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The Balvenie 12yo Signature Analysis

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主題: The Balvenie 12yo Signature Analysis

時間: 十一月八號 星期六 下午三點~五點

地點: Grand Hyatt Hotel 君悅飯店 3F Magpie

主講人: David Mair (Balvenie Global Brand Ambassador)

               Eric Huang (Taiwan Brand Ambassador)


此次百富品飲由其全球品牌大使David Mair利用傳統紙板方式介紹酒廠,並從新酒開始品飲. 第一次體驗到花香,花蜜及果味如此豐富而複雜的新酒,令人印象深刻! 接著是12yo Signature,也就是今天要品飲的主角,平衡易飲的一支酒,是由David Stewart以接下來的三支原酒精心勾兌出來的.可以感覺到1st fill sherry butt雖比例極少,但卻影響頗大.能夠以此方式解析Signature,著實十分有趣,同時也讓大家理解David Stewart的用心.如果有機會,我想大家都會想調出自己心目中理想的好酒吧!? 最後品飲由此次百富酒廠專為台灣市場裝瓶的1975 32yo作為結束,也是相當享受的一支酒,一場成功的品飲活動!



1. The Balvenie New Make

Distillery Date: 2008/7/10 Sample ID: 281007065 70.0% VAT3

C: water

N: sweet, white fruit,白糖霜,龍鬚糖, vanilla, honey, melon sweet

T: light, very sweet for tasting, rich fruit flavors, a little spicy

F: short, some alc impact, sweet white fruit, thin wood

B: N/A


2. The Balvenie 12yo Signature 40% OB

C: gold

22 N: vanilla, honey, fresh cream, then some toffee, slightly sherry, fresh and clean, sweet fruit, a little orange, apricot, quince

20 T: light, orange, rich toffee, a little ginger, some fresh cream, few complexes

20 F: short, clean, orange, toffee, short variant and week impact

21 B: good balanced! Especially for nosing. No stress, easy to drink


3. The Balvenie 1996 12yo 60.5% 1st-fill American Oak C#10334

Bourbon Barrel Refill

C: light yellow, near water

21 N: clean and fresh nutty, almond, a little vanilla, melon peer, fragrance, slightly grapefruit, liquorices

20 T: light, a little dry, high alc, vanilla, nutty, sweet fruit, few complexes

20 F: short, sweet fruit, liquorices, light and smooth

20 B: balanced! Classic bourbon


4. The Balvenie 1996 12yo 61.2% Re-fill American Oak C#9844

Bourbon Barrel 1st Fill

C: light amber

22 N: very sweet vanilla, honey cake, coconut, nutty, toffee, candy, then a little cinnamon, tangerine peer

21 T: light, dry, string impact, honey, orange, liquorices, toffee, very creamy, oil

21 F: medium, liquorices, toffee, honey, almond, coffee bean, good extension

20 B: balanced, but alc too much, dry, needs time to mature, quite interesting one


5. The Balvenie 1996 12yo 60.5% 1st-fill Spanish Oak C#4685

Sherry Butt 1st Fill

C: deep amber, red gold

21 N: deep sherry, raisin, a little caramel, fresh prune, w/ some wood cask

21 T: light->medium, dry, good impact in the middle of tongue, full of prune, light chocolate

20 F: short -> medium, prune, fresh sherry, a little candy, berries, good extension.

20 B: balanced for nosing, young and active, but not my type


6. The Balvenie 1975/208 32yo 47.3% OB C#15354 216Bts

Refill European Oak

C: light amber

23 N: deep and clean orange peer, tangerine, then heather, toffee, honey cake, melon peer, pineapple, green apple, very fruity

22 T: full, a little dry, tangerine, citrus, a little cinnamon, liquorices, banana

22 F: medium -> long, orange peer, citrus, green apple peer, honey, liquorices, white chocolate, round and rich at the end

23 B: good balanced complexes and tenderness. 相當細緻平衡,大家閨秀的一支酒



台長: Hertford
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