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全民英檢、 升大學7000字(中英對照) 5-2

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全民英檢、 升大學7000(中英對照)     5-2

By    李建盛

名望                   popularity

名字                   name

名詞                   noun

名單                   list

名聲、聲譽             fame

名流                   celebrity



同時                   meantime

同情的                 sympathetic

同等的                 equal

同意                   assent

周期                   cycle


名冊                   roll


吃得過多               overeat

吃青草、放牧           graze

吃驚                   astonishment

吃驚                   amazement

向外、向前、在前方     forth

向外的、在外面的       outward

向外面地               out

向上的                 upward

向樓下                 downstairs

向下                   down

向、由於               for

向內的                 inwards

向後的                 backward

君王                   monarch

吞食、吃光             devour

吞嚥                   swallow 

否則、要不然           otherwise

否定的、否認的         negative

否絕                   deny

否定、否認             denial

否定、否認             contradict

否決權                 veto

含糊的                 ambiguous

味、風味               smack

味道、風味             flavor

味道                   smell

和弦、弦               chord

和諧、協調             unity

......起衝           oppose

吸毒                   addict

吸、吸取               suck

吸收                   absorb

吸引                   attract

吸引                   appeal

吝嗇的                 stingy

吝嗇鬼                 miser

告知                   inform

告訴                   tell


吵鬧的                 noisy

吵雜聲                 noise

咕噥                   mumble

呻吟                   groan

呻吟                   moan

咆哮                   growl

咆哮                   snarl

吼叫                   roar

呼吸                   breathe

命令                   command

命令                   order

命運、宿命             destiny

命令、投標、出價       bid

命運、宿命             fate

命運                   doom

咖啡因                 caffeine

咖哩粉                 curry

咖啡                   coffee

咖啡館                 Cafe

咳嗽                   cough

品味                   taste

品牌                   brand

品嚐                   taste

品脫                   pint

哈囉                   hello

哼唱                   hum

哺乳動物               mammal

哩程                   mileage

唧唧叫                 chirp

員工                   employee

員工                   staff



啄木鳥                 woodpecker

哲學                   philosophy

哲學家                 philosopher

哲學的                 philosophical

咬、折斷聲             snap

咬緊                   clench


咬嚼(嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼)   crunch

哀慟                   woe

哀痛的;悲嘆的         sorrowful

哀悼                   mourn 

哀悼                   lament

哀泣                   wail

哀泣                   whine

商業                   trade

商店                   shop/store

商議                   negotiate

商議、商討             confer

商人                   merchant

商品、貨物             goods

商品、物件、物品       article 

商品陳列臺             stall

商業、通商             commerce

商店                   store

商標                   logo

商業的、通商的         commercial

商場、商店街、市場     bazaar

商品、物產             commodity

商討、商議             discuss

商品                   merchandise

商議                   counsel

商人                   dealer

商行                   firm


唱歌                   sing

唯一的                 sole

啤酒                   beer

售貨員                 salesman

售貨員                 salesperson

喘息                   gasp

喜歡;享用             relish

喜劇                   comedy

喜劇演員               comedian

喜愛                   like 

喜悅、高興             glee

喜悅、樂事             joy

喜好                   favor

喜歡的、喜歡的         fond

喝采                   applause

喝、飲                 drink

喚醒                   arouse

喚醒、醒               wake

喚醒、叫醒             waken

單字、詞彙             vocabulary

單數的、殘餘的         odd

單調的                 monotonous

單一的、簡單的         simple

單一的、個別的         singular

單身漢、學士           bachelor

單獨的                 solitary

單身;單一的           single

單身漢                 bachelor

單調                   monotony

單獨的                 alone

哪一個                 which

喋喋不休               chatter

喉嚨                   throat

喀喀聲;喀達作響       click

嘆息                   sign

嘉年華會               carnival

啞的                   mute

啞的、笨的             dumb

嗡嗡叫                 buzz

嘎吱作響               creak

嘎吱作響               crunch

鳴響                   honk

嘲笑                   jeer

嘲笑                   taunt

嘲笑                   mock

嘲諷                   irony

嘔吐                   vomit

嘮叨                   nay

噎住                   choke

噁心的                 disgusting

器械                   tackle

器具                   instrument

器具、設備、家電用品   appliance

器官                   organ


噴泉、噴水池           fountain

噴出的氣體             jet

噴煙                   puff

噴液                   spray

嚴格的                 rigid

嚴格的                 stern

嚴格的                 strict

嚴酷的、刺骨的         bitter

嚴酷的考驗             ordeal

嚴格的                 severe

嚴肅的                 serious

嚴格的                 rigorous

嚴重的、重大的         grave 

嚴格的                 grim

嚴肅的                 solemn

嚴重急性呼吸道症候群   SARS (Severe Acute



嚴格的                 rigid

嚐試                   taste

嗥叫                   howl




四輪馬車               wagon

四十                   forty


四分之一               quarter

四月                   April

囚犯                   prisoner

因此、於是             accordingly

因素、要素             factor

因此、所以             therefore

因此                   thereby

因此                   thus

因為                   as

因為                   because

回顧                   retrospect

回答                   replyrespond

回去                   return

回答                   answer

回饋                   feedback

回音                   echu

回歸線                 tropic

回收再利用             recycle

曲線                   curve

曲棍球                 hockey

曲線圖、圖表           graph

曲膝、蹲踞             crouch

曲解、扭曲             distort

困難的                 difficult

困擾、煩擾             bother

困擾                   puzzle

困擾                   difficulty

困難的                 tough

困境                   plight

困難                   odds

固執                   persistence

固執的                 persistent

固執的                 obstinate

固體的                 solid

固執的                 stubborn

圓頂                   dome

圓木頭                 log

圓點                   dot

圓形                   circle

圓柱、欄               column

圓胖的、豐滿的         chubby

圓形的                 circular

圓錐體                 cone

圓形把手               knob

圓形的                 round

圓領運動杉             T-shirt

圈;環                 loop

國家的                 national

國家                   country

圖書館員               librarian

國際、國際上的         international

國籍                   nationality

國語                   Mandarin

國會、會議             congress

國家、聯邦             nation

國外的、在國外的       overseas

國王                   king

國家                   nation

國內的                 domestic

國會女議員             congresswoman

園丁                   gardener

圍巾、頸巾             scarf

圍繞                   surround

圍巾、圍裙             apron

圍繞                   enclosure

圍巾、披肩、斗篷等罩在 wrap


圍欄                   fence

團結、休戚相關         solidarity

團體、機構             institution

團體                   group

團聚                   cluste

圖片                   picture

圖形                   diagram

圖表                   chart

圖書館                 library

圖謀                   plot

圖畫(單色)             drawing




土、國土               soil

全民英檢、 升大學7000(中英對照)


作者 :  李建盛 ( 西螺)

土司、麵包               toast  (p.70~p.135)

土生的                 aboriginal

土堆                   mound

在頂上                 onto

......對面           opposite

......之間           between

在那裡                 there

......             beneath

在戶外、在屋外         outdoors

在下方劃線             underline

......之中           amid/amidst

在別處                 elsewhere

在內心                 inward (s)

