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2006-07-01 20:05:11

the final exam

tired....tired.....tired..!!!! Fortunately,I finished all the exam after all.!! althought maybe I have serval subjects to makeup.. but.,never mind!! cause I have a total of two months’ vacation...

2006-06-25 11:09:34

A nice day..

Yesterday was really a nice day.!! The sun was big and shining.~ And,,Ending and I went out to find some fun. at first, we supposed to go to the KFC to do homework.. when we entered the KFC..sat...

2006-06-24 12:39:57

David Beckham

oh my god.. how can a man be so handsome.? how can a father be so kind.? how can a football player be so heroism? oh my dear~~~ look at the foto.. he is sucking the milk bottle.!! so cute...

2006-06-18 01:01:45


Tonight,.I went to Jusco with my mom.. originally,we wanted to bought a cake for father,. and we wanted to buy something in Watson’s,. but,.we first went to Jusco,. and I bought a shirt in BOSSIN...

2006-06-18 00:27:30


Tonight,.I went to Jusco with my mom.. originally,we wanted to bought a cake for father,. and we wanted to buy something in Watson’s,. but,.we first went to Jusco,. and I bought a shirt in BOSSIN...

2006-06-16 21:11:05

To Junior Three

To..Bobo,Vin.,Billion,.Gaygay,.the Twins,.丽雅,.洵洵.. and so many Honging Middle School’s students.. Fighting.!! You’re all representing HL,.. and you will continue our great Junior Three.! ...

2006-06-13 14:41:52

Don’t worry

Hah.. I found., jealousness is a good thing.! really a good thing.! Second,Lulu has her Cocacola’s story.. and I have my Yakult’s story.,too.! Although my story was not as good as hers, ...

2006-06-13 14:26:35

copy from Ending’s

............................... 原來有的人是有唔聲唔嚇你一驚的超能力的!! 當我看到【最后一篇中文日记】時 我的第一反應是原來中文被禁了!! 然後我發現以後我們看親愛的Bossi的爆台時 要抱本大字典最...

2006-06-08 23:14:57


不要拦着我!我主意已决! 因为我很快很快很快就要活在一个完全英文沟通的世界了. 其实也没有那么快啦, 大概2,3年以后吧. 我已经决定了.我要出去!! 一定要出去,不要拦着我! 澳大利亚,或者加拿大,...

2006-06-08 19:55:44


在何晶的space里面见到的.. 复制来玩玩,..嘻嘻..她不会介意的.. 1.最近最想做的事: 放假,睡觉. 2.最近常想的人: 没有固定的”常”想.. 3.对自己最想说的话: 要继续努力啊... 4.记忆中做过最疯狂的...

2006-06-07 22:29:03


今天被陈征和郑俊杰抓去看海神号了. 入场前的一分钟我才从陈征口里得知这部戏是讲什么的。! 哈哈..有严重被拐卖的倾向. 不过基本上都挺好看的. 只不过有些地方很惊险..呃..挺吓人的.. 建议大家去看最好带一个大...

2006-06-05 23:26:56


哈哈..好喜欢我们班....的电脑.!!! 我们班的电脑跟一个智能电影院似的.~ 每天都有电影看..~好可爱.!! 我们的电影包罗万象.. 旧的..有《辣妈辣妹》《啊甘正传》《海上钢琴师》《罗马假日》 新的..也有《霍元...

2006-05-28 15:25:30

It’s OK

好难受啊。.一呆就是八天.. 虽说可以换来5天的假期. 但是我真的不想在学校呆8天.. 呆8天..意味着在学校洗7次澡,睡9晚. 吃24顿饭,上56堂课.. 这什么日子嘛... 今天去初中部开会,要穿夏制服.. 翻出早已经被...

2006-05-23 14:53:26


最近好多人看。, 每个人的爆台都有写 “昨天去看达芬奇密码”、 “今天去看达芬奇密码” 还有,我在电影院里面研究了好久, 盯着屏幕想呀想. 终于发现原来女主角是奥黛丽。 就是《漫长的婚约》里面的女主角...

2006-05-21 10:57:37


Dear Lu.. 嘿..你们两个真的很不寻常哦.!! 但看他的相册..就已经有不妥.. 他专门为你开了一个栏目.? 还有没有看到他写的东西.? [我喜欢看你笑].. 拜托..这是什么暧昧的话.. 还有你的爆台呀..弄...

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