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2011-09-15 22:44:59| 人氣2,233| 回應6 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Fish Without Even Giving It A Thought(魚想也不想.英譯)

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The Fish Without Even Giving It A Thought

 Written by/Miao-Yi Tu  Translated by /Kris Chen

The variegatedcarp to me was strange, just as I might be to it.

It, however, caught my eye, in the night of Eastern Taiwan, by the tranquil lake at the resort hotel.  Variegated carpshere were not like fish but tourists, they observed travelers who came and went, just like the travelers who also observed them.  Thus they formed an interesting reciprocal relationship.

The variegated carp lived in a pond surrounded by flowers and grass.  In the middle, there was a strange pavilion which seemed to purposely let people experience the feeling of “being in the middle of water”.  A traveler stepped in the pavilion and suddenly realized he should have worn plastic slippers and found his feet allwet.  When he looked down, he found his lower legs immersed in water. Oh, in fact the floor of the pavilion was a little bit lower than the pond, the water nimbly flew into the floor, and nimbly soaked the traveler’sankles.  Come and sit down!  The crispy clear water washed away the tiredness of the traveler: starting from the legs, then the knees, then thes to mach, then the heart, then the nose and eyes.  When it reached the eyes, the traveler sitting in the pavilion had already fallen into his sweet dream.  Right by the tranquil water side, and beneath the starry sky.

Hey!  There were sticky animals moved around the legs, awakening the traveler softly. The traveler jumped up from the bench!  His glasses fell down under the table, he bent over to pick them up.  Wow!  There was a fish, a carp, a red one, abride-like fish.  So he was kissed by the bride-like fish on his legs in the dream a short while ago.  It seemed to be his legs’ pleasure.  Hey, the traveler smiled.  Another black carp also swam close and opened its mouth to pick at the sole of his foot.  The traveler got a bit annoyed and kicked it.  How strange.  They were both carp, why did people treat them so differently?  The traveler had a smile.  Nothing he could do about it.  The red carp was as glamorous and beautiful as a bride, while the black one was like Chang Fei.  How did it feel to be kissed by Chang Fei?  It was like beings neakily and force fully kissed.

The traveler sat back and fell into sleep, his feet lightly rubbing the fish.  The traveler and the fish, underneath the starry sky at night, were both nurtured by the relationship.

The night was late when the traveler woke up from his dream again.  This time, he looked down with a mood of winning the lottery.  Guess whathe was looking at?

It was not just one bride carp, or one Chang Fei carp, but ten basketball teams of bride and Chang Fei carp.  There were also white carp, and they all gathered around the traveler’s feet.  The traveler didn’t move his legs as these flocks of carp had fallen asleep. Were the carp dreaming of the traveler?  The traveler felt that there should be a personifiedim agination between human and fish. The traveler didn’t want to wake up the fish, he wanted to wait until they woke up naturally.  On the other hand, it was also that he greedily loved the romantic feeling of leaning side by side with the fish.  So he just let the fish sleep by his legs.

However,it was late at night, but the carp were still not woken.  The traveler moved his legs, thoughun willingly.  As soon as he moved his legs, the groups of carp immediately began to “splash” and scattered away.  The acts were so ingenious, it was as to nishing and impressive.

In the day time, the variegated carp in the pond were clearly seen.  The fish and the traveler returned to the diverse routes of the fish and the human.  The traveler knelt down by the pond to observe the fish.  He sprinkled a handful of feed, the fishgroup immediately swam closer, they all came to squeeze and grab, rushing and fighting for food, which was exactly the same with human beings.  The traveler couldn’t help but feeling hisheart grow cold.  He had always believed that the fish were just like the description in the children’s rhyme:“Little fish, little fish, swim in the water; swim here and swim there, how happy”.

The traveler put his legs back to the water. The Chang Fei carp came to kiss his legs. Fine, you may kiss my legs.  You and I both are striving  for life.

The camera stopped at the fish kiss.  In the view point of this traveler, the fish kissed him without even giving it athought.

              魚想也不想        妙沂















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