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2007-05-30 22:31:54| 人氣41| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thank you , my Lord !

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I was quite upset and worried last few days .
What am I worried about ?It’s my marriage .
How poor we are ! I just couldn’t stop worrying even though I know worry doesn’t make things become better or worse .
I called Qingcui last night . She comforted me . She said my dear sister , stop worrrying. No matter the guy is the right one for you or not , worry doesn’t make any sense . And , it surely is a waste of time . So why not spend time to really prepare yourself to be a nice woman , who cares for others and serves other without asking for return . Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand has done!
She is so sincere !
Right after I talked to her on the phone last night , I turned back to God again. I was indulged in His gracious love .
Today is a much better day ! Thank you , Qingcui! Thank you , my Lord!

台長: Janae
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Don`t worry! Be happy!
2007-06-04 13:38:42
2007-06-18 21:27:04
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