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全民英檢、 升大學7000字(中英對照) 5-4

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全民英檢、 升大學7000(中英對照)   5-4

By    Vincent


水槽                   tank

水壺、瓶               jug

水壩                   dam

水管工                 plumber

水池                   pool

水泥、接合劑           cement

水龍頭、插頭接點       faucet/tap

水槽、污水槽           sink 

水平                   level

水果                   fruit

水井                   well 

水族館、魚缸           aquarium


()沸騰               boil

水溝                   ditch

水平線                 horizontal

水晶                   crystal

水療                   sap

永恆的                 eternal

永久的                 permanent

永遠、永恆             eternity

永遠                   forever

氾濫                   overflow

汙染                   pollute

吸引人的               attractive

池塘                   pond

求知的、好奇的         curious

汽車                   car

汽油                   gasoline/gasolene/


汽船、輪船             steamer 

汽車                   automobile/auto

汽車旅館               motel

汽水                   soda

沙發椅                 sofa

沙沙作響               rustle

沙漠、荒地             desert

沙發、躺椅             couch

沙、砂                 sand

沈悶的                 tedious

沈靜                   silence

沈默的                 silent

沉沒、沉               sink

沉思                   meditate

沉思                   speculate

沉寂的、懶洋洋的       drowsy

沐浴                   bathe

沒有                   no

沒有阻礙的、開著的     open

沒有隔閡、平民作風     folklore

沒收                   confiscate

決定                   decide;resolve

決心                   determination;


決定、決斷力           decision

決定                   determine

決賽                   final

污染                   pollution

污染物的               pollutant

污穢的                 nasty

污染                   pollute

污痕、污漬             stain

污染                   contaminate

污漬                   blot

污漬                   smaear


沖洗、水淹             flush

沖擊                   batter

治療師                 therapist

泡沫、泡               bubble

泡沫                   foam

注視、凝視             stare

注意、專心             attention

注入                   inject

注視、尋找             look

注視、凝視             gaze

注視、凝視             contemplation

注意                   remark

注意、觀察             notice

注意力                 concentration

注入物                 injection

注意到、知道、覺察     aware

注意的、小心的         wary

法院                   court

法官、裁判             judge

法令                   prescription

法律                   law

法規                   enactment

法規                   rule

法案                   bill

河馬                   hippopotamus/hippo

河壩                   bank 

河流                   river

泥土                   clay

泥濘的                 muddy

泥土、塵埃             dirt

泥巴                   mud

治療                   cure

治療學家、物理治療家   therapist

治癒、復原             heal

治療                   theropy

治療                   treatment

治療法                 remedy

沮喪、憂鬱、藍調       blues

沼澤                   swamp

沿著                   along

沿著、靠著             alongside

波動                   ripple

油脂、獸脂             grease

油炸、炸、用油煎       fry 

洗手間、廁所           restroom

洗手間                 toilet

洗滌劑                 lotion

洗、洗滌               wash

洗衣()               laundry

洗髮精                 shampoo

洞、穴                 hole

洞察                   insight

洞、穴                 cavity

洞穴                   cave

沸騰的狀態             simmer  

活潑、敏捷             activity

活潑的                 lively

活潑的、輕快的         brisk

活動、行動             action

活的                   live

活著的                 alive 

活動、行動             action

活動                   movement

活動;戰役,選舉的運動 campaign

活力充沛的             active

洋娃娃                 doll

洪流、急流             torrent

洪水                   flood

浮動、淹沒             float

沾;浸                 dip

染料、染液             dye

染惡習                 infection

洋蔥                   onion

退潮                   ebb

流血、放血             bleed

流行的                 popular

流行的、時髦的         fashionable

流產、夭折             abortion

流傳很廣的、廣布的     widespread

流行的                 pop  /popular

流通的、現在           current

流出、循環             fiow

流行性感冒             flu

流亡                   exile

流氓                   rascal

流行的                 epidemic

流暢、善辯、流利       fluency

流質的、流體的         fluid

流暢的、無遲           fluent

流淚的                 runny

消費者                 consumer

消遣                   pastime

消失、不見             disappear

消防員/女消防員        fireman/firewoman

消失、消逝             vanish

消除、取消             undo

消除                   eliminate

消費、消費量           consumption

消費                   consume

消息                   message

浴室                   bath

酒館                   pub

酒醉、著迷             drunk

酒店、酒吧             saloon

酒店、酒館             tavern

酒精                   alcoholspirits

酒醉的                 alcoholic


派遣                   dispatch     

浮現                   emerge

浴室                   bathroom

浸、滲入               soak

海洛英                 heroin

海報                   poster

海豚                   dolphin 

海洋的                 marine

海岸線                 coastline

海灣                   bay

海峽、海腰             strait

海盜                   pirate

海洋                   ocean

海軍                   navy

海軍的                 naval

海軍上將               admiral

海綿                   sponge

海灘、海濱             beach

海岸                   coast

海、廣延               sea

海岸                   shore

海峽                   channel

海關                   customs

海鷗                   seagull

清潔劑                 detergent

清爽、提神之物         refreshment (s)

