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2016-03-09 09:08:12| 人氣1,906| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Shine On

推薦 14 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

James Blunt-Shine On

專輯:All The Lost Souls(失落的靈魂)

are they calling for our last dance?
I see it in your eyes~ ~ ~
in your eyes...
same old molds forms and you know that
I could use the same old lines~ ~ ~
but i'll sing
shine on
just shine on
close your eyes and they'll all be gone
they can scream and shout that they've been sold out
but it paved the cloud that we're dancing on
so shine on, just shine on
with your smile just as bright as the sun
cause they're all just slaves ,to the gods they've made
but you and I, just shone, just shone

and when silence greets my last goodbye
the words I need are in your eyes~ ~ ~
and I'll sing...

shine on, just shine on
close your eyes and they'll all be gone
they can scream and shout that they've been sold out
but it paved the cloud that we're dancing on
so shine on, just shine on
with your smile just as bright as the sun
cause they're all just slaves to the gods they've made
but you and I just shone, just shone, just shone

so shine on, just shine on
close your eyes and they'll all be gone
they can scream and shout that they've been sold out
but it paved the cloud that we're dancing on
so shine on, just shine on
with your smile just as bright as the sun
cause they're all just slaves to the gods they've made
but you and I just shone, just shone


台長: Shalott
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 無限的思緒 |

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