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2002-08-05 10:09:20


今天同一位朋友談起有關人像照的優劣問題。 起因是個人比較偏愛拍攝自然不造作的人像照片,尤以能夠表現被攝者個性為目的。也就是說一些離優雅甚遠的形象,也是會被納入考量的。但是友人便反駁我說:「照相就是要...

2002-08-03 01:10:41


最近買了一片叫做「媒體先鋒」(The paper)的vcd,其內容大致上在描寫報社緊張匆忙的一天。不論是在媒體的道德、頭條的選定、人事的鬥爭,它都血淋淋地表現出來。 而其中我想要拿出來跟大家討論的是身為媒體記者的...

2002-07-31 00:06:17


居高臨下,頗有大將之風。 2002/2 台北

2002-07-30 00:11:03

A note of “Images of workers”

Last weekend, I went to visit the photography exhibition “Vanishing leagues”, by Chou Ching-Hui(周慶輝). In the Taipei Fine Art Museum, photos can be seen in a spacious vacancy. Enormous images make...

2002-07-29 01:38:42


開始工作以後,S君突然對以往的學生生活感到懷念。功課上只要及格就好(翹課也沒關係)、愛情上如膠似漆(因為選擇少嘛~)、經濟上家裡每個月固定的零用錢也都夠用(信用卡刷爆大人也會頂著)。 開始工作以後,S君認為以...

2002-07-26 02:38:23


這幾天下來,回到家與網路世界失聯的感覺逐漸淡去,失去沖浪的能力換來的竟是較為平靜、可以獨自冥想的空間。 伴隨蟲鳴、蛙叫、一盞小燈、遨遊在巴黎的憂鬱之中;沒有IE、沒有OUTLOOK、也沒有MSN。 就這樣逐漸失...

2002-07-23 22:16:51


使不上力 對於日益坐大的暗潮 即使擁有天神一般優雅的身軀 躍不出海平面 浮游生物恣意囓蝕你的眼、你的口、你的鼻 集體行動變成一場幻夢 暗懷鬼胎被各個擊破 吸一口趨近自由的空氣 丹田凝氣 再度潛入深...

2002-07-23 00:51:20


當時,老人高興地穿越堂奥,面對早已亡佚的年代,臉上不自覺地露出微笑。大家都想再回到豐衣足食的帝國裡,即便無法出聲CALL IN,也會被完全地給絢爛的榮華給吞噬,待在溫暖的、獸的胃裡。 老人走了出來,看了看天...

2002-07-20 01:38:21

Swirly associate

Last night I took a part in “Eslite Lesson”, about director and music. The lecturer is Lan-Tsu-Wei(藍祖蔚), who is Nine’s scathing boss. Actually, I wasn’t acquainted with Michael Nyman’s musi...

2002-07-19 00:42:15
2002-07-17 01:31:58


If you don’t know how wide the sky is .A narrow cage sometimes seems to be a warm nest. 2002/7 Taipei MRT Ching-An station

2002-07-16 02:01:28

Colorful fantasy

Balloons were dead. Hunter thrust arrows into pure skin. Beautiful blood spread over the ground. Forgotten memory recalled past glory. 2002/7 Taipei

2002-07-14 02:46:44

【Attempted storm】 About "Chance or Coincidences

“The heavier misforfune have been, the worthier of being experienced.” There is something between life and death .As we know ,unknown-fate always play joke on human .However ,how we face this...

2002-07-13 15:56:49

Love somebody

“Forever”is myth. It’s tough enough being a perfect couple in the world. Time is measurement. So cruel,so real… 2002/7 tamsui fisherman harbor

2002-07-11 02:17:55

Curiosity of green field

Searching something about insect… Mom told me that was dangerous and impure. Hmm!But I don’t care! Because I’m a earth-defended captain! 2002/6 taipei

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