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NONI GIA 諾麗能量果粉

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 NONI GIA  諾麗能量果粉


Noni Gia 諾麗果汁粉末

「GIA」為西班牙文「能量」之意,「Noni Gia 諾麗果汁」主要採用西薩摩亞群島原產天然諾麗果、鳳梨及葡萄果實,在當地保鮮萃製而成。含天然礦物質、維他命等身體必需的營養成份,提供全身豐沛營養泉源,增強體能,活力充沛。

Noni GIA諾麗粉以有機諾麗果製成,獨立包裝,輕巧方便。

諾麗果稱為南太平洋群島的「聖果」,Noni GIA諾麗粉採用的諾麗果生長於西薩摩亞群島上的原始熱帶森林區。西薩摩亞群島距離各大陸遙遠,不受污染,天然肥沃的火山土壤蘊含豐富的礦物質,島上清澈純淨的水源和清新的熱帶空氣,培育出世上最優質的諾麗果,是當地居民經常用來保健的食物,尤其是小孩與孕婦的營養補充來源,並廣泛作為醫療用途,已超過千年以上歷史,當地人視為這是上天賜給他們最好的禮物。「諾麗聖果」的生命力充分表現在「Noni Gia 諾麗果汁」;大溪地嚴選諾麗果實,搭配天然水果,營養豐沃兼具可口美味,蘊含綿延不斷、蓄勢待發的驚人力量。

Noni Gia 諾麗果汁粉末補給適用


容    量:5.5公克 × 30包/盒




    • 請勿讓孩童自行取用。
    • 孕婦和病患或正值服用藥物者,請先洽詢醫師或藥師後再行食用。
    • 10歲以下兒童不建議使用;10歲以上青少年用量減半。



Noni Gia 

Are YOU Tired and Feel at the Mercy of the Flu, Colds and Germs?

How do YOU Protect Your Family?

  • Expensive Mediations!
  • Stay At Home! Miss Work!
  • High Calorie Snacks?

Noni Gia helps YOU Build a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM to protect YOUR FAMILY throughout the Cold and Flu Season!

Noni GIA is an exciting product from bHIP Global that is a blend of powdered noni juice, pineapple juice and grape juice. The word Gia comes from the word "Energia" which means "Energy" in Spanish. Noni GIA supports your immune system by delivering a remarkable supply of antioxidants to help rid the body of harmful free radicals. It increases both energy and physical performance.

Noni GIA is an organic powdered product that is conveniently available in sachet format.

Temperatures in Samoa range from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius year round, guaranteeing good harvests. Samoa is far from the corrupting influences of global pollution. The water is fresh and pure, the winds blow clean air and the soil is rich from tropical vegetation and the minerals of volcanic activity. This pristine land provides an ideal environment to grow the perfect noni fruit. Pacific Islanders have enjoyed the health benefits of noni fruit for over two thousand years. Without any sophisticated or advanced technologies, they have relied on the noni plant for many medicinal uses. The modern medical world has taken note of the many benefits of the noni plant.

Through centuries of use as a folk medicine, the noni plant has been linked but not limited to the following:
  • ► IMMUNE SYSTEM- Strengthens the immune system and builds resistance against disease.
  • ► BLOOD CIRCULATION, TISSUES, AND CELLS- Delivers powerful antioxidants which help to rid the body of harmful free radicals and to increase energy.
  • ► DIGESTIVE SYSTEM- Supports the natural function of the digestive system, improving nutrient absorption.
  • ► ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL- The presence of active compounds such as anthraquinones and terpenes helps the body to fight harmful bacteria and fungus.
  • ► SKIN AND HAIR Provides nutrients essential to skin health and delivers other beneficial substances to skin and hair.
  • ► OTHER USES Enhances mental clarity, increases concentration and maximizes performance.

>> Noni FAQS

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