24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2006-06-18 00:27:30| 人氣77| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Tonight,.I went to Jusco with my mom..
originally,we wanted to bought a cake for father,.
and we wanted to buy something in Watson’s,.
but,.we first went to Jusco,.
and I bought a shirt in BOSSINI...
Hah..so satisfied....
and I see a shop..LEE..
I wanted to buy a jean!!!
but when I saw the price,.
I give up....It costs 700RMB..
I’d rather to buy a Levi’s..
and then we went into a shop .,
I forgot the name of the shop,.
but clothes in the shop were pretty good,.
I’m lovin it.!
I chose a clothes,.I like it very much.!!
But it didn’t fit me...I need to wear size L..~!!
hurt me badly..~~
and then,I insisted to go to the supermarket,.
mom give in.!!!Hah..I win..
and we bought lots of things to eat,!!
(actutlly,.most of them belongs to me..)
and..the most important thing is..~~
I bought a box of chocolate for Prince..
because I like the packing..so beautiful..
(just the foto you can see.~~)

When we paid the things and walked out the supermarket,
we found it was 9:30p.m..!!
OH MY GOD..~so what it’s called
"Women will forget times when they are shopping"..
so..mom decided not to go to the Watson’s..
and then,we went to Croissants de France to take the cake..!
so delicious~~~

the cake.~~~~~~~~~~~
made in Croissants de France
Happy Father’s Day..!!!!

台長: 「.bǒss.&!
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