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2011-10-22 21:57:32| 人氣1,541| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

message for mother earth and us.

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I like the music produced by Paul Collier that much. Thank you for making these extremely good music for us and mother earth. Whenever listening to your music, I feel so calm. Inside my heart, there is fully grace, love and peace.


I feel that I am so lucky to be the one, and the all. With the God, with the nature, I am part of it, and in it. When I live, I am here. When I die, just let go. Let go. Let go.


Hugging the mother earth. I love you so much. And I know that you are deeply loving me too. Thank you for choosing me to be part of you.


Thank you for the old ages conscious. You create us. You guide us. You make our dreams come true. You help us to overcome the difficulties. You bring us to the light kingdom. Please, please with us to welcome 2012. I am at the door feeling of the new world, the reborn mother earth.



@ Before Man, by Paul Collier





by littlecat, written at 22.10.2011





台長: 黃曦儀
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全站分類: 社會萬象(時事、政論、公益、八卦、社會、宗教、超自然) | 個人分類: 實修:2011年 |

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