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2009-12-01 09:15:14| 人氣264| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Band Aid

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Pixie Lott - Band Aid Heart Lyrics

Mm hm da da da da da da da
When I met you
I really didn't like you
First impression was that you were somebody who
Walked right by when I waved at you and say 'Hi'
But they say
Bad beginnings make happy endings
And now that I know you I begin to understands things
Turn around a hundred and eighty degrees
I found my missing piece

There something 'bout you
That's like the sun
You warm up my heart, when I come undone
You're like my soul mate
And on those days,
When I hurt
When I break
You are my band aid You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break
You are You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break
You are

When I get caught in the rain
And it feels like
There is no one in the world who understands my
Complications that I face everyday
As I talk it through with you
No matter how I try to hide
Just see straight from my disguise
You know how to fix me
You are my therapy
Baby oh

There something 'bout you
That’s like the sun
You warm up my heart when I come undone
You like my soul mate
And all those things
When I hurt
When I break
You are my band aid You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break

You are You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break
You are

Isn't it funny how these things get turned around?
Just when I thought I knew you
You prove me wrong
I used to hate the things you love
And love the things you hate

And now I like it
I like it
I like it
Now I la la la like it
I like it
I like it
Now I la la la like it
I like it
I like it

There something 'bout you
That's like the sun
You warm up my heart when I come undone
You like my soul mate
And all those things
When I hurt
When I break
You are my band aid You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break
You are You are, you are
When I hurt
When I break
You are

And now I like it
I like it
I like it
Now I la la la like it
I like it
I like it
Now I la la la like it
I like it
Lalalalalala I like it
I lalala like it


不知怎麼的, 竟然開始想是怎麼認識你的, 真正的認識你


看著照片, 似乎跟你去過很多地方, 有跟你去Hollywood Sign, Luguna Beach, Mission Inn, South Coast Plaza, Ontario Mills到最後的Las Vegas, 我記得第一次和你講話是因為你去看哈先打嗨的名中醫, 然後後來一起去吃風風亭拉麵那時一直覺得為啥你國語怪怪的, 很像外國人..


其實我還記得有那麼三次你要找我跟你一起照相, 第一次是在Luguna Beach的海邊你說一個人照很無聊第二次是在Mission Inn, 你要我跟你一起照很有歐洲風味的一個背景, 第三次是在South Coast Plaza, 你要我跟你一起照在那迷離的燈海之中, 可是被我用背影拒絕, 我想你一定都鼓起很大的勇氣吧那時我心理想說, 小眼睛的韓國人, 想跟我照相, 下輩子吧可是可是現在為什麼有這樣蕩蕩的哀傷


其實很早很早就認識你, 在你來的不到一個禮拜, 很久很久以前就跟你講過話, 在那個不曾注意過的開始...但也從不曾想有你msn, 那時好像還是某次星期五中午大家討論要吃什麼的時候, 才想說這人是誰, 應該是你吧, 加一下吧...誰知道是好人壞人...也幾乎都不在意msn你是不是上線了, 還是你是不是有在線上...但怎麼一切都好快好快, 來不及去用心體會, 來不及去捕捉每一個剎那, 來不及去記下一切的一切, 怎麼曾經那樣的不在意, 現在卻那樣那樣的嘆息, 現在卻還忘了自己身在哪裡

我真的以為一切都是那樣雲淡風清, 一切都是那樣過往雲煙, 一切都可以隨風被帶走, 但這首歌, 你想說的一切, 怎麼把整個回憶都給換上了彩虹, 所有的記憶開始那樣的鮮明, 所有的曾經開始和現實交錯, 傻傻再也分不清我真的以為在那拉斯維加斯已經打上塵封後的那個結卻這樣輕輕的滑落, 灑了滿地的思念...

其實聽完整首歌, 有太多的感覺無法說出, 有太多的思念無法這樣表達, 多到無法停止的悸動不知怎麼用這笨拙的文字一個字一個字刻下, 當初輕輕的劃過, 卻被這首歌給用力的烙下那入木三分, 狠狠地與內心的深處緊緊的糾結, 我想歌詞的一字一句我都很愛, 因為很多時候, 生活的一切, 付出的總總, 想到的關心, 或是所表達的情感, 不過簡單的希望換到在意的人一個笑, 我從來沒想過可以得到像整首歌訴說般的回應...真要說哪一句, 我想I found my missing piece闡述了所有, 一個我以為消失的了, 一個我以為再也遇不到的, 一個我曾經那樣全然釋放的...就像當初偷偷塞在你行李的那張卡片留下的...This piece is not only a part of me, but also including a part of you. Without you, this piece will be never complete...

不知怎麼的, 從來不吃很辣的我卻已經習慣辣...不管吃什麼, 中式日式還是韓式, 總會尋找那個辣的味道, 但最忘不了的還是那罐熟悉的味道...曾經冰箱也有一罐跟你一模一樣的, 也幾乎從來不碰它, 現在被章魚給吃完了, 我在冰箱也找不到了...他說為啥以前不吃辣的我, 怎麼也可以吃這麼辣這麼想吃辣...

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