Zero Point Modulator System : Pyramids, StarGates, Obelisks, ZPMs, Ziggurats
The Timeless Flight Through The
11:11 Portal a Message from Kalki Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin, November
9, 2014
Greetings! This is the Kalki
Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 9, 2014. I share a mantra.
大家好, 我是梅翠亞透過伊麗莎白傳訊給大家, 地球時間為2014年11月9日.
Satya Narayan and Narayan and
Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and
Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and
Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and
Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and Narayan. Satya Narayan and Narayan and
This mantra should be chanted as
you reflect on the 11:11 Portal opening on November 11, 2014. The 11 and 11
represent a merging of the Twin Flames in the Clarion Call, two becoming One.
And Earth and all life on Her represent the One Becoming One in Oneness
Consciousness. The Kalki Maitreya it is said, will return to Earth, a future
incarnation of the Maitreya, the Buddha. I am here. I am incarnate now. I
assist with the many changes as we approach The Event known as Disclosure. I am the twenty-fourth Earth Incarnation of
Lord Vishnu. Incarnated with me now is my consort Goddess Laxmi.
這 個咒語在11月11日11:11星際大門敞開之際唱誦. 11:11, 代表在clarion call雙生火燄的融合, 二變成一. 地球與其上所有生命代表合一意識. 梅翠亞將返回地球, 佛的未來化身. 我在這裏, 我現在在這裏, 我在此協助很多目前大家在經歷的改變. 被稱為大揭露的事件中. 我是上主Vishnu第24次的轉世化身. 跟我一起化身的是女神Laxmi.
So many changes are happening on
Earth. I bring you an update. If you go to Mt Kailash on google earth pro you
will see a narrow lake at the top. You will see a lake on top of Mt Shasta, Mt
Rainier, Mt Hermon (this was where the Transfiguration of Christ happened in
the Golan Heights) in Sudan is Mt Moriah with a lake on top. They are also all
throughout Afghanistan, Kashmir, and there is Mt Damavand near Teheran. These are
all StarGates. There are about 50 natural StarGates on Earth. There are about
20 artificial StarGates. One is in a park in downtown Detroit. One in the Presidential Palace in Baghdad – they built the
Green Zone around it. The Ziggurat of Ur is a StarGate. These are the networks
of StarGates on Earth and why Earth is considered so valuable to those who use
the StarGates. Go into the NYC Subway at 4:30 and decide if you want a Local or
Express train going home. The StarGate is the Express train to other Stars. The
StarGates are key to Earth being at Zero Point. Once we obtain Zero Point there
is no turning back. We will be in control of Earth and no rogue
Extraterrestrial forces will be allowed access. This is Ashtar’s part of the Mission.
地球上發生了很多改變, 我來跟大家更新一下進度. 如果你到google標註的Kailash山, 你會看到頂上有個湖. 你會看到雪士達山頂, Rainer山, Hermon山都有個湖. 不僅如此, 橫跨阿富汗, 喀什米爾, 在德黑蘭附近有個DamaVand山.
這些都是星際門戶. 地球上有近50個天然的星際門戶. 有20個人工星際門戶. 一個在底特律市中心的公園; 一個在巴格達總統官邸裏, 他們蓋了一個綠區. 這些都是地球上的星際門戶網路, 地球為何被宇宙視為如此珍貴, 因為有這些星際門戶可供運用. 好比4:30(沒寫清晨? 或下午?)到紐約地鐵, 看你是否想要搭普通或特快列車回家. 星際門戶是特快車到其他星球的站. 星際門戶是地球存有處於零極限的關鍵. 一旦我們獲得零極限, 沒有回頭路. 我們完全掌握住地球, 沒有外星存有能在未允許下進入. 這是阿斯塔的任務之一
The StarGates in Space are placed
at strategic places where there are dimensional upshifts. A StarGates’s job is
to acclimate a Body from one energy level to the next. Visualize it like the Panama Canal. The Body goes in like a Ship and holds
still while the locks adjust the levels – not of sea water, but energy. The
energy of the Body is raised to a different level and then it is able to go
through to another dimension. It is about not imploding.
在太空中的星際門戶被擺在策略位置, 可讓次元提升. 星際門戶的角色是要拉抬個體的能量到下個次元. 把它想像成巴拿馬運河. 身體像船通過, 當鎖調整它的高度, 不是海水, 而是能量. 身體能量被提升到某個程度,
In mid-February 2014 Earth was
set completely on its new Time Line. This has caused a series of sequential
events in the months that followed. The new Earth Hologram is forming and set
in it is the new electro magnetic crystalline Earth Grid. Now Earth is terraforming.