清涼的、清新的         cool

清潔工                 cleaner

清白、天真無邪         innocence

清晰的                 articulate

清潔、清掃             clearance

清楚的、明確的         crisp / crispy

清澈透明               clarity

清爽                   refreshment

清晰易懂的             coherent

清單                   inventory

清醒的                 sober

添加                   add

游泳                   swim

游擊隊員               guerrilla

深思的、思考的         thoughtful

深度、深淵             depth

深深打動、使感動       impress

深深的                 deep

深思                   muse

深愛                   adore

港彎、船泊場           harbor

液晶顯示器             LCD/liquid crystal


液體                   liquid

淺的、淺薄的           shallow

淨化                   purify

淑女                   lady

浪費                   waste

淹沒、使淹死           drown

港口                   port

浪漫的                 romantic

浪、波                 wave

淒涼的、暗淡的         bleak

淨化、弄清潔           cleanse

淨利                   net

涼鞋、便鞋             sandal

淘氣的                 mischievous

混合                   mingle

混合                   mix

混合物                 mixture

混雜                   blend

混亂                   confusion

減輕                   reduce

減到最小、輕視         minimize

減緩                   relieve

減少                   reduction

減低                   decrease

減掉                   minus               

減少                   lessen

減少                   diminish

減輕(焦慮  痛苦)       relief

減輕                   alleviate

準備                   prepare

準時的                 prompt 

準備                   equip

準備                   preparation

準備好的               ready

準時的                 punctual

渴望的                 eager

渴望                   long

渴望                   crave

湧上來的波             surf

湖泊                   lake

渡口、渡船             ferry

測定                   measurement

測量                   measure 

湯、肉汁               soup

湯、清湯               broth

滋養                   nourish

溫度計、寒暑表         thermometer

溫室                   greenhouse

溫和的                 tame

溫度、氣溫             temperature

溫和的、仁慈的         charitable

溫和的、上流的         gentle

溫和的                 mild

溫柔的                 tender

溫暖                   warmth

溫暖的                 warm

溫暖而舒適的           cozy

滑動、滑走             glide


滑溜的                 slippery

滑稽的、喜劇的         comic 

滑、滑入               slip

滑雪板                 ski

塗有油脂的、油膩的     greasy

滅亡                   perish

溝、渠                 trench

溝通                   communicate

溜溜球                 yoyo

溜冰鞋                 skate

溪谷、山谷             valley

淒涼的、暗淡的         bleak

落下之物(從空中)       shower

淵博的、博識的         knowledgeable

溶解                   solution

演說者                 speaker

演講者                 lecturer

演出                   performance

演說、地址             address

演化                   evolve

演奏                   play

演講                   speech

演講                   lecture

滾動                   roll

滲漏                   leak

漿糊、團               paste

漿果、莓               berry

滿足                   content 

滿足                   contentment 

滿足                   satisfaction

滿足的輕笑.輕輕地笑    chuckle

漢堡                   hamburger/burger

漁夫                   fisherman

漁業、水產業           fishery

澆、倒                 pour

漏洞                   loophole

漂流、飄流             drift

漂白、脫色             bleach

漂亮的                 pretty 

滴下                   drip

滴、點                 drop

滴答聲                 tick

漫步                   roam

漫遊                   wander

漫畫                   comic(s) 

漫長的                 lengthy

潰瘍                   ulcer

潛在的                 potential

潛行                   prowl

潛水艇                 submarine

潦草寫                 scrible

潮、潮汐               tide

潮濕的                 damp

潮濕的                 humid

潮濕的                 moist

潮濕的                 wet

激起                   provoke

激動的                 emotional

激烈的                 intense

激痛、諷刺             sting

潑掉、灑散             spill

濺起來                 splash

澄清、淨化             clarify

濕氣                   moisture

濕地、沼澤             bog

濕氣                   humidity

濕透的                 soggy

瀏覽、翻閱             skim;browse

澱粉                   starch

鴻溝                   gap

濃縮                   condense

瀑布                   waterfall

濫用、污蔑、虐待       abuse

灌木                   shrub

灑佈                   sprinkle

灣、海灣               gulf


火車                   train 

火爐、爐子             stove

火雞                   turkey

火山口                 crater

火山                   volcano

火炬                   torch

火箭                   rocket

火車頭                 locomotive

火光、火焰             blaze

火焰                   flame

火、點燃物火           fire

炒蛋                   scramble

灰燼                   ash

灰塵、灰               dust

灰色                   gray/grey

炸彈                   bomb

炸藥                   dynamite

烘乾機                 dryer

烘烤、愚弄             roast

烘、烤                 bake

烹調、煮               cook

烹調、烹飪             cuisine

烹調                   poach

烏龜                   tortoise

烏龜                   turtle

烏鴉                   crow 

烈的、激烈的           drastic

烈酒                   liquor

烤、焙、炙             broil

烤架、烤肉館           grill

烤肉                   barbecue

烤箱                   oven

為什麼、原因           why

為數眾多的             numerous

然後                   then

煞車                   brake

焦點、焦距             focus

焦油                   tar

焦慮不安               agitate

無恥的                 shameless

無數的                 countless;