在前                   precede

在前的                 preceding

在前方                 ahead

在前面的、先進的       advanced

......下面           underneath

......之內           in

......之上           above

......之後           after

在國外、往海外         abroad

......上面           upon

在旁邊                 besideaside

在室內的               indoors

......其間           during

在周圍                 around

......、朝向......   at

在前的                 prior

在內陸                 inland

在遠處、超過           beyond

在某處                 somewhere

......之上           above

......             among

......背後           behind

在船(飛機、火車)     aboard

......之下           below

在裏面                 within

在…之下               under

在此期間               meanwhile

在商店內偷竊           shoplift

在旁邊                 by


垃圾                   rubbish

垃圾                   trash

垃圾                   litter

地毯                   rug

地區                   territory

地球                   earth

地獄                   hell

地圖                   map

地面                   ground

地方                   place

地平線、水平線         horizon

地下道、地下鐵         MRT/mass rapid       



地下室、地窖           basement

地窖、地下室           cellar

地理學                 geography

地理學的、地理的       geographical

地球、球               globe

地區、地帶             zone

地下鐵                 subway

地板、樓層             floor

地下道                 underpass

地震                   earthquake

地點                   position

地位、身份             status

地板                   floor

地震                   quake

地毯                   carpet

垂直的                 vertical

城堡                   castle

城市                   city


埋伏                   ambush

埋怨                   grumble

執行者/執行的          executive

執照                   license/licence

執行                   perform

堅守                   uphold

堅固的                 firm

堅固的                 sturdy

堅果                   nut

堅持                   adhere

堅持                   insistpersist

堅持                   persevere

堅持                   insistence


堂兄(弟、姊、妹)       cousin

堵住                   block

堵塞                   clog

培育                   nurture

培根                   bacon


塞進                   tuck

堆積物                 jam 

堆積                   pile


場景                   scene

基準、規範             norm

基因改造食品           GMO/genetically

                       modified organism

基因、遺傳子           gene

基礎                   basic

基本的                 elementary

基礎、基金、根基       foundation

基礎                   base

基礎的、根本的         fundamental

基本要素               element

基礎、原理             basics

報導                   coverage

報到                   check-in

報酬、賠償             compensation

報復                   retaliate

報導                   report

報答                   reward

報仇                   revenge

報紙                   newspaper

塑膠                   plastic

填塞                   cram

墊子                   mat

墳墓                   tomb

壁爐                   fireplaces

增強                   boost

壓力                   stress

壓扁、壓爛             squash 

壓迫、威迫             oppress

壓力                   pressure;strain

壓迫、壓制             oppression

壓碎、壓搾             crush

壓扁、頹喪             collapse

壓下、降低             depress

壓擠、擠壓             squeeze

壓抑                   suppress

壓縮                   compress




士官的階梯             sergeant

士氣                   morale

吉他                   guitar

吉普賽人               Gypsy

吉普車                 jeep

壯麗                   majesty



夏天                   summer




外來的                 exotic

外出的                 outgoing

外在的                 external

外國人                 foreigner

外部的                 exterior

外套                   coat

外向的                 outgoing

多樣化                 diversity

多餘的                 redundant

多才的、多用途的       versatile

多蔭的、成蔭的         shady

多雪的、積雪的         snowy

多汁的                 juicy

多種的                 various

多雨的                 rainy

多草的                 grassy

多、多麼               how

多嘴的                 talkative

多少、幾分             somewhat

多山的                 mountainous

多樣化                 variety

多餘的                 spare

多愁善感的             sentimental

夜晚、晚上             night

夜盜、小偷、竊賊       burglar

夜鶯、歌聲美妙的歌手   nightingale

夥伴                   pal

夥伴們、全體船員       crew

夥伴                   partner

夥、幫派               gang



大道、大街             avenue;boulevard

大災難                 catastrophe

大陸、陸地、本土       continent

大農場                 ranch

大量、容積             bulk

大驚小怪               fuss

大量                   mass

大風暴、暴風雨         tempest

大袋子、袋子           sack

大屠殺                 massacre

大多數                 majority

大杯子                 mug

大大地、高高地         highly

大頭釘                 tack

大使館                 embassy

大衣、外套             overcoat

大量製造               manufacture

大提琴                 cello

大陸的                 continental

大膽的、無懼的         bold

大學生                 undergraduate

大型鱷魚               crocodile

大炮                   cannon

大腿                   thigh

大拇指                 thumb

大浪、突波             surge

大理石                 mable

大陸                   mainland;continent

大猩猩                 gorilla

大口猛吃、狼吞虎嚥     gobble

大混亂、無秩序         chaos

大學                   university

大桶                   barrel

大鍋                   caldron

大氣、氣氛             atmosphere

大的                   biglarge

大綱                   outline

大錯                   blunder

大聲的                 loud

天堂                   paradise

大聲尖叫、作出尖叫聲   scream

大部分地               largely

大豆、黃豆             soybean/soya


大貨車                 van

大使、使節             ambassador

大概                   mostly

大聲(副詞)             aloud

大轎車(豪華)           limousine (limo)

大方的                 generous

大方                   generositv

大四學生               senior

大流行的               prevailing

大約                   about

大約                   approximate

大幅消滅;猛砍         slash

大量的                 bountiful

大頭針                 pin

大步走                 stride

大型遊覽車             coach

太空船                 spacecraft/ 


太陽的                 solar

太太                   Mrs

太陽                   sun

太空人                 astronaut

天氣                   weather

天空的、天國的         heavenly

天空、天界             sky

天然生成的             natural

天鵝絨                 velvet

天災、災害             disaster

天生的                 inherent

天然的、未加工的       crude

天堂                   heaven


天鵝                   swan

天使                   angel

天份、天賦             talent

天花板                 ceiling

天文學                 astronomy

天文學家               astronomer

天花【醫】             smallpox

天賦的、先天的         native

天才、英才             genius

天秤                   scale

天線                   antenna

天賦                   aptitude

夫婦                   couple

太遲的                 belated

奇異的                 eccentric

奇遇                   adventure

央求                   plead

失敗、停止、放棄       flunk

失敗、失策             failure

失蹤的                 missing

失敗者                 loser

失敗                   fail

失業、失業率           unemployment

失事、破毀             wreck

失望、氣餒             discouragement

奇觀                   spectacle

奇蹟                   miracle

奇想、怪人             freak

奇蹟的                 miraculous

奇怪的                 strange

奇怪的、巨大的         monstrous


套、組                 set 

契約、合同             bond

契約                   pact

奢華                   luxury

奢華的                 luxurious

奮鬥                   struggle

獎學金                 scholarship

獎賞                   present 

獎品                   prize

獎章                   medal



女主席                 chairwoman

女孩                   girl

女性的                 female

女僕                   maid

女房東                 landlady

女人                   woman

女士                   Ms.