Some parts are rising and other parts are falling. Lemuria and Atlantis are
reemerging. September 4 there was a StarGate which was moved by me, Maitreya,
from Mt Kailash to a mountain in the Inez
Mountain range in central California.
2014 年2月中旬地球完全調到全新的時間線. 引起一連串的事件跟隨. 新的地球全像產生, 重新布下新的電磁水晶網格. 新的地球在成形, 部份在升起, 部份在下降. 列木里亞與亞特蘭斯重新整合. 9月4日我移動了一個星際門戶,
位在加州, 從Kailash山到Inez山
This has activated the Gateway of
Lemuria. The land
of Mu. The land of Mother. Divine Mother, the Goddess
Laxmi. The Goddess of Abundance. October 19 a large Space Craft did a fly-by of Mars. There was
a great explosion at surface Mars where there was a kind of seeding. Mars will
terraform on the surface back to a green moon with seas and rivers and lakes.
The November 6 Full Moon brought a Romulan Ship from the Orion Constellation
bearing gifts. November 11, 2014 is the 11:11 Portal Opening which will lead us
into the Days of Thanksgiving and the Holy Days. The next full moon of December
6 will bring massive changes in the infrastructure in Washington DC.
These energies will build into a Congressional Hearing on the Extraterrestrial
Issue in January. Disclosure will inevitably follow.
這 啟動了列木里亞的門戶, 姆大陸. 母親之地, 神聖之母, 女神 Laxmi. 豐盛女神. 10月19號, 有艄太空船飛經火星. 造成火星表面的大爆炸, 產生某種播種. 火星會重造塑型, 回到綠月亮, 有海有河有湖. 11月6日滿月時從獵戶座, 帶來Romulan船裝有禮物. 11月11日, 11:11星際門戶敞開, 帶領我們到感恩節到神聖的日子. 下一次的滿月, 12月6日將在華盛頓特區將帶來基礎結構的大幅度改變.
這些能量會創造外星人聽證會的事件, 2015 1月的大揭露變成不可避免的跟隨
There also has been a lot of
interference behind the scenes. These issues are being dealt with by me and
others working with me. There continues to be Abductions. There is a small
faction of malevolent extraterrestrials with the last stranglehold. Their time
is ending now. It is being dealt with. More support is needed for those White
Knights out on the frontline fighting for Disclosure. As a Member of the Ground
Crew you have a responsibility to help as you are called. Meditate on World
Peace. Blaze the Violet Flame. There are other ways to help. Be Creative. Pay
Due Diligence to Your Duty.
背後有很多的干擾. 但這些雜事已被我與我的團隊處理掉. 持續還是有些誘拐, 只屬一小撮邪惡外星人的最後爭扎. 他們的時間已盡. 事情已被處理. 白騎士在前線為大揭露的工作需要更多支援. 身為地面部隊的一份子, 你有責任提供幫忙. 為世界和平冥想. 燃燒紫羅蘭火燄, 有其他形式可幫忙. 發揮你的創意. 為自己的職責盡一份心力
The November 6 Full Moon brought
a Romulan Ship from the Orion Constellation returning to Earth one of the Black
Stone technologies which transport One to the Yggsdrail Constellation for
further spiritual evolvement.
11月6日滿月時節, 一艄從獵戶座返回地球的Romulan船, 運用黑石科技, 能載送星際船到另一個Yggsdrail星座, 為了更進級的靈性進化
There were once nine Black Stone
technologies on Earth. Each Black Stone was a portal to one of the nine Realms
of the Yggsdrail Constellation. These are centers of learning. This is where
you go to Master being Liquid Light, Liquid Love. This is an adept ability just
like telepathy, levitation and teleporting. Knowing this skill makes instant
manifestation possible. Only one Black Stone was left on Earth at the Kabba at Mecca. It is an
Extraterrestrial technology held behind the kiswah or black cloth inside a
frame. In order to travel through the portal one was to kiss the stone. On
Muhammad’s final journey he transported from the Kabba in Mecca
to the Yggsdrail Constellation and back to the StarGate at the Dome of the Rock
in Jerusalem. The Kabba is a travel modality just like
our Mer- Ka – Ba Body’s transport us around the Galaxy as we remember that
special skill.