無知的                 ignorant

無辜、無罪、純潔的     innocent

無知、不學無術         ignorance

無論如何、至少         anyhow

無論何處               wherever

無論如何               anyway

無論何時               whenever

無意中聽到             overhear

無意義的               vain

無處地                 nowhere

無憂無慮的             carefree

無限的                 infinite

無論如何               however

無人                   nobody

聊的、可厭的無         tiresome

能、無力               disability

無線電傳真             fax

無線電、收音機         radio

無尾熊                 koala

無一、無一人           none

無庸置疑地             undoubtedly

無價的                 invaluable

無限的                 boundless

無論如何               howevver

蒸汽                   steam

蒸發的氣體             vapor

蒸氣、香氣             fume

煩躁                   irritation

煩擾、困擾、令人惱怒   annoy

煩惱、困擾             annoyance

煩惱、侵擾、憂慮       harassment

煩惱                   fret

榮譽的                 honorary

榮耀、光榮             glory

榮耀                   honor

熟練、精通             proficiency

熟悉的、親密的         familiar

熟慮                   meditation

熟練的、靈巧           skillful

熟悉、親密、精通       familiarity

熔岩                   lava

熔合、使熔合、裝引信   fuse

煙囪、燈罩             chimney

煙、抽煙               smoke

煙霧、煙               smog

煙火爆竹               firework

煙草                   tobacco

煤炭                   coal

X光片                X-ray

照片                   photograph/photo;


