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祝你和心裡的可愛小男孩都有個美好的一天 :)


作詞/作曲:Bert Berns / Christopher Anthony Martin / Guy Berryman /

Jacob Collier / Jerry Ragovoy / Jonathan Buckland / William Champion


Cry, cry, cry, baby
Cry, cry, cry
In a book about the world
Called the luminous things
There are trees and flowers growing
While Jizo Bodhisattva sings
When you cry, cry, cry, baby
When you cry, cry, cry
When you cry, cry, cry, baby
I'll be by your side
Don't want us to hurt each other
Or cause each other pain
Don't want to feel what we don't know
We're in this together, baby
We're as singing is to rain
So I'll never, ever, ever let you go
When you cry, cry, cry, baby
When you cry, cry, cry
When you cry, cry, cry, baby
I'll be by your side
Woo, yeah
Woo, yeah

For your miracles outnumber
All the stars out in the sky

台長: 點水蜻蜓
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 【碎碎念】 |
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