Last night I took a part in “Eslite Lesson”, about director and music. The lecturer is Lan-Tsu-Wei(藍祖蔚), who is Nine’s scathing boss.
Actually, I wasn’t acquainted with Michael Nyman’s music. But after seeing “World Press Photo 2002” exhibition, the subject about “The piano(鋼琴師和她的情人)” attracted my attention. Because of curiosity, I bought the ticket.
M.N was known by his “Minimalism music style”. Without magnificent melody, routine, dull, and less-note style creating an imaginative space to audience. “Like swirl.” Said Lan.
By introducing the movie “Wonderland(奇異果夢遊仙境)”, one of Lan’s favorite movies. I was deeply impressed with the beauty of movie-music-matching. M.N made a sensitive situation about city’s alienation. I couldn’t stop my tears to associate loneliness with modern people between us.
Finally, Lan said, “There are three words between a director and a composer: invention, suggestion, and order.” It describes the hardness of the movie-making. Without this toughness, we can’t admire the treasure of movie art.
2001/10 Taipei