照管、照顧             care

照明、點亮             illuminate

照相機                 camera

熱忱                   jeal

熱衷                   enthusiasm

熱情                   passion

熱誠的、和善的         cordial

熱帶                   tropics

熱帶的                 tropical

熱情的                 passionate

熱、熱力               heat

熱的、激熱的           hot

熱中、癖好、上癮       addiction

熱望                   aspire

熱衷的                 enthusiastic

燕麥                   oatmeal


營養                   nutrition

營養物、營養劑         nutrient

營業處、辦公室         office

營養                   nourishment

營地                   camp

點燃、點亮             fire 

燃燒                   burn

燃料、木碳             fuel

燈籠                   lantern

燈塔                   lighthouse


爆炸、推翻             explode

爆炸                   explosion;blast

爆發                   erupt

爆米花                 popcorn

爆發、突然發生         outbreak

爆發                   eruption

爆裂、飛散             burst

爆炸的                 explosive

燻豬肉                 bacon




爬蟲類                 reptile

爬、戰慄               creep

爭論的、議論的         controversial

爭議                   issue

爭吵                   argument

爭論                   dispute

爵士樂                 jazz                   



父親、神父             father

爸爸                   papa/pop

爸爸                   daddy/dad/





爽身粉                 talcum powder




壯健、滿足             well 

壯觀的                 magnificent 

壯觀                   splendor

壯觀的                 majestic

將來有一天、來日       someday

將領、將軍             general 

將、必須               shall

將來                   future

將來的                 prospective

......縮寫成         abbreviate

將近                   toward 

牆壁                   wall




片語                   phrase

片刻                   bit

片刻                   moment

片、薄的切片           slice

版權                   copyright

版本                   edition

版本                   version

版式                   format



牙齒、齒               tooth

牙齒的                 dental

牙醫、牙科醫生         dentist



牛、牲口 cattle

牛奶                   milk

牛仔褲                 jeans

牛排                   steak

牛仔                   cowboy

牛飲、吞飲             gulp

牛肉                   beef

牛車旅行               trek

牡蠣                   oyster

牧場                   prairie

牧人、牧師、老師       shepherd

物體                   object 

物質                   material

物理學                 physics

物主、所有者           owner

物質、物體             substance

物理學家               physicist

物質主義               materialism

特定的                 specific

特別的;例外的         exceptional

特權                   privilege

特有的                 characteristic

特別的                 particular

特別的                 extraordinary

特別地                 especially

特約專欄作家           columnist

特性、特質             quality

特色、特性             trait

特徵、特色             feature

特別的                 special

特別的                 extra

犀牛                   rhinoceros/rhino

牽涉                   involvement

犧牲                   sacrifice

犧牲的                 sacrificial


狂喜、入迷             ecstasy

狂信者、狂熱者         fanatic

狂怒                   fury

狂怒                   rage

狂怒的、狂鬧的         furious

狂亂的、瘋狂的         frantic


犯法的                 deliquent

狐狸                   fox


哭泣                   sob

哭泣                   weep

臭氧                   ozone

狡猾的、狡詐的         tricky

狡猾的、陰險的         sly

狼狽、恐慌             dismay

狼吞虎嚥               gorge 


猜想、想像             suspect

猜測、猜想             guess;assume

猛擊                   bash

猛烈的、粗暴、凶猛     fierce

猛然撞擊               crash

猛然的                 violent

猛推                   thrust

猛撞、毀壞             dash

猴子                   monkey

獅子                   lion

猿類                   ape

獨處、獨居             solitude

獨唱、獨奏             solo

獨特的                 peculiar

獨自的                 lonely

獨佔                   monopoly

獨裁者、發號施令者     dictator

獨木舟、圓木舟         canoe

獨立的、自由的         independent

獨一的                 unique

獨家報導               scoop

獲得                   obtain;gain

獲得者                 recipient

獲勝、普及             prevail

獎勵者                 encouragement

獎品、獎賞             award

獵人                   hunter

獵犬                   hound

獵物                   prey

獸醫                   veterinarian



玄關                   porch

玄關、門廳             hallway



王后、王妃             queen

王子                   prince

王冠                   crown

王國                   realm

王座、寶位             throne

王國                   kingdom

王朝、朝代             dynasty

王牌A                  ace

玉蜀黍                 corn

玉、玉石               jade


玩具                   toy

玫瑰                   rose

玻璃製品、玻璃器皿     glassware

玻璃杯                 glass

玻璃杯、眼鏡           glasses

珊瑚                   coral

珍珠                   pearl

珍貴的                 precious

珍愛、珍惜             cherish

珠子                   bead

珠寶首飾               jewelry

理性的                 rational

理智;智力             intellect

理髮師                 barber

理想的、想像的         ideal

理論                   theory

理髮                   haircut

理解                   comprehension

理髮師                 shaver

理論上                 theoretical

理髮師、美容師         hairdresser

理髮店                 barbershop

現在                   today

現在、今               now

現實主義               realism

現代化                 modernize

現代式                 modernization

現代的                 modern

現實的                 realistic

現象                   phenomenon

現金                   cash

球狀的、圓形的         global

球、天體               sphere


球棒                   bat

斑點                   spot

斑馬                   zebra

斑紋、條紋             stripe

琥珀                   amber

琴弦                   string

瑕疵                   flaw

瑜伽                   YOGA

瑪瑙                   agate

環境的                 environmental

環境、周圍             surroundings

環境                   environment



爬、蠕行               crawl

爬蟲類                 reptile

爬、戰慄               creep

瓢虫                   ladybird



瓦斯                   gas

瓶子                   bottle

瓶塞                   cork

瓷器                   porcelain/china

瓷磚                   tile



某處                   somewhere

甜蜜的                 sweet

甚至                   even


99 生部


生菜食品、沙拉         salad

生的、原始的           raw

生長                   growth

生產                   produce

生育、孵蛋             breed

生火、起火             kindle

生命力、活力           vitality

生產                   yield

生殖細胞、胚種細胞     germ

生產力                 productivity

生鏽的、腐蝕的         rusty

生物                   organism

生物學的/有關生物學的  biological

行政上的、管理上的     administrative

生物化學               biochemistry

生物、創造物           creature

生態學                 ecology

生病的                 sick

生病的                 ill

生產的                 productive

生麵糰                 dough

生命的                 vital

生還者                 survivor

生物學、生態學         biology

生命                   life

生氣的                 angry

生氣                   anger

生氣                   output

生手                   beginner

產生、引起             generate

產品                   product





用盡                   exhaust

用法                   usuage

用鼻吸                 sniff

用辣椒做的調味料       chili

用餐                   dine

用、花費               spend

用具、器皿             utensil

用完即丟棄的           disposable

