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清肝解毒的超級食物 (翻譯喜貓)

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Ideal Liver Fuel: Super Foods

That Detox Liver and Cleanse Liver Toxin Naturally

理想的肝臟燃料: 清肝解毒的天然超級食物


There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating its natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body. The necessity for detoxification or detox, comes from the concern that toxins are constantly bombarding and accumulating in our bodies. Toxins are chemicals with potentially harmful effects. Eat these foods daily to help cleanse and detox your liver naturally and help clear toxic waste from your body.

很多食物都可有助清肝. 解毒的必要性, 來自人體可能長期累積毒素, 或經常性被毒性圍繞. 毒素就是化學成分潛藏有害物質. 每天吃以下食物可幫助清理身體並分解肝臟代謝的毒素, 把毒素帶離身體外


10 Super Foods That Detox Liver and Cleanse Liver Toxin Naturally



Lemons love your liver and your liver loves them right back! Lemons are a natural cleansing food and essentially one of the best to “get things going” in all areas of your body. Lemons provide a wealth of antioxidants, primarily Vitamin C, and they help your liver produce more enzymes which give you more energy and help with digestion.

檸檬愛你的肝, 你的肝也回饋他們的愛. 檸檬是天然淨化食物, 是最佳讓身體保持通暢的食物. 檸檬富含抗氧化物, 主要是維他命C, 幫助你的肝生產更多酵素, 給你更多的能量幫助消化


Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that activate the liver enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. This bulbous relative of the onion also contains allicin and selenium, two powerful nutrients proven to help protect the liver from toxic damage, and aid it in the detoxification process.

大蒜含有大量硫化物能促進肝臟酵素幫助將毒素排出體外. 大蒜球狀的部位含有很多的大蒜辣素與微量元素, 非常強力的營養素, 證明能有助保護肝臟, 防止來自毒素的損傷, 並有助於排毒過程


Yogurt is an excellent detox food that helps the liver to get rid of toxins. Include yogurt in your daily diet and reap multiple benefits.

優格是很好的解毒劑, 幫助肝臟排除毒素, 包括優格是你每天的菜單有很多助益


Turmeric, one of the most powerful foods for maintaining a healthy liver, has been shown to actively protect the liver against toxic damage, and even regenerate damaged liver cells. Turmeric also boosts the natural production of bile, shrinks engorged hepatic ducts, and improves overall function of the gallbladder, another body-purifying organ.

薑黃素, 保持健康肝臟健康的最強力食物之一, 被顯示能積極保護肝臟來自毒素的損害, 甚至能有助受損肝臟細胞的新生. 薑黃素也能增加膽汁,縮小腫脹肝管,也在增進膽囊的整體效能, 膽囊是身體另一個清理的內臟


Olive Oil
Olive oil is good for the liver when used in moderation. It provides a lipid base for the body, thus removing some toxic overload from the liver.

適度食用橄欖油對肝臟也很好, 能提供身體一個好油基礎, 移走掉過多毒素排出肝臟

Like garlic, onions are also rich in allicin that flush out the liver and the digestive tract. They’re also packed with potassium, fiber, phytonutrients, and flavonoids that help your body do everything from fight a nasty cold to repel toxic chemicals. Onions may stink odor-wise, but they’re are a well-known detoxifying food to enjoy anyhow.

就像大蒜一樣, 洋蔥也富含大蒜辣素, 也有鉀, 纖維素, 植化素, 類黃酮, 幫助身體從對抗感冒, 到驅除毒素都得心應手. 洋蔥可能味道重, 但他們是有名的解毒食物


Green Tea
Green tea is loaded with catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that has been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and promote proper liver function. This powerful herbal beverage also protects the liver against toxins that would otherwise accumulate and cause serious damage.

綠茶有兒茶素, 是植物抗氧化劑的一種, 在很多研究, 都顯示能清理肝臟脂肪的累積, 促進有益的肝功能運作. 這個強力的草本飲料, 也能保護肝臟防止毒素的侵害


Beetroots are another powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function. High in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene, they help stimulate and improve overall liver function. Moreover, beetroots are natural blood purifiers.

甜菜是另一種強力食物能清理支援肝臟功能, 有含量很高的植化素與beta胡蘿蔔素, 能刺激改善整體肝功能. 而且甜菜是天然的清血劑


Grapefruit is full of limonoids that increase the natural cleansing process of the liver. Since they are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, they help boost the production of liver detoxifying enzymes. A small glass of fresh grapefruit juice helps in flushing out toxins and carcinogens.

葡萄柚富含檸檬素能增加天然清理肝臟的功能, 因為他富含抗氧化物與維他命C, 能促進增生肝臟解毒酵素. 一小杯葡萄柚汁就能幫助清理毒素與致癌物



The high content of pectin in apples, remove the toxic metals such as mercury and lead along with the residues of radiation. They hold the chemical components required for the body and release the unwanted toxins from the digestive tract. This enables the liver to handle the cleansing process easily and efficiently. Drinking a glass of apple juice or taking apples everyday can help cleanse the liver and soften gallstones too.

蘋果含有很多的果膠, 能有助身體去除一些重金屬的傷害, 比方汞, 鉛, 與輻射殘留物. 他們保留這些化學物給身體需要的部分, 將不要的物質排除掉. 可促使肝臟更輕鬆有效進行清理的工作. 喝一小杯蘋果汁, 或吃蘋果, 能有助清理肝臟柔軟膽囊







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