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2008-04-03 02:05:02| 人氣66| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

(20080331)自由時報-《中英對照讀新聞》Tiny Iowa town rescinds

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Cat haters, nevermind:The tiny town of Randolph has rescinded a $5 bounty on feral feline.


Instead, the southwest Iowa town has agreed to work with animal rescue groups on a catch, neuter and release program. "We’ve told them to get it lined up to do it," Mayor Vince Trively said.


The City Council approved the bounty after receiving numerous complaints about feral cats. Under the initial policy, which went into effect March 1, stray cats without collars would be taken to a veterinarian, and if they weren’t claimed, they’d be euthanized. That caused an uproar among animal lovers.

鎮議會是在接獲無數通民眾有關野貓的抱怨後,才同意前述的捕貓賞金政策。依照於本月1日起生效的原政策 ,沒戴項圈的野貓會被送到獸醫處,假如無人領回,貓咪就會被安樂死。此項政策立即引發愛護動物人士一片譁然。

The city voted recently to end the bounty and form a task force involving three animal rescue organizations. The task force will meet to devise a plan, which the City Council will then consider.


"What will happen is the cats that are truly feral will return to the outdoors and the cats that are strays that are actually socialized will be adopted into homes,"a spokeswoman for one rescue organization said.



rescind:正式用語,指廢止、取消、撤回,如The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.(航空公司向點用素食餐點的旅客加收費用的政策不受歡迎,因此已經被取消。)

line up:原指列隊或排隊,文中指籌備或準備某事,如They lined up considerable support for the bill.(他們為這項法案動員了可觀的支持力量。)

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