女兒、女繼承人         daughter

女巫師/男巫師          witch/wizard

女主人                 mistress

女用襯衫(寬鬆的)       blouse 

女主席                 chairwoman

女售貨員               saleswoman

女救火員               firewoman

女士(夫人)             madam


好笑的                 amused

好吃的、有品味的       tasty

好的、很好的           nice

好奇心                 curiosity

好的、快樂的           good

好看的、美麗的         yummy

好戰的                 militant

好吃的                 delicious

奴役、囚禁             bondage

奴隸制度、擁有奴隸     slavery

奴隸                   slave

奶奶、祖母             grandmother/grandma

奶媽奶媽               nanny

奶油                   butter

如畫的                 picturesque

如此地、如此           so

如此                   such

她、她的               her(s)


妄想得到               covet

妨害                   nuisance

妨礙、干擾             interference

妨礙                   interfere

妻子                   wife

委任                   commit

姑媽                   aunt

姿勢                   pese

姿勢                   gosture

姪女                   niece

姪子                   nephew

娛樂的                 recreational

娛樂、消遣             amuse

娛樂                   recreation

娛樂活動               amusement

嫉妒的                 jealous

嫉妒                   jealousy

婚禮                   marriage

婚禮                   wedding

媒體                   media

媽媽                   mommy

嬰孩                   baby

嬰兒                   infant

威嚇                   bully



子音                   consonant

子孫、後裔             descendant

子孫、後裔             offspring

子句、條款             clause

子彈                   bullet

存在                   exist

存在                   existence

存活、渡過             live 

存在                   being

存在、出現             occur

存放                   deposit

存活                   survive

孤單的                 lone

孤兒                   orphan

孤兒                   orphanage

孤獨的                 lonesome

孤立、隔離             isolate

孩子氣的               childlike

孩童                   child

孩童時期               boyhood

孫女、外孫女           granddaughter

孫子、孫女             grandchild

孫子、外孫             grandson

學生、瞳孔             pupil

學術性的               learned

學問                   learning

學校宿舍               dormitory

學院的、大學的         academic

學校、學派             school

學徒                   apprentice

學生                   student

學習                   learn

學會、機構             institute

學習                   study

學校宿舍               dormitory/dorm

學士學位               bachelor

學院                   college

學習得到               acquisition

學期                   semester

學期                   term

學費                   tuition

學者                   scholar

孵化                   hatch



它的、它               its



字典、辭典             dictionary

字首                   initial 

字母、字母表           alphabet

字母                   letter

字面的                 literal

宅邸                   mansion

宇宙、天地萬物         universe

安排、整理             arrangement

安裝                   install

安心的                 secure

安置的地點             setting

完全的、絕對的         very

安全                   safety

安全                   security

安靜的、寧靜的         tranquil

安慰、慰問             console

安靜的                 quiet

安全的、完全的         safe

安慰、撫慰             soothe

安慰                   consolation

安排                   arrange

安裝                   installation

守衛、保護             ward

守衛                   guard

守規矩                 behave

完整的                 complete

完全地、全部地         qoite

完全、徹底的           altogether

完美                   perfection

完全的                 utter

完美的                 perfect

完整的、豐富的         full

完全的、相當的         fairly

完好無損的             intact

完整的                 whole

完全的                 entire

完全相同的             identical

完成                   accomplishfinish

牢固的                 solid

宗族的、部落的         tribal

定名                   entitle

定居、安頓             settlement

定罪、判罪             conviction

定義                   definition

定型為…               stereotype

定期輪船               liner

室、寢室               chamber

室內的                 indoor 

室內便鞋、拖鞋         slipper (s)

