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1.selfie 自拍照/自拍

3.selfie stick 自拍棒

2.horizontal/vertical photo 橫拍/直拍

4.time-lapse photography 縮時攝影

1.selfie 自拍照/自拍



例:He posted a series of close-up selfies on his Instagram yesterday.



這裡的close-up,是指特寫照片的意思。所以close-up selfies 就是指特寫自拍照的意思啦。


3.selfie stick 自拍棒

自拍是指selfie,而自拍棒就是指selfie stick囉。




例:She likes to take a lot of selfies by herself with a selfie stick.



2.horizontal/vertical photo 橫拍/直拍

除了自拍之外,當你想要請別人拍照的時候,你該怎麼用英文說橫拍跟直拍呢?可以用horizontal/vertical photo來表達。


例:Can you take it horizontally/vertically?



4.time-lapse photography 縮時攝影

除了自拍相關英文之外,「縮時攝影」有時也會用到,縮時攝影的英文就是time-lapse photography。


例:Do you know how to shoot time-lapse photography?



拍照該比什麼POSE?5個型男必學「街拍姿勢」,輕鬆拍出男神感! | manfashion這樣變型男 (techbang.com)

男友也想帥一波!9個有型男性拍照姿勢 - 景點+ (mook.com.tw)

147張照片看2022巴黎秋冬男裝時裝週街拍造型,打造男女最新穿搭指南 | Vogue Taiwan




Greetings 問候

Good morning/Good afternoon 早安/午安

Background 背景

My name is _______. I was brought up in Taoyuan City where there is a railroad crossing near my home. There are seven members in my family; they are my dear grandfather, parents, two sisters, my precious puppy and I.

我的名字是○○○. 我在桃園長大,我家附近有鐵路經過。我家有7名成員,我親的愛爺爺、父母、兩個姐姐、我寶貝狗和我。

Personality 個人特質

I am quite reserved but I value friendship. Therefore, I’ve got many close friends.

I think I am somewhat on the shy side. I have been a cooperative and obedient student in my teachers’ eyes, and I think it’s my concern for others that makes me popular. I insist on not being tricky. I used to be everybody’s friend because that I’m enthusiastic and I always come to someone’s rescue.


School 學校(如果參加學校面試)

I study in National Yangmei Senior High School, and my favorite subjects are (Chinese / English / Math / Biology / Physics / Chemistry / History / Geography / Music / Art / Military Training / Counseling / P.E. / Civics) because that_____ (Appendix 1). In the second year, I also took part in the_____ contest / competition / race and won first/ third place. I was elected________(Appendix 2), through which I learn how to approach things enthusiastically and independently.

我就讀國立楊梅高中,我最喜歡的科目為(中文/英文/數學/生物/物理/歷史/地理/音樂/美術/軍訓/輔導/體育/公民),因為(附錄一). 高二時,我曾參與_____競賽而且贏了第一/第三名。我曾經被選為______(附錄二),透過這個經驗我學會如何積極及獨立的處理事情。


Appendix 1 附錄一

I like Chinese because studying Chinese helps me understand the depth and breadth of the Chinese culture.


I like English because English is an international language. I can understand the world and communicate with other people in the world through English.


I like math because I like thinking. Whenever I solve a very hard problem, I have a sense of accomplishment beyond description.


I like history because it is a mirror of human beings. We can learn what we should do by reading history.


Appendix 2 附錄二 Cadres幹部

class leader 班長/ assistant class leader 副班長/ head of the cleaning crew 衛生股長/ teacher’s assistant小老師/ P.E. class leader 康樂股長


Interests 興趣

Despite great academic pressure, I spend time reading novels. ××× is my favorite novelist and he / she is adept in portraying characters. This is also the best way to get rid of all the pressure for a while, though my sight may get even poor.


Hobbies 嗜好

My hobby is / are_____ and_____ . In my leisure time, I always go_____ with my classmates (playing the piano / guitar / trumpet / saxophone / violin / French horn or playing basketball / volleyball / baseball / soccer / poker/ bridge/ Chinese chess).



In the near future, I hope I have a chance to develop my interest and capability here. Then I believe I can bring what I learn into full play in my profession field.


Appreciation 感激

Thank you for your listening. 感謝您的聆聽。



My name is Allen Lin. I was born on August 8, 1986. I am 25 years old. There are 4 people in my family, including my father, my mother, my sister, and me. I study in Ta-an Vocational High School. My favorite subject is English. My favorite person is Kobe Bryant because of his skill in basketball. My favorite song is “Memory”. Pizza is my favorite food. Discovery is my favorite TV program. I like to watch TV and play basketball in free time. In the future, I want to be an engineer.

我的名字叫做林艾倫,我1986年8月8日出生,今年25歲。我的家庭成員有四個人:包括我爸爸、我媽媽、我姊姊和我。我就讀大安職業學校,我最喜歡的科目是英文。我最喜歡的人是Kobe Bryant,因為他很會打籃球。我最喜歡的歌是Memory;披薩是我最喜歡的食物;Discovery是我最喜歡的節目。我空閒時喜歡看電視和打籃球。未來我希望可以成為一個工程師。



有時候,由於時間限制,面試官會要求求職者、申請人以 1 分鐘的時間,簡要地英文自我介紹。在這樣的情況下,則必須精簡的自我介紹,並有效傳達上面提到的四項重點。下方分別依照職場、大學與研究所申請情境,提供兩類範例模板。




Hello! My name is Mike. I obtained my master's degree in Communication from NTU. Currently, I have been at Yourator for 3 years, working as a content marketing specialist.

