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Monday, August 17, 2009

2009817, 星期一

‘Till love gets transformed into devotion, there is no satisfaction’

直到愛轉變為虔誠為止, 沒有滿足

What Sri Sri said today

‘Till love gets transformed into devotion, there is no satisfaction’
"直到愛轉變為虔誠為止, 沒有滿足"

India, (Art of Living International Center, Bangalore), Aug. 14, 2009:
印度,(生活的藝術國際中心, 班格羅), 2009814:

This knowledge sheet was given on the occasion of Janmashtami (Festival celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna)
這篇知識是在 "佳瑪斯塔米"給出(神克里希納生日慶典

We are celebrating lord Krishna’s 5139st birthday. He lived for 125 years. Krishna is not a vyakti (person) but shakti (energy). Krishna says: ‘People think I am in the human form, but I am ananta shakti (that energy which has no end). Those who see Me in others and others in Me are never far away from me. I will be with them always.’
我們在慶祝神克里希納5139歲的生日. 祂活了125. 克里希納不是vyakti(人)而是shakti(能量). 克里希納說: ‘人們認為我是人的形體, 但我是ananta shakti(無窮的能量). 那些在其他人身上看見我和在我身上看見其他人的人永不遠離我, 我會一直和他們在一起.
All navarasas were present in Krishna. Krishna was poorna kala avataran (a complete incarnation).
所有的navarasas都呈獻在克里希納之中. 克里希納是pooma kala avataran(一個完美的化身)
Krishna is consciousness. The purpose of celebration is to realize that Krishna is in me and not different.
克里希納是意識. 這個慶祝的目的是了悟到克里希納在我之中而且不是不同的..

In the Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna says, “One who sees everyone in Me and sees Me in everyone, for such a person, I shall never remain hidden and he shall never be far from me.”

在薄伽梵歌裏: 神克里希納說, “一個在我之中看到每個人也在每個人之中看到我的人, 對這樣一個人, 我絕不會繼續隱藏而他也絕不會遠離我.”

Lord Krishna’s life has all the nine rasas (flavors). For instance, he was naughty like a child, a warrior, joy personified and a source of knowledge.

神克里希納的生命有這所有九種rasas(味道). 舉例來說, 他像頑皮地像個小孩,一位勇士, 喜悅的象徵也是知識的源頭.


He was a perfect friend and guru. There never was and never will be a friend like Krishna.
他是一個完美的朋友與老師. 過去不曾有未來也不會有像克里希納這樣的朋友.

To awaken the Krishna in our consciousness is the right way of celebrating Janmashtami.
‘Krishna is not far from me, not separate from me, he is within me’: this feeling will fill your life with Krishna.
在我們的意識中喚醒克里希納是慶祝"佳瑪斯塔米"節的正確方式."‘克里希納不是遠離我, 不是與我分離的, 他在我之中" 這種感覺將使你的生命充滿克里希納.

To understand Krishna become Radha or Arjuna or Uddhava.


Three kinds of people seek refuge in God. The lover, the miserable and the wise. Uddhava was wise, Arjuna was miserable and Radha was love. So all are good. Arjuna was not saddened for himself but for the whole world. To be saddened for humanity is the dharma (duty) of a human. So when this pain for humanity is awakened in the heart and you don’t know what to do and what not to - then your life is filled with Krishna.
有三種人在神之中找尋庇護. 愛人, 苦難者和智者.烏達瓦是智者, 阿朱納是受苦的而拉達是愛. 所以都是好的.阿朱納不是為他自己悲傷但是為了整個世界. 為了人類而悲傷是人的責任. 所以當這個為了人類的痛苦在心中被喚醒而你不知道該怎麼做而什麼不該做.- 然後你的生命充滿了克里希納.

On the battlefield, Krishna tells Arjuna to become a Yogi. Krishna is also addressed as Yogeshwar (God of Yoga).
Follow what Krishna said, “See everyone in Me and see Me in everyone” and become a yogi.
在戰場上, 克里希納告訴阿朱納做一個瑜珈行者. 克里希納也被稱為Yogeshwar(瑜珈之神).


Don’t be afraid of anything, be useful for everyone.

不要害怕任何事, 對每個人有幫助.

Krishna never scolded Arjuna, he did not let him feel guilty at all. He always uplifted Arjuna.

克里希納從未責備阿朱納, 他一點也沒有讓他感到內疚. 他一直在提升阿朱納.

He reminded Arjuna that all the virtues are within him already. He did not need to work towards achieving them.

Krishna was born at midnight, when everyone was sleeping. When all the senses sleep, then the knowledge of the self is awakened. This can be interpreted spiritually. Deh (body) is Devaki*, Prana (life energy) is Vasudev*. When body and life energy unite, then the bliss that is born out of the union is called Nandlala**.
他提醒阿朱納所有的美德都已在他的內心裏, 他不必努力去達到. 克里希納在午夜誕生, 當大家在睡覺的時候, 當所有的感官睡著了, 然後本我的知識被喚醒了.這可以在精神上來詮釋. Deh(身體)是Devaki, **Prana(生命能量)是Vasudev. 當身體和生命能量合一, 那時由合一所生出的至福稱為Nandlala**.

When Krishna was born, all the guards fell asleep. Guards represent the senses and bliss is beyond the senses. The jail represents the body and the river Yamuna, love. It rose to touch the feet of the little Krishna. This means that the love was so intense it could not refrain itself from touching the feet of the Lord.
當克里希納出生時, 所有的守衛都睡著了. 守衛代表感官而至福超越感官之上. 監獄代表身體和雅姆那河, . 它升起去碰觸小克里希納的腳.這意味著這愛是如此強烈無法抑制自己不去碰觸神的腳.

Till love gets transformed into devotion, there is no satisfaction. So when love happens with a thing, person or situation - it is not fulfilling. However, love reaches its peak when it experiences the touch of the Divine.
直到愛轉變為虔誠為止, 沒有滿足. 所以當愛因事件, 人或情況而發生 它是不滿足的. 然而, 當體驗到神性的碰觸時,愛達到它的頂峰.

The story has an amazing meaning behind it. That’s why our ancestors did not restrict a story to time and place- this is a forever continuing to flow, its happening everyday.
這個故事的背後有一個令人驚嘆的意義. 那是為何我們的祖先不以時空來限制一個故事 這是一個永遠繼續的流動, 每天在發生.

This is the essence of the Bhagwat.

*Devaki, Vasudev – Krishna’s parents
德瓦基, 瓦蘇戴瓦 克里希納的父母

**Nandlala – another name for Krishna
南達拉拉 克里希納的另外一個名字


 (From the Office of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar)
© The Art of Living Foundation






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