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2008-09-28 11:10:46


什麽? 许多人玩163後.... 很少弄pc me too 今天.......... 再一次弄pc 我回来...

2008-06-24 16:33:07


my new blog! www.kanejenny.blog.163.com because many people can’t use PC so l need to change blog!!! welcome to my news blog!! lf you want go pc just need to put a number on mypaper!! ...

2008-06-21 22:41:17


ada is gone we also feel sad back ada!! we miss you but we don’t want to miss you back!! come back

2008-06-10 16:29:18


oh!! l get a crazy hoilday every morning get up 6;00am or not sleep 6.7 6;00am get up 6:15am eat sth 6:30am clean my room 10:30am rest 12:30pm go out buy sth 1:30pm with fri...

2008-06-03 16:27:53


my life just need PS2....PSP.....MONEY....PHONE....FOOD...FRIEND.... ANYMORE?? family.....is a 麻烦....... oh......who can kill me... in my life just need go out everyday or don’t ...

2008-05-25 14:22:15


在那彗星撞击到我的心脏时!! 我看见恐怖..... 我绝种......... 悲哀.......蠢人..应该在我的身体...... 但是Jenny! 改变我..... 探索需要怎麽爱她!!! 关於另外的她们...... 有另外的他们的B...

2008-05-20 16:51:18


l like basketball last saturday.........l help ches to get more money!! so we get a all-star match!!! we lose but never mind.....because is a a game....but no next time!! and l like NBA......

2008-05-20 16:14:34
2008-05-20 16:12:01


today!!! l am back!! take over everything! and restart my life!! l feel tired!!but l don’t do anything!! why??somebody help!!! l hate to back school!! but someone need me!!and l ...

2008-05-18 22:48:23


我和jenny重一起!! 5.18 美好的一天!! 因为我知道我需要她!! 一切另外的"他们"...是过去 jenny是现在...... 抱歉.....malk and rose......我该放下你们....... 虽然你们是我的"特别受爱的人" ...

2008-05-18 14:11:46
2008-05-17 22:04:41


jenny like rose!!! why? because they all like book more then me! l don’t know why?? maybe book is better then me!!! crazy life !!! both are them are my baby.....before but now......

2008-05-13 16:51:46


l am single !!!! no GF...just have wife "basketball" 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 l am crazy now.......l am single!!!!! no one like me!! no one love me!! have an...

2008-05-13 16:43:00

what l feel ??

5.2 when l know rose have a new BF......... l feel ..sad!!! maybe just for one second... but l know the new BF is better then me !! so l feel happy ....... yeah ........l am crazy .....

2008-05-13 16:31:47

basketball club

haha l am the boss with "M"(m杰) we have many students "now know"(捞支)and "ming" (老味) is our teach "now know" teacher SF "Ming" teach SG (how to be a shooter) (just 3 point) ...

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