家禽                   poultry

家、家庭               home

家庭、家族             family

家庭主婦               housewife

家庭教師               tutor

家族、家庭             household

家事                   housework

家鄉                   hometown

家畜                   livestock

家庭的                 domestic

家具                   furniture

家常便飯的             commonplace

宣告、公布、通知       announce

宣稱                   assert

宣傳、為......做廣告   advertise

宣傳活動               propaganda

宣傳                   publicity

宣布、宣告             announcement

宣佈                   announce

宣告、公告             declare

宣誓                   oath

宣佈(某事)不合法       outlaw

客人                   guest

客廳                   parlor

客棧                   inn

客氣的                 polite

容許                   permit

容易、靈巧             facility

容忍                   tolerate

容納量                 capacity

官僚政治               bureaucracy

官方的                 official

官員                   officer

官僚                   bureaucrat

宮殿                   palace

害怕、恐懼的           afraid

害怕                   dread

害怕                   fear

害怕的                 afraid

寄送、傳播             transmit

寄贈者、捐贈人         donor

寄;派遣               send

寄物櫃                 locker

密集                   intensive

密切的                 intimate

密封的                 airtight

密度;稠密度           density

密謀                   conspire

密醫                   quack

富有的                 rich

富裕的、富有的         wealthy

富創造力的             creative 

宴會                   banquet

宴會、節目             feast

寓言、無稽之談、空談   fable

寧願                   rather

寬闊的                 broad

寬敞的、寬廣的         spacious

寬、廣                 width

寬鬆的                 loose

寬容、容忍             tolerate

寬度、幅度             breadth

寬的                   wide

寬的                   broad

寬度                   width

寡婦、鰥夫             widow/widower

審視、討論             canvas

審問;審判             trial

實例、實況、實情       instance

實施                   implement

憲法、構造             constitution

憲法的                 constitutianal

寵物                   pet

寵壞                   spoil



寺廟                   shrine

封鎖                   blockade

耐火的、防火的         fireproof

耐得住、經得起         withstand

耐穿的、耐磨的         durable

耐力                   endurance

耐心                   patience

專門職業、本行;       specialty


專長()             specialize

專家                   specialist

專制政治、暴政         tyranny

專家                   expert

專門知識               expertise

專業的                 professional

專業                   profession

專心                   concentrate

專利權                 patent

專賣店                 parlor

尊重、視為             esteem

尊重                   respect

對比                   contrast

對照、比較             comparison

對話                   dialogue

對抗                   cope(動祠)

