下午與阿母在花店看到一盆生氣盎然的迷迭香, 欣喜把他買回來. 一方面之前就有養迷迭香的經驗(我阿母, 不是我). 回家後, 非常熱情跟他互動, 比方: 歡迎到我家啦, 同時, 也在能量與感覺的層次試著跟他交流.
這盆迷迭香長得真好, 枝葉爭榮向上, 在在顯現他的健康活力, 甚至依稀可描到環繞著他, 似有似無的能量. 熱情打招呼之餘, 偏偏又看到一些小枝已折凹, 就自作主張將他折斷. 之後, 注意力就轉去看電視. 過沒多久, 卻感覺自己在暈眩, 說是微微的也不是, 那種暈眩好像會把人拋離圓心一樣. 而且一直持續, 一直存在. (之前整個下午都好好的). 是迷迭香的關係嗎? 直覺坐離他遠一點.
但暈眩仍揮之不去, 甚至有作嘔的感覺. 大概在阿母家試著平穩一個小時後, 才暈暈地回到住家躺了好一會, 暈眩才慢慢散去. 是說, 我太急著跟這盆迷迭香打招呼, 他環境還沒弄熟, 又碰到我這瞎熱情的, 狀況沒搞清楚前, 枝葉又很快被折斷, 一時之間可能對我很感冒? 又或者是他也以能量在與我調頻, 但我的身體無法支持這樣的能量?
from Wild edible and medicinal plants (facebook)
has had the reputation for miracles for thousands of years.
It has been
used as an antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, antiviral,
anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, aphrodisiac, and expectorant. Rosemary
has earned praise for alleviating nerve-related conditions, boosting the
immune system, fighting off bacterial and viral infections, aiding
respiratory ailments, strengthening digestion and
improving circulation.
Rosemary contains both caffeic acid and
rosmarinic acid which act as a powerful anti-inflammatory making it
ideal for those who suffer with auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. It also contains
properties and volatile oils that work similarly to anti-histamines and
make it very useful to treat conditions such as asthma and chronic
Rosemary’s diuretic properties have been known to help
relieve gout, edema, and kidney stones. Rosemary has the ability to
stimulate memory, improve concentration, and help overcome mental
fatigue by increasing the blood flow to the head and brain. It is also
known to alleviate depression and sadness and can decrease anxiety
brought on by stress. Rosemary oil is often added to hair and skin care
products due to its ability to cleanse and nourish the scalp and heal
and repair the skin. Essential oil of rosemary can also be used through a
steam vaporizer to disinfect the air in your home &/or office which
is especially beneficial during cold and flu season.
A high quality
premium essential oil of rosemary can be found by clicking here http://amzn.to/1vUkZD6.
Fresh or dried rosemary can also be taken as a tea, supplement, or
simply added to fresh guacamole, salads, soups, or any of your home
cooked meals. It is a potent and effective herb that can provide a
myriad of health benefits.