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口白人生主題曲:Whole Wide World歌詞

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When I was a young boy (當我還是一個年輕的男孩時)
My mama said to me (我媽對我說)
There’s only one girl in the world for you (在這世上只有一個女孩適合你)
And she probably lives in Tahiti (還有她或許居住在大溪地島)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
Just to find her (只為了找到她)
Or maybe she’s in the Bahamas (或者或許她在巴哈馬)
Where the Carribean sea is blue (這裡加勒比海是藍色的)
Weeping in a tropical moonlit night (在一個熱帶月光普照的夜晚哭泣)
Because nobody’s told her about you (因為沒人告訴她關於你的事)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
Just to find her (只為了找到她  )
 I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
Find out where they hide her (尋找他們隱藏她在那裡)
Why am I hanging around in the rain out here (為什麼我徘徊在雨停的這裡 )
Trying to pick up a girl (試著接一個女孩 )
Why are my eyes filling up with these lonely tears (為什麼是我的眼睛充滿這些寂寞眼淚)
When there’re girls all over the world (當全世界充滿女孩時)
Is she lying on a tropical beach somewhere (她是否躺在熱帶海灘某處)
Underneath the tropical sun (在熱帶太陽下)
Pining away in a heatwave there (在熱浪那裡悲傷憔悴)
Hoping that I won’t be long (希望我將不久 )
I should be lying on that sun-soaked beach with her (我應該與她一起躺在那太陽浸泡的海灘上)
Caressing her warm brown skin (愛撫她那溫暖的棕色皮膚 )
And then in a year or maybe not quite (然後在一年內或者或許不確定 )
We’ll be sharing the same next of skin (我們將分享相同的肌膚  ) 
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
Just to find her (只為了找到她)
 I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
I’d go the whole wide world (我將走遍整個廣闊的世界)
Find out where they hide her (尋找他們隱藏她在那裡) 

台長: fianse
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