地 球上曾有九個黑石科技. 每個黑石都是一個門戶, 能到Yggsdrail星座的九個星球之一. 那裏有學習中心. 可在那裏學習到怎樣專長於液態光, 流動愛. 有點像心電感應, 電力轉移的超能力. 只有一顆黑石留在地球, 在麥加. 這是外星科技, 被保留在火燄的黑衣裏. 想要在星際門戶間移動, 就親吻這黑石. 在默罕默德最後的旅程,
他從麥加轉移到Yggsdrail星座, 回到耶路撒冷的Dome of the Rock門戶.

The Romulan’s from Orion who held this Black Stone in safe keeping are our Galactic Neighbors, in some cases, your ancestors.They are here at Earth helping restore Her to Her pristine beauty and power. It is inevitable that there will a formal Disclosure as these changes are put into place, step by step. A formal Disclosure makes it possible for Earth to enter a political alliance with the Extraterrestrials who are our near neighbors. Earth is found within the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
來自獵戶座的romulan船, 他們有黑石, 被保留在銀河鄰居那裏, 你們的祖先. 他們在這裏幫助恢復黑石曾有的力量. 不可避免會有個正式的大階露, 在地球上我們要正式宣布與銀河鄰居締結政治聯盟.
Milky Way Galaxy : Path Back to On : Orion ArmThe Yggsdrail Constellation is a place for Humanity to explore, one dimension at a time. It is an Initiation. It is a Mastery. This is where the Ascended Masters go to complete their Training and Test out to the next level.
至於Yggsdrail星座是個人類可以再探索的地方, 一次一個次元. 他是啟源, 是大師. 是揚升大師會去的地方, 在那裏完成他們的訓練, 以及測試可進階到哪裏...
Yggdrasil Constellation NASA Image(從NASA拍到的Yggdrasil星座)
Yggsdrail Constellation Artist Image (以藝術呈現的Yggsdrail星座)
If you watch The Return of the King movie when
Aragorn charges into the [Star]Gate of Udûn at Mordor
with Gandalf, an elf and a dwarf the men are all wearing armor with a TREE on
it. THAT is the Tree that Yggsdrail IS. The Constellation represents the Tree
of Life with 9 Dimensions. The Tree is the symbol of Gondor. It is in the Light
Matter Universe which is why its a WHITE tree. It is in the Universe of ON (we
are in the Universe Nebadon) The white tree is the Door to On.
如果你有看魔戒, 當Aragon跟甘道夫進入星際門戶, 小精靈與侏儒穿著戰衣是有樹的符號在上面, 那就是Yggsdrail星座的樹, 這星座代表九次元的生命之樹, 樹是Gondor的象徵. 那是個光的宇宙, 白樹是進入的門
The white tree
of Gondor marks a gateway, a StarGate. As these changes take place the
King will return. The King of Kings, Sananda, Admiral of the New
Jerusalem MotherShip. Code name King of Swords (KOS). The wielder, partners
with Archangel Michael, wielders of Truth and Justice.
Gondor的白樹是大門, 星際門戶, 當一切發生時, 國王將返回. 王者之王, 薩南達. 新耶路撒冷航空母艦. 密碼名稱是: 劍之王(KOS)...與大天使麥克合作, 保護真理與正義
White Yggsdrail Tree of Gondor
The network of Pyramids, StarGates, Obelisks, Portals and ZPMs are being reactivated for an Earth fully within the higher dimension. It makes space travel possible for anyone who wants it. Teleporting too. Folks will learn how to travel in their own Bodies. No Craft needed.
金字塔的網路, 星際之門, 尖形碑, 門戶等已被重新啟動, 為進入更高的次元的地球做準備. 這讓太空旅行成為可能. 電傳動, 也可能. 人們也會學習如何以自有身體遨遊, 不需要交通工具
Its not about Disclosure, its not about the great Reformation which will follow – its always been all about the StarGates. This is your one chance to Free Earth from the Intergalactic War Criminals who have a secret empire and secretly go out to space with antimatter weapons. They are attempting to colonize and enslave other Planets. Earth’s Ascension effects everything in this Solar System and beyond. As Earth goes through this massive dimensional shift Disclosure is inevitable. Make it so.
不是大揭露, 也不是大轉型, 從頭到尾都是星際門戶. 這是你一次性的機會, 解放地球, 不再受到銀河系戰犯, 有秘密帝國, 偷偷帶著反物質武器跑到太空.
The next full moon of December 6 will bring massive changes in the infrastructure in Washington DC. Not all too soon and in preparation for new hearings on the Extraterrestrial issue.
12月6日下一次月圓, 會為華盛頓特區帶來基礎結構的大規模改變, 不久會有外太空聽證會的準備與執行
Both Cairo and Washington D.C. have such close proximity to adjacent cities called Alexandria.
