有一些聲音在我的胸懷 峰迴路轉如此糾纏
一天又一天 一年又一年 不知道何時才能向你說句話
越過千山萬水 已忘記疲倦的我 向晚的城市夜色未淹沒
你用你的一切 等待我的漂泊 我用我的漂泊 等待你的一切
你用你的一切 等待我的漂泊 我用我的漂泊 等待你的一切
紛紛細雨 飄落不停 悠長的夢在每一個夜已無法平息
轉瞬間那一幕已盡在眼前 無法停止 千萬凝聚的思緒
不願阻擋那沾滿了雙眼的淚水 不願時間成為那思念的距離
不能忘記那份依依遙遠的消息 在遠方一次又一次的喚起
你的眼睛 你的聲音 你的一切 在我的心理已化做言語
揮不去那往事 也揮不去記憶 滿懷激情 總要向你飛奔而去
李恕權:Take me there
1980年時單曲"Take Me There"一舉打進Billboard雜誌排行榜「當週最佳單曲」。
當年度即被提名「葛來美獎」之「最佳新人獎」, 為葛來美獎史上唯一曾被提名
You came into my lif
took away the lonliness forever
you brought happiness that I see
Now that I found you and know it
the meaning of loving
With you I'll reach a mountain top
a place where blue horizons never stop
They say rainbows always end there
Now that I found you and I know it
the meaning of loving
Take me there to where you are
the bird of love will fly with us
and maybe we can touch a star
oooh, Take me there to where you are
we'll see the world through lovers eyes
and gather moments in a jar
You have come from paradise
to fill the emptiness I've longed for
imagin the fantasy I am feeling
Now that I found you and I know it
the feeling of loving
Take me there to where you are
the bird of love will fly with us
and maybe we can touch a star
oooh, Take me there to where you are
we'll see the world through lovers eyes
and gather moments in a jar
Lately, you've been on my mind
Baby, I thought I'd never find
A women who could be my friend
you taught me how to live again
and lately upu've been on my mind
Lately, my sjies are all blue
lately, I'm feeling something new
just can't tell you how good it's been
never thought I'd learn to laugh again
and lately, I just want to be with you
I just want to be with you
You're more than a friend
more than a lover
you taught me how to be free
I'm thinking lately of asking you babe,
to spend your whole life loving me…
Lately, rain's gone away
Babe, the sun's gona stay
now I know where I'm going to
you give me strength to see it through
and lately, I'm just so in love with you…
李恕權:Paradise is you
There was a time
when I lived in a doubtful state of mind
clouds covered me
I was sure there was nothing left to see
OO, oo what will become of me
chasing rainbows
chasing dreams
oo, oo sometimes it's hard to find
the heaven in your mind
Since then I've learned
what you give out, is all you get in return
much as I know
I can still tell I've got a long way to go
oo, oo what will become of me
chasing rainbows
chasing dreams
oo, oo, sometimes It's hard to find
the heaven in your mind
But I can tell you there's one thing for sure
I can say about my life. my love
I've found my paradise is you
I clearly see
what a difference your love has made in me
I've come to know
love that you've put inside me's bound to grow
oo, oo what will become of me
chasing rainbows
chasing dreams
oo, oo, sometimes It's hard to find
the heaven in your mind
But I can tell you there's one thing for sure
I can say about my life. my love
I've found my paradise is you
給你 給你 給你 我已經沒有 還要我再再再給你
對你 對你 對你 無法再忍受 還要我再再再等你
什麼事都急 快要停止呼吸 不要再催促 求求你
太多的事情 快要冷我窒息 再多的氧氣 也來不及
幫我一個忙 鬆鬆我的心情 只要你充許 謝謝你
奇怪的眼神 扯動每根神經 像是一場夢 也分不清
給你 給你 給你 我已經沒有 還要我再再再給你
對你 對你 對你 無法再忍受 還要我再再再等你
走過中山北路 走過一排落寞的楓樹
你說楓樹像我們的愛 經得起刺骨的寒冬
走過忠孝東路 走過一路無語的紅磚
你說紅磚像紅毯 帶我們走向未來的路
如今楓葉已經枯萎 你的人也離開台北
而那紅磚的顏色像那紅毯沒有改變 你的誓言一句句 在風中破碎
微風吹動妳的髮稍就像風的線條 總是在我的眼裡顫動
微笑掛在妳的嘴角盪漾我的情懷 總是叫我無法言語
每次都想呼喊妳的名字 告訴妳心中的話
面對面看著妳的眼睛 不再追尋妳的背影
每次都想呼喊妳的名字 告訴妳心中的話
面對面看著妳的眼睛 不再追尋風的線條
偶然在街上遇見妳 是那麼迷人的模樣
看妳從眼前走過 我卻看不見妳令我懷念的髮稍
我喜歡你 跳舞的樣子卻抓不住 你的節拍
啊………你自自在在搖呀搖呀 搖
我喜歡你 唱歌的樣子 是你的歌聲 太令人迷惑
唔………你輕輕快快擺呀擺呀 擺
還喜歡你 抓不住你的微笑 飛揚在你臉龐
還有你溫柔眼睛 毫不留情 敲打著我的心
每一次 我見到了你 世界只剩下我和你
只剩下一種奇妙的感覺 喜歡你
招一招手 對於我們握握手 點一點頭 嘿 感覺已好熟
跟我靠近 讓你我沒有距離 我的旋律要請你來聆聽
眨一眨眼你明白 甩一甩頭我不說
如果全世界都下雨 如果你的心情被淋濕
別忘赤子的心情 讓他溫暖我們的笑意
為什麼你看不見陽光 當我覺得今天天氣真好
別告訴我要承受冷漠 這世界會變的更老更醜
別沉默回答我 為何你還有憂愁
如果全世界都下雨 如果你的心情也淋濕
別忘赤子的心情 讓他溫暖我們的笑意
李恕權:Heart in the wind
Clickety clack, I'm going back
Back to my home, sweet home
I hope you still care
Back to my roots
Wore out my boots
Chasin' the dreams I thought would
Take me somewhere
Heart in the wind
Straight home like an arrow
Baby, I'm so sorry
I put you on the shelf
I had to find myself-
Thinkin' of you
All we've been through
It's gonna seem a little
Strange for a while
My eyes are red
I miss our bed
Feelin alone when no one
Knows you by name
Heart in the wind
Straight home like an arrow
Baby, I'm so sorry
I just had to go
OOH, heart in the wind tonight
Eagle on a homeward flight
Clip my wings I'm here to stay
Lock this drifter's soul away
OOH, heart in the wind tonight
Don't turn out the bedroom light
Right back where I started from
You will see a change has come
-Heart in the wind
Up 'round the bend, close to the end
Takes you so long to go
the very last mile
Town after town
Day after day
Station to station
Soon they all look the same
深夜裡 斗室中孤燈伴著我 回首凝視 你已入夢的神情
讓我深深的充滿感謝 在我生命中 當朋友們 都離我遠去
只有你 只有你 仍在我身旁
句句的言詞 段段的話語 無法完全表達 我心中的情懷
句句的言詞 段段的話語 總是盤旋在心底就像翻騰的海浪
心中想說的話 就是給你的一封信
寧靜中 回想起那幕幕美景 字字句句 不知如何寫下告訴你
只想把心中的話 流入歌中 輕輕的唱給你聽
多少次 總希望轉過頭 就能 就能一把抱住你