對抗、對峙             confrontation

對抗的                 resistant

對手、反對者           opponent

對手                   rival

對稱、相稱             symmetry

對待                   treatment

對的                   dialogue

…對…                 versus

尋找                   seekfind

導遊                   guide

導演                   director

尊敬                   respect



小屋                   lodge

小冊子                 brochure

小珠、玻璃珠           bead

小黃瓜、黃瓜           cucumber

小牛                   calf

小心的、慎重的         careful

小蝦、蝦子             shrimp

小船                   boat

小山、小山丘           hill

小冊子                 pamphlet

小路                   lane

小型的                 miniature

小片、少許             scrap

小提琴手               violinist

小屋、小室             cabin

小姐                   Miss/miss

小丑、丑角             clown

小說家                 novelist

小客車                 limousine/limo

小雞、雛雞             chick

小櫃櫥、內閣           cabinet

小隊、班               squad

小孩、孩童             child

小腿                   calf

小販                   peddlervendor

小包                   packet

小塊、小量、少許       crumb

小氣鬼                 miser

小時、點鍾             hour

小吃、點心             snack

小鴨                   duckling

小提琴、框子           fiddle

小街、巷衡、小胡同     alley

小偷、盜賊             thief

小孩                   kid

小狗                   puppy

小灣、浦               creek

小麥、麥               wheat

小提琴                 violin

小馬                   pony

小貓                   kitten/kitty

小費                   tip

小便                   piss

小圓石                 pebble

小屋、茅舍             hut

小巧的                 tiny

小河                   stream

小口吃                 nibble

小口喝;啜飲           sip

小心的                 careful

小片                   chip

小包                   packet

小步快走               scurry

小事                   trifle

小兒床                 crib

小的                   little

小的                   small

小便                   piss

小時                   hour

小組                   panel

小鳥                   isle

小喇叭                 trumpet

小提琴家               violinist

小提琴                 fiddle

小說                   novelfiction

小鎮                   town

小河、溪流             brook

少年                   lad

少的                   little

少量、少數             handful

少年期                 boyhood

少數的                 few

少年犯                 delinquent

少數族群               minority

少女                   maiden

尖嘯聲、撕裂聲         zip

尖銳的、銳利的         sharp

尖塔、尖頂(教堂)       spire

尖叫                   screamshriek

尖端                   tip

肖像畫                 portrait



尤其                  especially

尷尬的                embarrased

尷尬                   embarrassment




尺寸;大小             size

尺寸(長、寬、高)       dimension

尼龍                   nylon


局長                   chief

尿布                   diaper

尾巴                   tail

屈服、投降             surrender

屈膝、下跪             kneel

居住                   inhabit

居住的                 residential

居民                   inhabitant

居民                   resident

居住                   dwell

居住於…之中           populate

屍體                   corpse

展出                   exhibit

展覽                   exhibition

屋頂                   roof

屋內的、室內的         indoor

展開                   unfold

展開、傳布             spread

展現給                 show

展覽                   exhibition

展示                   exhibit

展現、表明             demonstrate

展覽會、女性           fair

屠殺                   slaughter



屬於                   belong

屬於大陸的             continental




                    to stockpile



山羊                   goat

山脈                   mountains

山崩                   landslide/mudslide

山頂                   peak


山脊                   ridge

山崩                   landslide

出口                   outlet

出名的                 famous

出席                   attendance

出納員                 teller

出售                   sale

岩石嶙峋的             rocky

岩崖、山峽、隘道       gorge

岩石的、搖擺的         rocky

岩石                   rock

峽谷                   canyon

崇高的                 lofty

島、島狀物、安全島     island


崎嶇不平的             bumpy

崩塌                   cruble





州長                   governor

順時鐘方向的           clockwise



工作室                 studio

工程學                 engineering

工程、結構             construction

工廠、機器             plant

工具箱、裝備           kit

工人                   worker

工作                   task;work

工具、用具             implement

工場、工廠             workshop

工具                   tool

工資                   wage(s)

