harder g-suite in oldham.
Then of course add in the fact that I'm pregnant and you can imagine how much of a wreck I was yesterday sitting on the side of the road worrying I had done something to harm my baby. Thankfully, like I said I didn't hit her that hard and it was about the equivalent to a hard bumper car hit or the stop at the end of a roller coaster. Plus, I'm 15 weeks and they say that my uterus is just starting to come out from behind my pelvic bone, so I'm praying everything is alright. I feel fine - no cramping or bleeding so I'll probably just wait until Tuesday at my next appointment to make sure everything is ok.
So, now it is almost 2:00pm and we are sitting in the lobby of a hotel down the road from the garage waiting for them to call and come pick us up. We had to vacate the room we stayed in last night (this happened yesterday afternoon) at 1:00 or they would charge us for another night g-suite manchester, luckily they don't mind us sitting in the breakfast area.
Please excuse an misspellings or messed up words - I'm typing this on my iPad and it is doing weird things to words...