There is the Pyramid on the Giza Plateau. We have the StarGate at Delphi. We have the Egyptian Pantheon of Gods and the
Greek Pantheon of Gods coming together. Alexander the Great knew this. The Gods
of Ancient Times were Extraterrestrial Starfarers.
在吉薩金字塔, 有個星際門戶. 埃及萬神殿與希臘萬神殿會遇到一起. 亞歷山大知道這個. 古時的神都是外太空的人
The Nile River runs past Giza and Alexandria and into the Mediterranean Sea. Directly north is Delphi, Greece. 尼羅河流經吉薩金字塔與亞歷山大到地中海, 北方則是希臘的Delphi

There is the Pyramid under the Capital Building in Washington D.C. We have the StarGate directly north at Philadelphia.
華盛頓首都大樓的底下有個金字塔, 費城有星際之門
St. Germain loves Philadelphia.
It was at Independence Hall where he counseled America’s founding Fathers to sign
the Declaration of Independence. Elton John knows what’s what. PHILAdelphia FREEDOM Shine a Light, Shine a
Light on ME! I love love love you – yes I do! Elton is singing about when he
was transported through the Philadelphia StarGate. So where does that StarGate
go? Alpha Centauri A. It is a White Matter Love Fest kind of Bangkok. Great Beaches. People don’t comment
about it. They just giggle and give a wry smile. All pleasures are there.
Elton’s kind of place. The Bird People live there. Just like
Thoth/Metatron. Guess who else is from there? Soltec. Soltec is the Commander
of the Phoenix Mothership which is in charge of all Communications between the
StarCrafts and beyond.
聖哲曼喜歡費城, 那裏有個獨立大廳, 在那裏他給予美國建國之父簽立獨立宣言很多的建議. 艾爾紐頓強知道什麼是什麼. 費城的自由閃耀著光, 照亮我! 我愛愛愛你- 是的我是. 艾爾頓強在唱的是, 當他被運送穿越費城的星際之門. 所以那道門到那裏去了? Alpha Centauri A, 它是曼谷白色愛之事件, 偉大的海灘. 人們不講這事. 只是神秘微笑著, 充滿愉悅. 像艾爾頓強那樣的地方. 鳥人住那裏. 就像圖特/麥達昶. 猜還有誰從那裏來? Soltec. Soltec是鳳凰航空母艦的司令, 掌管星際之船與之外所有的通訊
The Capital Building Pyramid is now under the control of the Ones Serapis
Bey has been battling at Giza.
It is being liberated. The Founding Fathers knew about the Pyramid which
was yet to be discovered under the Capital
Building. They marked the
spot with the design of the roadways in the District.
首都大樓底下的金字塔正被賽樂絲貝管理. 建國之父知道這個尚未被發現的金字塔. 他們有註記通道的設計

Last year there was news that the oldest Pyramid ever was uncovered by archeologists in Crimea, Ukraine. The Pyramid just below the Capital Building is destined to be found now. It will raise Consciousness to all Humanity. It was designed into the Plan. An over lay on the map of Washington D.C. places the pineal gland over the Capitol Building. As this Pyramid and others, like one in Santa Fe, New Mexico, come into the Zero Point technology, Earth returns to the Divine Jewel in the Heavens. This will effect everything in the Cosmos. This will be the greatest event in Human History. Full Galactic Disclosure. As you cross the 11:11 portal it marks an energy under which All Things Are Possible. You are never alone. We are working hand-in-hand with the Ground Crew. Man and Woman your Stations. Your Mission is taking you places you never thought you would go. Stick together! Your large efforts bring large rewards. This is Kalki Maitreya through Elizabeth Trutwin. © All Rights Reserved.
去年曾有新聞報導考古學家在烏克蘭發現最老的金字塔. 建在首都大樓底下的金字塔, 都是設計來被發現的. 這能提升所有的意識, 是個計畫好的設計. 像其他地方, 新墨西哥州聖塔菲的金字塔已來到零極限, 地球將返回位於天堂神聖的耶穌. 這會影響到宇宙中每一樣事物. 這將是人類史上最偉大的事件. 完全的銀河大揭露. 當你跨越11:11星際門戶, 亦即標示有股能量讓所有事都成為可能. 你從來不是一個人, 我們正在手攜著手與地面團隊工作. 男人與女人. 你的任務是去到任何你從未想過你會去的地方. 凝聚在一起. 你的努力會帶來很大的報酬. 這是梅翠亞透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳訊

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