工作者                 worker

工具、道具、器具       instrument

工作職業               job

工作過度               overwork

工程學                 engineering

工會                   union

工廠                   factory

工藝                   craft

功能                   function

功用                   utility

巧妙操縱               manipulate

巧妙的                 ingenious

巧克力                 chocolate

左邊                   left

左右為難、困境         dilemma

巨人般的               gigantic

巨大的                 enormous

巨大的、龐大的         huge

巨人                   giant

巨大的                 large

巨大的、極大的         immense

巨大的、廣大的         vast

巨響                   bang

巨大的                 huge

巨大的                 gigantic

巨大的                 tremendous

差一點                 almost

差異處、不同點         diversity

差異、差別             difference

差勁的                 bad

差勁的                 lousy

差異                   odds



已經                   already

已訂婚的               engaged

危險                   danger



起重機                 crane

起初的                 original

卷動、捲動             scroll

卷軸                   reel



市長                   mayor

市郊、郊區             suburb

市場                   market

布丁                   pudding

布料                   cloth

帆布                   canvas

希望、期待             hope

希望、願望             wish

帝國                   empire

帝國的、至高的         imperial

常綠的                 evergreen

常常、往往             often

常見的                 common

常春藤                 ivy

帶來                   bring

帶子、皮帶             belt 

帶子                   tape

帶領、領導             lead

帳、幕、窗簾           curtain/drape

帳目、帳本、記錄       account

帳單、發票             bill

帳蓬                   tent

帽子                   hat

幫助、援救             assist

幫助、幫忙             help

幫助、援救             assistance

幫助                   aid




干擾                   disturbance

干擾、中斷             interrupt

平易的                 accessible

平常的                 usual

平靜                   serenity

平靜的                 calm


年少的                 junior

年長的                 senior

年長者                 senior

年輕人                 youngster

年齡                   age

年輕的                 juvenile

年輕的                 youthful

年長的                 elder

平常的                 reular

年輕的、幼年的         young

年少的、年輕的         junior

幸運的、幸福的         fortunate

幸運的                 lucky

幸運                   luck



幻想                   illusion

幼小動物               young

幼鳥                   young

幼稚的                 childish

幼鳥、幼(?)            chicken

幼稚園                 kindergarten

幼獸                   cub

幽暗、憂鬱             gloom

幽默的、滑稽的         humorous

幽暗的、暗淡的         gloomy

幽默                   humor

幽靈                   phantom

幾乎不                 barely

幾乎、差不多           almost

幾何學                 geometry

幾乎地                 nearly




床墊                   mattress

床單                   sheet

庇護                   asylum

底部                   bottom

庭院、天井             courtyard

庭院、圍場、院子       yard

座位                   seat

座落                   locate

麻煩之事               complication

康乃馨                 carnation

廣告                   advertisement

廣告業                 advertising

廣播、撥出             broadcast

廣泛的                 extensive

廣泛的、包羅萬象的     comprehensive

廣告客戶               advertiser

廚房                   kitchen

廚師                   chef

廟宇                   temple

龐大的                 enormous

廢物、垃圾             junk

廢話、無意義的字       nonsense

廢棄                   rejection

廢止、革除             abolish




延緩                   lag

延長;延伸              extend

延長(名詞)             extension

延長                   prolong

延緩                   postpone

延後                   postponement

延遲                   delay

紋針                 clip

建造、裝配             construct

建築                   construction

建設性的               constructive

建立                   establish

建築技術、建築學       architecture

建議                   suggust

建議                   suggestion

建造                   build;construct

建築物                 building

建立、打基礎           found

建築師                 architect



升降機                 elevator

升級                   escalate

升級、進步             advance

()                 alley

弄熄、解渴             quench