用電腦處理             computerize

用大寫字母寫           capitalize


由……所導致的         consequent

由……組成             comprise

由……組成             consist

甲板、地板             deck

甲蟲、似甲蟲的昆蟲     beetle

申請                   application

畢業                   graduation

畢業生                 graduate

畢業文憑               dipioma

男短褲                 shorts

男人                   man

男性的                 male

男演員、女演員         actor/actress

男性的                 masculine

男孩                   boy

男士                   gentleman

男服務員               steward

畏縮                   recoil

留止                   stay

留心、注意             heed

留連                   linger

當地的                 local

當前、此刻             yet

當心、小心             beware

當今、現在             nowadays

當、雖然               while

異性戀的               heterosexual

異議份子               dissident

累計的                 cumulative

畫像                   portrait


畫橫線                     cross



疏離                   alienation

疏忽                   negligence

疏忽的                 negligent

疑問                   question

疑問                   doubt



疫苗                   vaccine

疲乏                   fatigue

病人                   patient 

病毒                   virus

症狀                   symptom

疾馳、飛奔             gallop

疾病、病症             disease

疼痛的、疼痛的         sore

疾病                   disease

疼愛地                 dear

疼痛                   pain

痕跡                   trace

瘀青                   bruise

瘦的                   lean

痛苦、折磨             agony

痛苦的                 painful

痛苦                   agony


瘟疫、害蟲             pest

瘟疫                   plague

厭倦的                 weary

瘋子                   lunatic




發出嘎嘎聲             rattle

發音                   pronunciation

發明、創造             invent

發射物                 missile

發光的、晴朗的         shiny

發明家                 inventor

發出隆隆聲             rumble

發光體                 radiator

發明、發現             invention

發誓、立誓言           swear

發現                   discovery

發現                   discover

發燒、熱、入迷         fever

發表                   publication

發噓聲                 hiss

發音                   pronounce

發抖、顫抖             shudder

發生                   happen

發展、發育、開發       develop

發光的/n.發光體        radiant

發出聲音地             aloud

發言人、代言人         mouthpiece / 




發疹                   rash 

發汗                   sweat

發言人                 spokesperson/



發出嗡嗡聲             zoom

發狂的、瘋癲的         crazy

發怒的                 mad

發展                   evolution

發明才能               ingenuity

發亮                   glow

發條                   spring

發誓                   vow

發燒                   fever

發行                   release

登錄                   record 

登錄、註冊正式紀錄     register

登記                   enroll


白葡萄酒、香檳         champagne

白的、白色的           white

白痴                   idiot

百分率                 percentage

百萬富翁               millionaire

百分比                 percent/per cent

百葉窗                 shutter

百合花                 lily

百科全書               encyclopedia/



百萬                   million

皇家的                 royal

皇帝                   emperor

皇宮                   palace



皮革                   leather

皮帶                   belt

皮、皮膚               skin

皮帶扣環               buckle

皺紋                   wrinkle

皺眉                   frown

皮包骨的               skinny

皮夾子                 wallet



盒;紙板箱             carton


盒子;箱子             box

盎司                   Ounce

盔甲                   armor

盛行的                 prevalence

監督者、管理人         supervisor

監督、管理             supervise

監督、管理             supervision

監獄                   prison

監獄                   jail

監禁、囚禁             captivity

監視器                 monitor

監禁、拘禁             commitment

監視器                 monitor

監護權                 custody

監聽                   monitor

盤繞                   coil

盤子                   dish

盤子、盤               tray

盤子                   plate



目的地、到達英中       destination

目錄                   catalogue/catalog

目前的                 present 

目標                   objective 

目標                   purpose

目標、終點             goal

目擊者                 witness

目的、企圖             aim

目標                   target

盲目                   blind

省的                   provincial

(節省)、貯存         save

()                 province

直接的                 straightforward

直到......           until/till

直覺                   intuition

直徑                   diameter

直接的、接近的         immediate

直立的                 erect

直升機                 helicopter

直達的                 direct

直線                   line

直立的                 upright

真相、真理             truth

看、注意               watch

看到、知道             see

看管人、照顧者         caretaker

看在…..的份上         (for) sake (of)

盾牌                   shield

眉毛                   eyebrow/brow

眉毛、眉骨             brow (s)

真實                   reality

真實的                 real

真實的、可靠的         authentic

真實的、實在的         sincere

真實、誠懇、真摯       sincerity

真正的、非假冒的       genuine

真空                   vacuum

真的                   true

真的、實在的           lndeed

眼淚                   tear 

眼睛                   eye

眼皮                   eyelid

睫毛、眼睫毛           eyelash

瞎眼的                 blind

睡、睡覺               sleep

睡蓮                   lotus

睡衣                   pajamas

睡著的、痲痺的         asleep

睡過頭                 oversleep

瞥視、看一下           glance

瞥見、一瞥             glimpse




矛盾                   contradiction



知更鳥                 robin

知道、理解             know

知識                   knowledge

知識、見聞             information

知識份子               intellectual

知覺                   conciousness

矩距離內的             nearby

短文、隨筆             essay

短衫                   blouse

短暫的                 brief

短上衣                 jacket

短處、缺點             shortcoming

短襪                   sock (s)

短促尖銳的聲音         beep

短的、簡潔的           short

短缺                   shortage

矮子、矮小的動植物     dwarf

矮樹叢、灌木叢         bush



石頭                   stone

石油                   petrolum


砰的一聲關上           slam

砰然作響               pop

研討班、講習會         seminar

研磨                   grind

研究                   research

研究、調查             investigate

研討會                 workshop

破碎、凍傷             crack

破布、碎片             rag

破壞、違反             violate

破壞、損壞             destruction

破壞的                 destructive

破碎、骨折             fracture

破曉、黎明             daybreak

破片、碎片             fragment

破裂                   shatter

破產的                 bankrupt

破爛的                 ragged


硬幣                   coin

碎片                   shred

碰撞                   collide

碰、撞                 bump

碰撞、撞擊             impact

破裂                   breakdown

破爛的                 shabby


碳水化合物             carbohydrate



碼頭                   wharf

碼、程式碼             code

碼頭                   pier


磁性的                 magnetic

磁鐵                   magnet

磁碟片                 disk

確實的、一定的         certain

確信、意見、信念       belief

確信的                 sure

確信的                 positive

確定的、有信心的       confident

確保、保證             ensure/insure


磨擦、擦掉             scrape

磨坊、工廠             mill

磨坊主人               miller

磨擦                   friction

礦物                   mineral

礦坑                   mine 

礦工                   miner



示範                   demonstrate;


