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2014-02-06 18:46:31| 人氣2,102| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

感冒藥頭痛藥的主成份, Acetaminophen

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Acetaminophen是普拿疼的主要成份, 功能在鎮痛解熱, 比較熟知是拿來當感冒藥. 劑量分兩種, 325mg(普通)跟500mg(速效).

請注意喔, 美國FDA已提出新規定, 他們看不出325mg以上的劑量, 能產生額外效用, 日後不再核可超過325mg劑量的藥上市. 新法上路, 主要是發現肝功能障礙, 有五成跟Acetaminophen劑量過高有關. 除了普拿疼以外, 有些藥也添加, 所以不知情, 不同病情的人往往不知不覺就超量服用.

非不得已, 真得不要動不動就吃藥. 平日多照顧自己, 培養強健體魄. 西藥往往在抑制症狀, 那個症狀從來沒消失, 只是被壓到身體的深處而已.

又, 有一陣子對西藥, 幾乎抱持敵意的態度; 看了幾個例子, 與一些書後, 才又平反過來. 有些病既需要西藥去治療, 就持續服用, 不要輕易停, 每個人有適合他的醫藥方式, 要以最適合自己的方式去治療.

引用某位作者的話: "終究最好的作法是, 對任何正面的療癒方式保持開放的心胸, 無論是對抗醫學(西醫)或是整合醫療, 任何能強化療癒, 重新為身體帶來希望與力量的方式都值得考慮. "

FDA Urges Doctors to Cap Acetaminophen Doses  By Alexandra Sifferlin (TIME Health & Family)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says physicians should stop prescribing combination drugs with more than 325 milligrams (mg) of acetaminophen.

Acetaminophen is available in prescription pain relieving medications like Percocet and Vicodin, in which it is combined with opiods, as well as over the counter (OTC) drugs like Tylenol. The FDA says there is no evidence that taking more than 325mg in a combination pill provides any additional benefit, and too much acetaminophen puts people at risk of severe liver injury. “Many consumers are often unaware that many products (both prescription and OTC) contain acetaminophen, making it easy to accidentally take too much,” the agency said in its statement.

The FDA is now asking doctors not to prescribe pain relievers that contain more than 325mg of acetaminophen, since people may take these drugs along with OTC medications and expose themselves to potentially harmful levels of the medication. In 2011, the agency asked manufacturers of acetaminophen-combined prescription drugs to limit the amount of acetaminophen to no more than 325mg by 2014. More than half have agreed, but medications with higher amounts are still on the market. The FDA says it plans to start withdrawing approval of combination drugs requiring prescriptions that exceed this limit.

For now, the new recommendation to physicians only applies to prescription drugs with acetaminophen, and not to over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, but the FDA says it will address those in a separate regulatory action. The agency is also recommending that pharmacists who receive prescriptions for drugs with more than the 325mg per dose call the prescribing physician and inform him of the FDA’s new warning.

According to the agency, unintended overdoses with prescription combination drugs involving acetaminophen are responsible for half of acetaminophen-related liver failure in the U.S.

The FDA is now asking doctors not to prescribe pain relievers that contain more than 325mg of acetaminophen, since people may take these drugs along with OTC medications and expose themselves to potentially harmful levels of the medication. In 2011, the agency asked manufacturers of acetaminophen-combined prescription drugs to limit the amount of acetaminophen to no more than 325mg by 2014. More than half have agreed, but medications with higher amounts are still on the market. The FDA says it plans to start withdrawing approval of combination drugs requiring prescriptions that exceed this limit.

For now, the new recommendation to physicians only applies to prescription drugs with acetaminophen, and not to over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol, but the FDA says it will address those in a separate regulatory action. The agency is also recommending that pharmacists who receive prescriptions for drugs with more than the 325mg per dose call the prescribing physician and inform him of the FDA’s new warning.

According to the agency, unintended overdoses with prescription combination drugs involving acetaminophen are responsible for half of acetaminophen-related liver failure in the U.S.

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