弄成碎屑、弄成碎片     crumble

弄捲                   curl

弄複雜                 complicate

弄直、矯正             straighten

弄糟、損壞             spoil

弄翻、使顛倒           overturn

弄臭、不堪一聞         stink

弄髒、污染             stain

弄髒、發現             spot

弄亂                   scramble

弄髒                   blot



式樣                  form



引誘、慫恿             seduce

引座員                 usher

引述、引用             cite;quote

引起傷害的、有害的     harmful

引出、源出             extract

引用                   quote

引出、得出             derive

引擊                   engine

摘錄                   excerpt

引文                   quotation

引誘                   suduce

引誘、引起             induce

引導、指導             guidance

強健的                 robust

強烈的、激烈的         intensive

強健的                 hardy

強盜、劫匪             bandit

強大的                 mighty

強度、強烈             intensity

強調的                 emphatic

強調                   emphasize

強迫、使不得不         oblige

強風、風力             blast

強盜                   robber

強壯的、堅固的         stout

強健的、穩固的         sturdy

強光                   spotlight

強壯的、穩重的         strong

強迫                   compulsion

強健的;結實的         robust

強健靈敏的             athletic

強而有力的             powful;might

彈簧                   spring

彌補                   remedy

彎曲                   bend

彎曲的、歪曲的         crooked

彎曲、彎處             crook

彎腰、鞠躬             bow



彗星                   comet




形象                   image

形狀、格式             form

刑式;形態、圖式        figure

形成、成立、設立       formation

形狀                   shape

形容詞                 adjective

彩色的                 colorful

彩虹                   rainbow

彩券                   lottery

影響                   affect

影響                   effect;influential

影像、映像、形象       image

影印本                 copy/Xerox/xerox



征服、獲勝             conquest

征服、戰鬥後贏         conquer

往;到                 to

往上                   up

從、自、由於           from

徒步旅行               hike

從屬的                 dependent

從屬的                 subordinate

從未、從來沒有         never

從業人員               employee

從事                   employ

從事                   engage

很好                   well

很好的                 fine

很瘦的                 skinny 

很快、快               soon

很大的                 bulky

很小的                 tiny

很多                   much

很大的、巨大的         tremendous

很少                   few

律師                   lawyer

得、得到               get

得勝的、凱旋的         victorious

得到、獲得             gain

得罪、使不快           displease

得到                   derive

得勢而引人注目的事     bandwagon

徘徊                   hover

徘徊                   wander

徘徊                   roam

後記                   afterward

後腳跟                   heel

後來、以後             afterwards

後悔、遺憾             regret

後期的                 latter

後繼者、繼任者         successor

後面                   rear

復甦                   revival

復活                   revive

復仇                   avenge

復位;復原             retriere

循環                   circulation

循環利用               recycle

循、沿                 along

循環、一轉             cycle

街區                   block

街、街道              street

術語                   term

微波爐                 microwave

微粒                   particle

微風                   breeze

微妙的                 subtle

微暗的                 dim

微不足道的             negligible

微粒                   particle

徵收                   impose

徵收、繳費             toll

徵候、徵兆             symptom

衝擊                   shock

衝突                   clash

衝動                   impulse

衛星                   satellite

衛隊、侍從             bodyguard

衛生學、衛生           hygiene

徹底的                 thorough

徽章                   badge



心理學的               psychological

心理學家               psychologist

心跳                   throb

心態                   mentality

心情                   mood;temper

心理學                 psychology

心理的、心智的         mental

心、意識               mind

心、紅心               heart

心靈                   spirit

心不在焉的             absent-minded

必需品                 necessity

必然的                 consequent

必要的、不可缺少的     necessary

必須                   must

必需品                 requirement

必死的                 mortal

忘記、忽視             forget

忘掉、易忘的、忽略     forgetful

忍受                   endure

忍受                   stand

忍受                   bear

