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2009-06-18 16:11:27| 人氣615| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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While we are seeking rebirth in the Pure Land, we can also try to create a Pure Land on Earth.



How many people have watched An Inconvenient Truth?



It shows how our current human lifestyle is destroying the world – icecaps are melting and ocean will rise 20 feet and flood many highly populated areas – if we don’t change our lifestyle. This is certainly the Saha world and not the pure land.


Al Gore suggests 10 things you can do to stop global warming (地球暖化) and reduce CO2 emissions 二氧化碳:


Change a light           Drive less         Recycle more            Check your tires

Use less hot water     Avoid products with a lot of packaging                Adjust your thermostat

Plant a tree              Turn off electronic devices










But actually, CO2 emissions are not the main cause of global warming. Many other greenhouse gases trap heat far more powerfully, the most important is methane甲烷, which is 21 times more powerful than CO2. The number one source of methane worldwide is animal agriculture, which produces 100 million tons of methane per year, and rising because global meat consumption has increased fivefold in the past 50 years. Conclusion: The best way to reduce global warming in our lifetimes is to reduce or eliminate consumption of animal products by becoming vegetarian or vegan.



How can a Buddhist philosophy help bring about a change in thinking and lifestyle towards the earth?



Whereas the Western Christian attitude was that man dominates nature and nature exists to serve man’s purposes, the Buddha taught that human beings have also reincarnated in other (e.g. animal) forms, and that we should respect all forms of life because they have the potential to become enlightened. Moreover, all living things are fundamentally interconnected, and to harm any living thing, not to mention an entire ecosystem, is to harm oneself.



The moral precepts of Buddhism can be applied to ecological circumstances, e.g.:


Killing: To release toxins into the air, water, or land is to kill living beings slowly.



Stealing: To cut down forests or to develop pristine regions is to rob many living beings of their homes and lives.


Lust: To excavate and consume giant quantities of oil, coal and other minerals and resources, is to rob the earth of its treasures, which have been developed over millennia and could be used sustainably to support many more generations into the future. The scars left on the land from mining are comparable to scars left from violence done to a human being with a knife. Some have called the recent bill to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil drilling the “Rape the Earth” bill.


Lying: Some politicians, supported by special interest groups or big business that wish to exploit nature, will fabricate lies or ignore the truth of environmental devastation as they pass bills allowing environmental standards to be waived, weakened, or violated. This amounts to lying and cheating the earth.


Intoxicants: The toxins poured into lakes, streams, and the groundwater could be considered intoxicants that actually kill living beings, and injure ecological health.


The Venerable Master compared the earth to a human body, with streams as its blood veins, vegetation as its hair, geothermal energy as body heat, and earthquakes and other natural disasters as symptoms of illness. If people regard the earth as a living being or system, they will certainly treat it with respect and avoid activities that harm it.


As more people adopt a Buddhist value system and approach to life, they will avoid the above actions and not seek to find ways to extract nature’s resources to gain profit. Instead, they will live simply and in harmony with nature and all living beings. In order to protect ecosystems, they will prefer local community-based economies using locally produced food and resources.



As such, CTTB is like a Pure Land in that we have a wild, natural, organic farm that not only grows organic food but also supports wildlife, we do not need to drive on campus, we try to reuse and recycle nearly everything. Most important, everyone here is trying to purify their own mind.

Here I’d like to share some stories about animals that cultivate – to drive home the point that all beings have the Buddha nature.


台長: Jin Jue Shr
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