(photo: the special bus in Lyon)
if you ask me wether i like france. i probably wouldn’t answer yes or no right away. however, there are some reasons i do love about france.
@ 6 weeks holidays
the franch law regulates that every employee could get 6 weeks holidays besides every weekend off. which means if you work in france, you would have saturday and sunday off every week plus 42 days off every year. precisely speaking, an emplyee gets at least 138 days off in one year. let alnoe the national holidays, such as X’mas and so on.
isn’t it fabulous? for something of a working slave from taiwan, how could it be possible not to feel jealous?
nevertheless, the bad thing is there are no many working opportunities in france. the economy is down and the unemployment rate is high compared with taiwan.
@ politeness
franch people are very friendly and polite. people in france highlight politeness very much. you can easily perceive this.
when you get on and off a bus, you have to say hi and goodbye(in franch of course) to the bus driver. when you go in and out a shop even just looking around, you have to say hi and goodbye to the shop owner. you say hi to your neighbors even though you don’t really knoe them. if you forget to say, people would consider you no manners and dislike you.
when you say hi and goodbye, people always reply to you. it just feels very warm. people would neither be as cold and indifferent as in USA nor as phony as in japan. franch politeness is something just fits.
even a foreigner speaking no franch as me doesn’t feel discriminated and uneasy here, i think they are really nice, warm, and amiable people.
@ gorgeous guys
men in france do know how to dress themselves. when they walk on the streets, it’s so called eye candy.
8 outa 10 men wear glue or gel on their hair. they just dress so in style, let alone their chiseled features. their fashionable outfits are fashionable and natural at same time. neither like people’s wearing casually in taiwan or USA nor way too much in japan.
most of men are tall and slim. i think masculine bodies are not in for people here. and those slim bodies do turn me on. how can i not learn franch? this is where i belong to. hahaha.....
in taiwan, we usually consider that someone dresses well must be gay. here in france, you can’t tell which men are gay or not. because they look almost the same. they all wear good clothes in bright colors. maybe compared to american guys, men are dandies and more feminine here.
that’s why i like it. they never prefer to show their masculinity by dressing like shit.