The Secret of Joy -- 喜悅的秘密You are the source of joy!你就是喜悅的根源!Withdraw your senses from the object...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:23:36 | 回應:0
愛與罪The whole world is made up of love and everyone is made up of love. All is God. All is love. But then wh...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:22:44 | 回應:0
Pleasure and Pain - 歡愉與痛苦Whichever object is giving you pleasure, the same object will give you misery---...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:21:36 | 回應:0
你的生活不可能脫離靈修練習”How can you incorporate spirituality in daily life? First step don't think spiritu...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:20:44 | 回應:0
生活的秘密Deepening the mystery of creation is science. Deepening the mystery of the Self is spirituality. The...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:19:35 | 回應:0
Unlimited Joy -- 無限的喜悅This is quite natural: your mind is not satisfied with limited joy. It wants unlimi...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:05:08 | 回應:0
Limited Senses -- 有限的覺知Our senses have a limited capacity to enjoy, but the desire in the mind to enjoy i...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:03:54 | 回應:0
業的法則“Suffering has to be undergone because of the karma bank; Some bear fruit in this birth itself wher...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:03:13 | 回應:0
No End to it -- 無止境There is no end to moving from scene to scene, from person to person, from thing to thin...
發表時間:2009-05-10 12:02:21 | 回應:0
Drop the rock! -- 放下石頭!You have to drop the rock in order to pluck the flowers.為了摘花你必須放下石頭。{Kn...
發表時間:2009-05-10 11:59:41 | 回應:0
{小知識} - 創造無限的關係關係的複雜及困難讓人們有別於其他生物。我們愈是先進愈是會面臨關係的考驗。動物們沒有關...
發表時間:2009-05-10 11:58:34 | 回應:0
Holding On -- 緊握不放If you are holding on to stones in your hands, your hands will not be free to take the d...
發表時間:2009-05-10 11:57:17 | 回應:0
Stuck in the Wrappings -- 執著於包裝紙The world is a beautiful package, the world is not bad. It's a wrapping ...
發表時間:2009-05-10 11:56:36 | 回應:0
Joy / Not Joy - - 喜悅 / 不快樂This is what we see in the world today: everyone is moving towards joy, but peo...
發表時間:2009-05-01 13:45:01 | 回應:0
Senses Lead Within -- 覺受引導內在Each of the senses lead you to a point deep inside you that is the fountain ...
發表時間:2009-04-30 17:15:21 | 回應:0