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2011-02-24 09:31:02| 人氣658| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

How can we obtain the real from the unreal?

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How can we obtain the real from the unreal?



Once when I (Karshiji) was thinking on this question, I thought I had hit upon a paradox. If everything is unreal, how can it lead us out of the unreal? I asked myself if this world appearance is unreal – as the yoga vashista and other advaitic texts proclaim, then all our sadhana is also unreal. So what is the point of doing sadhana. for eg. in a dream, all that i experience is unreal, how can any action that i do in a dream lead me to wake up. For only when i wake up do i realize it was a dream!

I decided that this was a question fit to be asked of Guruji. And one day I got my chance. It so happened that I was in a car with Guruji and the drive was a long one :) In a period of silence, I shyly popped this question to HIM.

“Guruji, how can my actions in my dream take me out of it? if they cant, then what is the point of doing sadhana to get liberation from this world existence?”

Guruji smiled and liberated me from the question very simply!

“In the dream, when a lion roars, you wake up!”

有一回,我 (卡旭吉)在思考這個問題,以為已經想到了一個似是而非的悖論。如果一切是虛幻的,怎麼能帶領我們走出虛幻的我自問,如果這個世界的面貌是不真實的,那麼我做的瑜伽修練,靜坐.研習吠沱經典..等等所歷經的也都是虛幻的囉!那為何還要做靈修練習呢?如此等等呢?在夢中一切的經驗是虛幻的,在夢中我做的任何行動又如何使我醒來呢?因為只有當我醒來時,我才意識到這一切都是夢境











或在本版搜尋"關鍵字"卡旭 or Kashiji

台長: Guruji
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