社會學                 sociology

社會                   society

社團的、公司的         corporate

社區                   neighborhood

社會的                 social

社會主義者             socialist

社會主義               socialism

社論                   editorial

祈禱                   pray

宗教的                 religious

宗教                   religion

宗教儀式               ritual

神職者、部長           minister

神聖的、聖潔的         holy

神秘的                 mysterious

神祇的                 divine

神聖的                 sacred

神話、傳說             myth

神、女神               god/goddess

神志隱健的             sane

神志正常               sanity

神經                   nerve

神經質的、敏感的       nervous

神父                   priest

神話                   mythology

祖國、本國             homeland

祖父、爺爺             grandfather/


祖先                   predecessor

祖先、祖宗             ancestor

祝賀                   congratulate  

祝賀                   congratulation (s)

祝福                   bless

祝賀、慶祝             commemorate

禁止、不許、禁止入內   forbid

禁閉                   imprison

禁止                   ban

禁令                   prohibition

視力                   eyesight

視覺的                 visual

視為、認為、計算       account 

視力、視覺             vision

視覺、看見             sight

福音                   Gospel

禮堂、演講廳           auditorium

禮貌                   manners

禮貌                   courtesy

禮貌的                 courteous

禮物                   present 

禮拜                   worship

禮物、贈品             gift






私人的                 private

私用車道               driveway

禿頭的                 bald

季節                   season

......一致           accord

和、又                 and

和平                   peace

和尚                   monk

委任、委託             commission

委託、授權、委任       authorize

委託人、顧客           client

委員會、監護人         committee

委派、派遣             delegation

科學                   science

科學家                 scientist

科學的、有關科學的     scientific

科技的                 technological

秋天                   Autum

秩序                   order

秘書                   secretary

秘密                   mystery

租金                   rent

租用物                 rental

租用                   hire

移民                   emigrant

(從外地)移居入境       immigration

移民者                 immigrant

移動                   remove

移動                   move

移植                   transplant

移動                   removal

移居                   emigrate

移置、移走             displace

移居外國               emigrantion

移居的                 migrant

移民(外國)             emigrant

移居者                 migrant


稍微的                 slight

稀少的                 scarce

稀有的                 rare

積蓄                   savings

積極的                 constructive


稻米                   rice

稻草人                 scarecrow

稻草                   straw

稱讚                   praise

稱號、標題             title

稱度、學位、階級       degree

稱心的                 desirable

稱讚                   acclaim

種族差別主義           racism

種植、栽培             grow

種族的                 racial

種子、種               seed

種族                   tribe

種族的                 ethnic

種族                   race 


種類                   kind 

黎明、破曉             dawn

黎明、黃昏             twilight

穀粒、籽               kernel

穀類作物               cereal

穀倉、糧倉             barn

穀類、穀粒             grain

穩定、穩固             stablilty

穩定的                 stable

穩定的                 steady



空閒的空的             idle

空想、異想             fantasy

空氣                   air

空閒                   leisure

空間、間隔             space

空氣調節設備           air conditioner

空無一物               nothing

空白的                 blank

空中航線、頻道         airway

空的                   empty

空、空白               vacancy

空白的                 void

空間                   dimmension

空的                   vacant

空閒的                 spare

突然拿走               whisk

突擊                   raid

突然的                 sudden

突然的、唐突的         abrupt

突破                   breakthrough

突出、彎腰駝背         hunch

突擊                   rush

突出的                 prominent

突然倒下               slump

容忍、忍耐             abide

容器、碗               vessel

容許......進入、承認   admit

容器                   container

容易的                 easy

穿、戴                 wear

穿                     dress

穿著                   clothe

穿過                   through

窄的                   narrow

窗戶                   window

窗簾                   curtain

寬敞的                 spacious



立法者                 lawmaker

立契約者               contractor

立法的;立法機構的     legislative

立法者                 legislator

立法                   legislation

立方體、正六面體       cube

立即的、迫切的         instant

立法院                 legislature

立體音響               stereo

站著                   stand

章魚                   octopus

章、章節               chapter

童軍                   scout

童年                   childhood

意願                   will

競奪                   contend






竿                     rod;pole


笑話、玩笑             joke

笑聲                   laughter

笨重的                 massive

笨拙的、棘手的         awkward

笨拙的                 clumsy

符合、相當             correspond

符合                   correspondence


策略                   tactic

策畫                   devise

管線                   pipeline

管門者、看門者         janitor

管理、照料             administer/


管理                   managecontrol

管理人                 controller

管理者                 administrator

管、管子               tube

管、笛                 pipe

管弦樂隊               orchestra

管理                   management

管理                   administration

第一的                 first

第二的                 secondary

第二的                 second

第三的                 third 

等待、等               wait

等值的、同價的         worth

等同物                 equivalent

等待                   await


筆跡                   handwriting

筆記本                 notebook

筷子                   chopsticks

節錄                   excerpt

節約、節儉             thrift

節儉的                 thrifty

節奏、旋律             rhythm

節、段                 stanza

節目                   program

節儉的                 economical

節日                   festival

節目(流行音樂)主持人   DJ(Disc Jockery)

