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2004-03-07 11:21:00

the wonder

have you ever been to a wedding, being a bridesmaid, maid of honor, usher, or best man, and seeing the wonderful couple getting married and was so happy for them, but still wonder why? the wedding ...

2004-03-07 10:57:00


It’s wondrous what a hug can do, A hug can cheer you when you’re blue. A hug can say, “I love you so,” or, “Gee! I hate to see you go.” A hug is, “Welcome back again!” and, “Great to s...

2004-03-07 10:39:00

Sky to Me – Who’s the Artist?

On the way back to my place, at the end of the day, I was glad that I am done with all my classes toady and can walk back as slow as possible. It was only a 2-3 minute walk from computer lab back t...

2004-03-07 10:38:00

Sky to Me

I was outside watering the plants. The sky looked so pretty. It had the clouds that looked like waves of the sea, only the background was sky blue and the waves were moving very slowly… I was stan...

2004-03-07 10:34:00


I just remembered a song in Chinese about friends… It just suddenly popped into my head and I started to sing it… Friends are the people who we share all our life with besides family. No one can ...

2004-03-07 10:27:00


Nightmare #1 Something terrible happened to my school, a lot of people died, so I went home on Friday that weekend and was going to return to my dorm on Sunday… Right before I left the house to...

2004-03-07 10:11:00

As the Snow - Friends Forever

He and she are good friends now. She is also friend with his girlfriend. Isn’t this the best ending? She thought. Even though it’s kinda sad for me, but I believe they are meant to be together.....

2004-03-07 10:07:16


一隻巨大的布偶熊 孤單地坐在陽光滿瀉的屋中 它是被主人遺棄的記憶 剎那間 它的表情變了 那充滿恨意的眼神 使得天空黯淡無光 屋中盡是報復的氣息 這是一間充滿仇恨的屋子 而裡面住著的那隻心被仇恨蒙蔽的...

2004-03-07 10:05:00


我看著你 你變了 三年前的我們 是那麼的單純 曾想 如果我們不曾分離 是否今天的你 也就不會如此的邪惡 卻又深植我心 發現了這個悲哀的事實 傷心的無法自己 我將如何忘記 完全不同的你 我知道 你不可能...

2004-03-07 10:04:00


我以為 我們之間 已無話題 也無任何的牽連了 沒想到 今天卻收到我們相識以來 你所送的第一束花 一大把鮮紅的玫瑰 在分離的那一天 這束花到底有什麼意義 就在我們結束了一切後 難道你還想再破鏡重圓 你非得將我...

2004-03-07 10:03:00


走在跑道上的我 接受著陽光的洗禮 竟感不到一絲一毫的暖意 仿若我走在 一個永遠黑暗的地方 陽光穿不過那無形的黑盒子 而我 就活在那黑暗窄小的世界中 沒有希望 沒有夢想 直到老死 -april 2002

2004-03-07 10:00:00

站在湖邊 看著水波蕩漾 心中升起了一片溫暖 而我被溫暖淹沒 站在崖邊 對著山谷大喊你的名字 讓回音充滿我的世界 被你的名字包圍 真好 在天上的你 是否也擁有同樣的感覺 雖然失去了你 但我還保有那份...

2004-03-07 09:58:56

In my little room

In my little room, I write down my feelings in words. In my little room, I feel very secure. In my little room, I reset my value of life. In my little room, I am getting ready to start. In...

2004-03-07 09:55:52

As the Snow

It’s snowing… Always love to see the snow falling… So pure and beautiful. It doesn’t last long… but people always remember… @~~~%~~~ It wasn’t too long ago, I saw him. It was my first d...

2004-03-07 09:46:45

The Abstraction

I was standing beside a lake Looking into the movement of the water My heart was filling up with warmth And I was covered up by it I was standing beside the cliff Yelling out your name Let the...

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