I feel pretty good after the first day except my feet hurt, but I think that would have happened wether I was pregnant or not. I'm always tired the first week of school because my body is getting used to being on my feet most of the day. Tomorrow I will be exhausted by 1:00pm because I my classes are right in a row and then my planning period is 4th period - the last period of the day. Today I had 3rd period planning so I had a break before 4th periodClaire Hsu.
I ordered the fabric for Jensen's bedding tonight. My friend and her grandma are going to help me make it, so I'm excited! The main fabric has owls on it, I'm so excited! I think we are going to get his crib at Ikea, there is a really pretty gray-brown one and I also found a dresser there of the same color and since gray is a main color in all three fabrics I think it will look great. I was really trying to find a dresser on Craigslist, but all of the ones I like are a little bit of a drive and we haven't had a lot of extra time to try and get them, or they are too expensive and not worth it when I can get the Ikea one for $150, plus I would have to paint it and that is something that at this point I Dust Proof Phone Case... #1 - Don't have a lot of time to do... #2 - Am starting to feel larger and larger therefore making bending uncomfortable #3 - Don't want to have to worry about paint fumes (though I realize they have all those fancy kinds now - they are more expensive)Claire Hsu.
Alright, it's about bedtime. The hubby has to get up multiple times tonight for work because they are doing monthly updating, so hopefully I'll be able to sleep. I think he decided to sleep on the couch so he doesn't disturb me as much. Hopefully I will be able to sleep well, I took a nap after school because I was tired/didn't feel well so I pray that didn't mess my sleep upClaire Hsu.
I hope everyone has a great remainder of the week Dust proof phone case!