節省使用               spare

算術                   arithmetic

簡單、單純             simplicity

簡單地、樸實地         simply

簡潔的、簡明的         concise

簡直沒有、幾乎不       barely

簡報                   briefing

簡略語                 abbreviation

範圍、領域             scope

範圍                   range

範圍                   extent

簽名                   signature




籃網                   basket

籃球                   basketball

籠子                   cage


粉碎、使碰撞           smash

粉刺、面皰             acne


粉筆                   chalk

粉狀物                 meal

粉紅的                 pink

粉末                   powder

粉刺                   pimple

粗壯的                 stout

粗魯的                 rude

粗魯令人不快           harsh

粗鄙的、大的           gross

粗糙的                 coarse

粗糙的                 rugged

粗糙的、狂暴的         rough;outrageous

粗暴的                 roughly

精於                   specialize

精練                   refine

精通文學的             literate

精英                   elite

精細的、精巧的         delicate

精神                   spirit

精力、活力             vigor

精力旺盛               energetic

精明的                 shrewd

精明的、狡猾的         cunning

精心的                 elaborate

精神的                 spiritual

精神的                 mental

精通的                 proficient

精緻的                 exquisite

精準                   precision

精確的                 precise

精裝本                 hardback

糖漿                   syrup

糖果                   candy/sweet

糖尿病()             diabetes




系統                   system

系統分明的             systematic

約會                   date

約束                   restrain

糾纏                   tangle

紀念                   memory

紀元                   era

紀律                   discipline

紀律                   disciplinary

紀念碑                 monument

紀念的                 memorial

紀念品                 souvenir

紅色的                 red

紅蘿蔔                 carrot

紅寶石                 ruby

紡織品                 textile

紡織品                 fabric


絞乾                   wring

組成                   constitute

索引                   index

純淨的                 pure

純淨度                 purity


紙板箱                 carton

紙卷                   scroll

組織者                 organizer

組織、系統化           organize

組織、機構             organization

累積                   accumulate

終止                   terminate

細節                   detail

細繩                   string

細長的                 slender

細小的                 petty

細胞                   cell

細菌                   bacteria

細樹枝                 twig

結婚                   marry

結婚與、娶             wed

結晶                   crystal


結果                   consequence

結果                   outcome

結論                   conclusion

結合                   combination

結局                   ending

結束                   endfinish

結果                   result

結結巴巴               flatter

結構                   structure

結構上的               structural

素描                   sketch

統治                   reign

統計                   govern

統計的                 statistics

統治者                 ruler

絕望                   depspair

絕對必要的             essential

絕對的                 absolute

紫羅蘭                 violet

紫色                   purple


經由                   via

經理                   manager

經銷店                 outlet

經濟的                 economic

經濟學                 economics

經濟學家               economist

經營;管理             manage

經營上的               operational

經度                   longitude

經歷                   undergo

經濟衰退               recession

經驗                   experience

綁架                   kidnap

綠色                   green

綠洲                   oasis

過境                   transit

綽號                   nickname

綜覽、探勘             suvey

綜合、完成             integration

維生素                 vitamin

維持                   maintain

維持                   sustain

網路                   network

網址、網站             website


網際網路               internet

網球                   tennis

練習                   exercise

緊固、繫緊、拴緊       fasten

緊密的、密集的         compact

緊急                   urgency

緊急的                 urgent

緊急求救信號           SOS

緊張                   tension;strain

