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Dr. Richa Chopra簡介&10/1-3 PART1淨化呼吸課程&中秋唱場

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Dr Richa Chopra, is a Counselor, Psychologist and a Senior Art of Living Teacher. Also trained in the area of children with special needs, she started her career as a special trainer in the prestigious Guwahati Neurological Research Centre (GNRC), Guwahati, India.

Dr. Richa Chopra (蕾查‧丘波) 是一位諮商師、心理學家與資深生活的藝術老師。她擅長於特殊兒童的領域,她是在印度著名的高哈蒂神經學研究中心(Guwahati Neurological Research Centre-GNRC),擔任特別訓練人員,開始了她的職業生涯。

Over the years, she gradually moved into the developmental sector and for a Swedish International Developmental Agency’s (Sida) project on Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Issues. Through her role, she was also handling many other Government, Uni, Bi and Multi Lateral Donor aided project execution on issues as HIV/AIDS, Child Protection, and Gender etc.

經過許多年的努力,她逐漸地轉往發展領域,並參與瑞典國際發展機構(Swedish International Developmental Agency’s -Sida)的青少年生育保健計畫(ARH)。透過這樣的角色,她也參與許多其他針對愛滋病、兒童保護或性別議題等的政府、大學、雙邊或多邊捐贈的援助計畫。

Moving full time into the Art of Living, she founded and headed the Projects Management Unit-The Art of Living. The Art of Living is a Humanitarian and Spiritual Organization, spread across157 countries. And heading this responsible role, recreating spirituality’s offing as the most sustainable solutions for challenges thwarting mankind, she enabled many historic partnerships and initiatives on a plethora of Social Developmental Issues, particularly with the United Nations & the Government.

她全職地投入生活藝術的志業,成立並領導生活藝術的專案管理部門(Projects Management Unit)。生活的藝術是一個分布於全球157個國家,致力於提倡人性與靈性價值的組織。她擔起這個重責大任,以靈性的方式作為最永續性解決人類困境的方法,她也促成許多歷史性的夥伴關係,並啟動多元社會發展議題的活動,特別是與聯合國或政府組織的合作。

A few of these include 其中包括:

• 2008年6月1-2日於印度班格羅,與聯合國愛滋病規劃署(UNAIDS)聯合召開史上第一個有關愛滋病防治的印度領袖核心會議

• 2005年11月於印度新德里,與聯合國人口基金署(UNFPA)聯合召開宗教領袖大會,討論有關墮除女胎的議題

• 2007年10月,在兒孩保護議題上與聯合國兒童基金會,達成國家夥伴關係

• 與印度法務部的全國法律服務局(National Legal Services Authority)在調解議題上達成國家夥伴關係

• 2006年於孟買,與十個國際組織在生活藝術大型青少年活動(Mega Youth Event)上,達成夥伴關係,有七萬五名青少年出席。

•2010年為女兒找醫生(Doctors for Daughters)全國大會,討論性別選擇性墮胎議題,及一起動起來(Faith in Action)促進各宗教間聯合起來,一起防治愛滋病。

• the first ever Hindu Leaders Caucus on HIV AIDS with UNAIDS, June 1-2 2008, Bangalore, India

• the religious leaders conference on Female Foeticide with UNFPA, Nov 2005, Delhi, India

• A national partnership with UNICEF on Child Protection issues, October 2007

• A national Partnership with the National Legal Services Authority (Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India) on mediation

• Partnership of ten international agencies for the Art of Living’s Mega Youth Event (an assembly of 75,000 youth together), Mumbai 2006

• Doctors for Daughters: National Conference on Sex Selective Abortions. Faith in Action-Interfaith Response to HIv and AIDS 20102


She has been invited to speak at many prestigious conferences and has represented The Art of Living at various national and international foras, including the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City 2008

她也是生活的藝術國際資深老師,教授DSN 及師資訓練(TTC)課程。她亦是一位半古典歌唱家,出版過兩張專輯:Mehar De Rang及Maahi。

She is also a Senior Art of Living International Teacher and conducts the DSN & TTC Courses.And a Semi Classical Singer with two released albums, 'Meher' and 'Maahi'Richa Vasudev Chopra Didi love you lots!!!

**Dr. Richa Chopra老師的唱場影片



Pre-TTC全體學員與所有老師們的要求下,特地加開這一個特別的初級課程,希望可以讓更多社會有緣大眾感受到Dr. Richa敲山震虎的撼動力!


Dr. Richa是生活的藝術全球預備師訓(Pre-TTC)首位受古儒吉大師授權的合格老師,可以讓她在繁忙的國際行程裡,挪出3晚(10/1-10/3 18:30-10:00)的時間教授Part I實在是不可錯過的難得機會,因此這是一個非常特別的初級課程,千萬別錯過!歡迎舊雨新知廣邀親朋好友參加這個不可思議的課程。我們希望古儒吉給台灣的禮物,可以分享給所有人! 



生活的藝術  台灣全國中心  tel:2563-2113





不一樣的月光 不一樣的中秋夜
9/30 週日下午 5:45 台北 輔大有大型唱場
印度老師 Dr. Richa Chopra主持

Jai Guru Dev!!

台長: Guruji
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