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2008-05-13 15:58:46

to jenny

baby....... why?? maybe you don’t love me.or you can’t accept my life but this is me!!! l can’t accept you also with friend .......just half hour at one day you can with me.........you...

2008-05-13 15:50:50

broken up

yes !!!you are right! l brokrn up with jenny!! she daid it !!!! maybe is my fauls!! but isn’t important!! because she just like me !!! not love me!!just one month!! ha.............

2008-04-29 15:51:26

King kong

我的名字叫King kong!! 因为我打波 诶............... 现在我的头发也.......... but is okay la!! l feel also handsome.........(don’t fight with me) ada!!!我的不是飛盤!!!!!!!111 幹...

2008-04-26 23:46:37



2008-04-22 16:22:42


昨天不用上课! ! 今天中5才回来 上了2节课then又上了2节电脑!! 又可以放学了!! 我剪头发了!!阿达.....说我比pie apple好看!!干.....什么!! 屎ada.........台妹 明明就good.......是你的头发不...

2008-04-15 15:53:29


haha..........Ada .......had hair cut ....like a stupid girl.....bad but also have so guy love Ada.....but l can’t said......Ada.......... come on ......lf you wanna know ......haha...ask me .....l ...

2008-04-08 16:31:35


Ada........fuck!!!a silly girl........why l will meet ada???why??? she know about my sceret.....sht......and know many......but l believe ada.....l know ....she will keep my sceret......right?ADA?......

2008-04-08 16:03:16

gi ve up

l give up .............l must forget.....right Ada??come on you must give up too!!like gabey..........he is give up too......have any one want to give up??

2008-04-05 03:20:02


我可以打中文啦!! 真happy!不得了...真难!! 我的中文TCL(太差了)!! 陈敏你害的.你没有教我......他妈的!

2008-04-05 03:01:49


我的女朋友jenny是一个”梅女”!! 他很可爱! 是一个小女孩! 我发现我喜欢上了他! 不知道为什么!很奇怪!短短的几天! 几次的电话会议........发现问题......不解之缘!!! 我可以很久很久.......

2008-04-01 15:55:38

what the fuck

my GF jenny make me so helpless...........because she also get with her friend!!!!god!!why??someone help me!!

2008-03-29 21:18:27


jenny !!! she is so Q and silly!!on my birthday she be my GF!!<amzing> she is a little girl !!many people said l will play jenny!!but l am really love she!! l don't know why??...

2008-03-26 13:28:28


3.26 is my birthday happy!!!have many friend said happy birday to me ! thx to my classmate and my friend!! l eat two cake .....thx avis and lam!! thx and love you! the last thing..l get GF............

2008-03-22 12:15:00


haha!! here is a letter for you ! I think a lot of things today . At this moment , my job is study hard !! I don’t have another time to think some thing like love My friends are...

2008-03-18 15:56:37


my birthday is coming soon maybe have many friend will give me present!but l want to get you !!do you know who is you???3.26 my birthday!!maybe l can ......maybe l can’t!but l hope l can get you on ...

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