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2007-09-16 22:56:30| 人氣38| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

my weekend ,complicated feeling

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This is the third week of the new term.
Well ,i got to know that my bother is going to be engaged soon .Then he will get married in 2009. We feel quite happy for him. But again ,like the days when my elder sister got married,i feel he doesn’t not belong to us anymore. And ,you know, it’s hard for me again. Just like you have lost somebody . Well, maybe someday in the future , when i get married ,they might feel the same thing .
I had a good Sunday moring service .I just know we receive the gifts from God to serve others ,but not to lift up ourselves and look down upon others .Based on the love towards God and having a heart to satisfy brothers and sisters’ needs, we ask for various gifts which are given by God’s will only .Love is essential .God’s words are so wonderful when they are understood by us.
Well, hope in the new week ,i can go to bed earlier than last two weeks.

台長: Janae
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