忍受                   tolerate

忍耐的                 patient

忍耐的                 tolerant

忙碌的                 busy

志向                   aspiration

忠實的;忠心的          loyal

忠實的、耿直的、可靠的 faithful

忠誠;忠貞              loyalty

忠告                   advice

忠實、傳真、誠實       fidelity

快速的                 hasty

快速的、堅固的         fast

快速地移動             hurry

快樂的                 merry;joyful

快樂的、快活的         gay

快遞                   dispatch

快的、敏捷的           quick

快而含糊不清的話       ivy

快速的                 swift

快樂                   happy

悅耳動聽的             pleasant

怪異的                 queer

怪物                   monster

怪異的/不可思議的      weird

怯懦的                 cowardly

忽視、不理睬、駁回     ignore

怨恨、憎惡             hatred

怨恨;不滿             resent

怨恨                   resentment

性慾的、性行為的       sexual

性、性別               sex

性向                   aptitude

性感的                 sexy

性別、性的分類         gender

思潮、主流             mainstream

思考                   think;ponder

急躁的                 irritable

急迫的、緊急的         urgent

急抓、抓               grab

急忙                   hurry

急忙、急速             haste

恐龍                   dinosaur

恐嚇                   intimidate

恐怖小說               thriller

恐怖、畏懼             horror

恐怖的                 horrible

懷疑                   suspicion

突然的                 sudden

恢復                   recover

恢復                   restore

恢復                   recovery

恢復                   restoration

悠閒的                 leisurely

悔恨                   remorse

怒吼                   roar

怒視瞪眼               glare

恭喜                   congratulate

恭維                   compliment

恐龍                   dinosaur

恩典、祝福             blessing

悸動、跳動             throb

情人                   lover

情緒智商               equation

情況                   circumstance

情感                   emotion

情緒                   sentiment

情緒、脾氣             temper

情勢;情況              situation

情感的                 emotional

情景、景色             scene

情況                   condition

情緒                   emotion

情緒商數               EQ(Emotional                             Quotient)

情緒智商               EQ/emotional



情感                   feelings

憎恨                   hatred

慎重的                 deliberate

悲哀、不幸             teen(s)

悲哀、悲痛             woe

悲慘                   misery

悲傷、憂鬱             melancholy

悲傷                   sorrow

悲傷、使悲傷           grieve

悲傷、感傷             grief

悲觀的                 pessimistic

悲劇                   tragedy

悲劇的                 tragic

悲觀                   pessimism

悲慘的                 pathetic

悲哀的                 sad

慈悲、慈善;慈善團體    charity

慈悲                   mercy

恨、憎恨               hate

愚蠢的                 silly

惡劣的                 ill

愚笨的                 stupid

愚笨的、愚蠢的         foolish

愚弄、欺騙             fool

愚笨的、愚蠢的         foolish

想法、典想、模範、理想 idea

想像、思念             imagine

想像的、不實在的       imaginary


想像                   imagine

想像、幻覺             imaginationfancy

想家的、思鄉的         homesick

想睡的、睏的           sleepy

想出                   conceive

想得到的               conceivable

感覺、知覺             sensation

感覺                   perception

感覺                   perceive

感激、感謝             gratitude

感激的、感謝的         grateful

感化、有影響的人       influence

感受到                 feel

感覺                   feeling

感到好笑的             amuse

感謝                   thank

感到吃驚               amaze

愉悅                   pleasure

慚愧的                 ashamed


愛人                   lover

愛情                   love

愛撫                   caress

愛交際的、社交的       sociable

愛國的                 patriotic

愛國者                 patriot

愛克思射線、X       X-ray/x-ray

愛爭吵的               quarrelsome

愛玩的                 playful

愛滋病                 AIDS (Acquired                           Immune Deficiency                        Symptoms)

態度                   attitude

態度                   manner

愉快、興高采烈的       cheerful

愉快的、喜悅的         joyful

愉快的                 pleasant

愉快的                 enjoyable

愉快的                 enjoyful

愉快的                 merryjolly

惡霸                   bully

惡徒                   villain

惡夢、夢饜             nightmare

惡意                   spite

惡棍                   villain;crook

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