緊張狀況               emergency

緊抱                   clasp

緊握                   grip


線索、調查             clue

變得模糊               blur

變形、轉變             transformation

變亮、減輕             lighten

緞帶                   ribbon

編輯                   editor

編輯、發行             edit

編織                   knit

編纂                   compile

緯度                   latitude

縮寫                   abbreviation

繳交                   submit

縮影                   minature

縮小                   shrink




總統                   president

總統的                 presidential

總部、大本營           headquarters

總是、始終             always

總統職位               presidency

總數                   sum

總站(公車)             terminal

織;編                 weave

繁榮的                 prosperous

繁榮                   prosperity

繁榮                   thrive

繩索                   rope

繪畫                   painting

變得模糊               blur

變形、轉變             transformation

變亮、減輕             lighten

繼任者                 successor

繼承人                 heir

繼承、接連             succeed

繼續                   continue

繼續                   proceed

繼父                   stepfather

繼承                   inherit

繼母                   stepmother

纖維                   fiber

120    部首


缸盆                   tub

缺少                   lack

缺席;不履行責任       defaut

缺點                   defect

缺乏                   lack

罐頭                   can



眾議員                 congressman


有罪的                 guilty


罰款                   fine

罷工                   strike

羅曼史                 romance




羊肉                   muttom

羊毛                   wool

美乃滋                 mayonraise

美化                   beautify

美人                   beauty

美人魚                 mermaid

美術館                 gallery

美麗的 lovely

美式足球 football

美麗的 beautiful

美術館 gallery

美術館 delicious

羔羊 lamb

羞恥、羞愧 shame

羞恥的 ashamed

羞怯的 shy

羞愧 blush

羞怯的 inhibited

羨慕的 envious

羨慕 envy

群眾 croud

群、群集 flock

義大利麵 spaghetti



羽毛 feather

羽毛球 badminton

翅膀 wing

習慣 habit

習慣性的 habitual

習俗 custom

習慣、習俗 usage

習慣的 customary;used to

翹翹板 seesaw

翻譯 translate

翻譯家 translator

翻覆 overturntopple


老手、老練者 veteran

考慮 consider

考試 testexamination

老闆 employer

老鷹 eagle

老鼠 mouse

老師 teacher

老闆 boss



而且;較遠的 further

耐心 patience


耕種 cultivate

耕作 plow



耳朵 ear

耳語 whisper

耳機 earphone

取回 retrieve

恥辱的 shameful

聖所、聖堂 sanctuary

聖人 saint

聖誕頌歌 carol

聖誕節 Christmas

聚集 assemble;gather

聚會 gathering

聚光燈 spotlight

聳肩 shrug

聰明的;敏捷的;銳利的 keen

聯盟 alliance

聯合 associate

聯盟 association

聯歡會 festival

聯合 combine

聯盟 league

聯合、合併 unite

聯邦 federation

聯天 chat

聯繫 relate;reach

聯絡 contact

聯票(可撕下的) coupon

聲望 prestige

聲名狼藉的 notorious

聲音傳送的 audio

聲音的 vocal

聲音 voice

職員 clerk

職業 employment

職業的、職業上的 vocational

職業 business

職業 occupation

聰明的 clever


聽眾 listener

聽到 hear

聽眾 listeners

聾的 deaf



肆意的 wild

書寫的 graphic

書信 letter


書桌 desk

書櫃、書櫥、書架 bookcase

畫廊 gallery




肌肉的 muscular

肌肉 muscle

肝臟 liver

肺結核 tuberculosis

肺臟 lung

肥沃的 fertile

肥沃 fertility

肥料 fertilizer

肥皂 soap

肩、肩部 shoulder

背景 background

背心 vest

背包 backpack

背部 back

胃、肚子 tummy

胃、腹 stomach


胖的、脂肪的 fat

脊骨、脊柱 backbone

脊柱、背骨 spine

脖子 neck

能力 capability

能夠的 able

能力所及之範圍 reach

脫離、脫逃 defect

脾氣 temper

胸膛、胸部、胸膛 breast


胸部 chest

胸罩、內衣 brassiere

腔調 tone

脈搏 pulse


腐化的 rotten

腐壞、腐爛 decay

腎臟 kidney

腫瘤 tumor

腫脹 bulge


腳掌 paw

腳趾 toe

腳踝 ankle

腳尖 tiptoe

腳、足部 foot

腳後跟 heel

腰部 waist

腹部 abdomen

膝部 lap

膝蓋 knee

膠水 glue

膠囊 capsule

膨脹、脹大 inflation

臀部、屁股 hip

臉部 facial


臉頰 cheek

膽量 gut

膽固醇 cholesterol

臥室 bedroom

臨時發生的 incidental

臨時保姆 baby-sitter

臨時照顧 baby-sit


自動櫃員機 ATM/automatic

teller machine

自私的 selfish

自負、自大 conceit

自願者、義工 volunteer

自私的、卑鄙的 mean

自由派的 liberal

自大的、傲慢的 arrogant

自願的 voluntary

自行車 bicycle/bike

自然界 nature

自治、自治權 autonomy

自助餐廳 cafeteria

自立、獨立 independence

自然主義者 naturalist

自我、我 ego

自由 liberty

自殺、自滅 suicide

自己、自我 self

自貶、使屈服 stoop

自誇 boast

自白、承認、供認 confess

自動梯、手扶梯 escalator

自尊心 pride

自傳、傳記文學 autobiography

自由的 free

自由、解放、解脫 freedom

自動的 automatic

自從、以來 since

自負的 conceited



至;到 to

致命的 fatal

臺幣 taiwan currency

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