1.Caramel: 3/4 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
Combine sugar and water in medium saucepan, stir over heat without boiling until
sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil about 5 minutes until the mixture is golden brown. Pour into deep 20cm round cake pan and quickly coat base evenly.
2.Custard : 5 eggs
1/3 cup sugar (even that is too sweet, 1/4 cup will do)
2 cups milk
1/2 cup cream
2 tsp vanilla
Lightly whisk eggs, essence and sugar together in bowl. Combine milk and cream in pan. Bring to the boil, allow bubbles to subside from edge of the pan. Gradually whisk into egg mixture. Pour through a strainer.
Place pan in baking dish with enough boiling water to come half-say up side of pan. Bake in 325f (I use 180c with my home oven) 50 mins or until its set. Will set more on cooling. Remove from water, stand several hours to cool to room temperature b4 refrigerating.
My first creme caramel is a desrator, but I am glad it tastes phenomenon, even though the look is ugly. Part of the reason is Annie.. haha .. she didnt turn on the temperature for preheating, so there is no heat in the oven. anyway.. i will try next time and cut down the sugar