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運動才是王道 Movement is king

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自從 48 歲開始至今,我已經很有規律的連續運動了兩年 ( 2009 6/1~ 2011 9/24 with TRIKKE T6 、T8 and FLIKER 5 ) 從此養成了習慣,也因此減輕了體重,臉型變帥而且更有精神。

現在,每天工作結束後返家,只要不下雨地面乾燥,我必定到河濱運動半小時才回家吃晚餐。如果因為工作必須加班或天候惡劣無法運動,就覺得很難過 ( 還好家中有健身房器材 ) ,運動已經成為我生命中極重要的元素。





Since the 48-year-old and since then I have very regular continuous exercise for two years (2009 6 / 1 ~ 2011 9 / 24 with TRIKKE T6, T8 and FLIKER 5) since developed a habit, and thus reducing the weight, handsome face change and more spiritual.
Now, returning home after work every day, as long as it does not rain the ground was dry, I will campaign to Riverside home half an hour before dinner. If you have to work overtime because of work or bad weather can not exercise, I felt very sad (Fortunately, there are gym equipment at home), my life movement has become a very important element.




運動很有趣 。運動讓身體自然產生快樂 。運動也可以很容易
不必每步推 、無需全身甩 ,只是扭扭肥腰 、搖搖胖屁股 ,速度快慢自如又可輕鬆甩尾 !運動真的可以這麼簡單






Movement is very interesting. Movement so that the body naturally produces happiness. Movement can also be very easy!
Do not have to push each step, no body rejection, but shilly-fat waist, shook his fat ass, speed, speed can be easily drift freely! Movement really so simple!




TRIKKE不必推 不必踩 就是搖滾您的身體 協調肌理 體態自然輕盈。


Do not step on that rock does not have to push your body to coordinate the body natural light texture.


台長: Trikke Ray
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全站分類: 健康樂活(醫學、養生、減重)

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