Energy能量飲品補給適用 增強體力/精神旺盛/健康維持 全成分: 難消化糊精(Fibersol -2)、綜合胺基酸(L-牛磺酸、L-離胺酸、L-精胺酸、L-麩醯胺酸、L-甘胺酸、L-酪胺酸、L-白胺酸、L-異白胺酸、L-纈胺酸)、蘋果酸、瓜拿那萃取物、綠茶萃取物、人蔘萃取物、馬卡萃取物、巴西莓萃取物、溫州蜜柑萃取物、柳橙萃取物、蘆薈濃縮物、麥芽糖、果糖、天然香料、天然色素。 容 量:9.3公克 × 30包/盒 建議用量及使用方式: 1.一般補給:每日一~兩次,每次一包加入240毫升冷開水,混合均勻即可飲用,多食無益。 2.溫和補給:每日一~兩次,每次半包加入120毫升冷開水,混合均勻即可飲用,多食無益。 保存方式: 1.避免日光直射及高溫多濕的環境,請置於陰涼乾燥處。 2.粉包開封後應於一日內盡速食用完畢,以確保品質安全。 注意事項: - 請勿讓孩童自行取用。
- 如正值服用藥物,請先洽詢醫師或藥師後再行食用。
- 18歲以下及哺婦或身體不適者不建議食用。
- 每日食用量不可超過2包。
- 請勿與酒精類飲料併用。
- 產品含蘆薈濃縮成份,孕婦忌食。

bHIP Energy Blend
Where do YOU get your ENERGY?
- Soft Drinks Full of Sugar?
- Coffee or Tea Loaded with Caffeine?
- Energy Drinks produced with Synthetic Chemicals?
- High Calorie Snacks?
bHIP Energy helps YOU get Energy in a Natural Way!
Did You Know?
Over 31% of U.S. teenagers say they drink energy drinks. Energy drinks are the number 1 purchase at the Army & Air Force Exchange Service Stores in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Several of these brands are much larger than 8 oz and contain as much as 4 times what is in a normal cup of coffee or normal soft drink. When you see caffeine listed on the label of an energy drink, it is because it contains synthetic caffeine.
If you're seeking a convenient all natural method to enhance energy, performance, vitality, and mental clarity - bHIP Energy is your answer. Truly "A New Breed of Energy"
bHIP's proprietary energy formula consists of ingredients backed by over 2,000 years of medical research. bHIP's Scientific Formulators are proud of being a category creator by delivering a Healthy "herbal clean energy" to the beverage industry. bHIP Energy has created a new dynamic for all of the sports drink and energy drink categories.
If you're serious about taking your energy to the next level - bHIP Energy delivers the nutrients you need in a delicious, fast acting, long lasting formula that's convenient to carry - anywhere . . . Just mix 1 packet with 8 ounces of water, shake, and enjoy!
Compare the Top 4 Selling Brands Worldwide with bHIP Energy:
It is good all the time.
bHIP Energy
(A New Breed of Energy . . . 'Herbal Clean Energy')
The bHIP Energy Drink is a revolutionary drink! With the energy drink market eclipsing $100 billion per year and growing, and EVERY major bottling company from Coca-Cola to Pepsi Co. jockeying for position, we saw a niche. The industry is getting ready to go through a major transition . . . the HEALTHY transition. As consumers are becoming more educated about the side-effects of certain ingredients mixed together in energy drinks, we have created the first truly healthy energy drink. And it is called . . . bHIP Energy! An energy drink that feeds the body and you feel it in minutes!! The magic is in the proprietary Herbal Clean Energy Formula.
Energy Drink Comparison:
Compare the Top 5 selling brands worldwide with bHIP Energy brand! |
Red Bull | Monster | Rock Star | Full Throttle | No Fear | bHIP Energy |
Based on 8 fl oz Calories 110 Carbs 28g Sugars 27g Sodium 290mg Caffeine 80mgs Artificial Flavors | Based on 8 fl oz
Calories 100 Carbs 27g Sugars 27g Sodium 180mg Caffeine 72mg Artificial Flavors | Based on 8 fl oz
Calories 110 Carbs 29g Sugars 27g Sodium 35mg Caffeine 75mg Artificial Flavors | Based on 8 fl oz
Calories 100 Carbs 28g Sugars 29g Sodium 70mg Caffeine 72mg Artificial Flavors | Based on 8 fl oz Calories 130 Carbs 36g Sugars 36g Sodium 115mg Caffeine 75mg Artificial Flavors | Mixed with 8 to 10 oz of water Calories 24 Carbs 6g Sugars 2g Sodium 10 mg Guarana All Natural Flavors / Ingredients Herbal Formula |
Several of these brands are much larger than 8 oz and contain as much as 4 times what is in a normal cup of coffee or normal soft drink. When you see caffeine listed on the label of an energy drink, it is because it contains synthetic caffeine or caffeine anhydrous.
bHIP Energy is made of fruit extracts, vitamins & minerals that work at the cellular level. Guarana is one of several energy producing ingredients & contains a substance known as theobromine, which is similar in chemical composition to the molecules found in chocolate. This is a naturally occurring caffeine & gives a very nice, level, non-jittery energy. bHIP Energy is a natural formula that works faster, lasts longer, and is healthier for you! |
bHIP Energy contains the highest quality ingredients known in the industry. It also has the most unique proprietary blend ever created! Industry experts say we have the first ever ‘herbal clean energy’ drink. bHIP Energy drink is truly a category creator in the beverage industry. “A New Breed of Energy”
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a qualified health care practitioner before consuming or applying any substance for medical purposes.