中文:你好,我是 Mike。我在 NTU 取得傳播學的碩士學位。目前,我已經在 Yourator 工作了3年,擔任內容行銷專員。



Joining Company A, known for its innovative content marketing, would provide the perfect environment to unleash my creativity. 




I excel in content strategy, creation, and optimization, successfully driving website traffic and increasing brand awareness. My skills in SEO, social media, and analytics enable me to effectively engage audiences and deliver impactful results. 




With a strong passion for content marketing, I'm eager to make a valuable contribution to Company A's growth and success.





Hi, I'm Mike, a fourth-year student studying Business Administration at NTU. I'm interning at Company B, a social innovation company. 

中文:您好,我是 Mike,目前就讀NTU的企業管理學系四年級,也在社會新創 Company B 實習。



During my internship, I noticed a lack of marketing resources in social innovation. That's why I want to join your master's program to explore effective marketing models for social innovation and contribute to the field in the future. 




In university, I've been involved in extracurricular activities like the Data Analytics Society and the Entrepreneurship Club, and I've taken relevant courses in entrepreneurship and marketing management. 




Overall, I believe I'm a qualified candidate and I'm eager to join your master's program and apply my knowledge to improve the well-being of society.



➤ 延伸閱讀:









Hello! My name is Mike. I obtained my master's degree in Communication from NTU. Currently, I have been at Yourator for 3 years, working as a content marketing specialist. I am responsible for producing website content to generate more impressions.

中文:你好,我是 Mike。我在 NTU 取得傳播學的碩士學位。目前,我已經在 Yourator 工作了3年,擔任內容行銷專員。我的職責是製作網站內容,用以產生更多的網站曝光。



I'm motivated by the power of words and storytelling. Effective content can captivate audiences and drive engagement. Joining Company A, known for its innovative approach to content marketing, would provide the perfect environment for me to unleash my creativity and make an impact.




I bring a strong proficiency in content strategy, creation, and optimization. I've successfully generated website traffic and increased brand awareness in my previous role. I'm skilled in SEO techniques, social media marketing, and data analytics. My ability to create compelling content and my strategic mindset allow me to effectively communicate brand messages and engage with target audiences.




In summary, as a passionate Content Marketing Specialist with the necessary skills and experience, I'm excited to contribute to Company A's success. Thank you for considering my application.





Hello, I am Mike, currently a fourth-year student majoring in Business Administration at NTU. I am also interning at the social innovation company, Company B.

中文:您好,我是 Mike,目前就讀NTU的企業管理學系四年級,同時也在社會新創 Company B 實習。



During my internship, I noticed a lack of marketing resources in social innovation. Therefore, I hope to be admitted to your master's program to further explore viable marketing models for social innovation and contribute my efforts to the field in the future.




Throughout my university years, in addition to participating in the internship program at Company B, I have actively engaged in various clubs and extracurricular activities, including the Data Analytics Society and the Entrepreneurship Club. Furthermore, I have taken numerous courses related to entrepreneurship management and marketing management.

中文:在大學期間,我除了參與社會新創 Company B的實習計畫,也積極參與社團與課外活動,包括資料分析社、創業社。另外,在修課方面,也修習了許多與創業管理、行銷管理相關的的課程。



All in all, I believe I am a qualified candidate and I hope to have the opportunity to join your master's program and eventually work in the field of social innovation, applying my knowledge to real-world scenarios and enhancing the well-being of humanity.



What is fashion conscious? - SAM YARI | Director & Photographer

What is fashion conscious?


fashion conscious consumer is someone that is aware of the negative effects of purchasing items that are not produced in a sustainable or ethical way. It is somebody that considers what they buy and how they will use it.


The high street shops have a responsibility to offer clothing that is of better quality and of a more classic design. So much fashion is produced with no other thought than of the bottom line. These are often items that are produced in large volumes by high street brands in inferior man-made fabrics. The fits are often disappointing and the sizing unrealistic.


The term “fashion conscious” is different than the term “fashion sense.” A person who has fashion sense is aware of how clothes and accessories look on them and they are able to put together flattering ensembles and outfits.


They may also be able to create a unique look for themselves by choosing particular pieces or by mixing and matching items in their wardrobe. A person with good fashion sense typically looks good in flattering clothes, but may not necessarily be concerned with trends and current styles. They may not be concerned with names on labels but only with how pieces look on them.


On the other hand, someone who is fashion conscious may also have a good sense of the right fashion for themselves, but the term is more specific in that it applies to someone who wants to wear the latest pieces. They may also only want to wear designer clothes that others consider fashionable and trendy. They are aware of what is currently being offered by the best labels and design houses and may follow the advice of stylists and even fashion bloggers rather than trying to make their own style.



what is a fashion-conscious person ?

A person who is fashion conscious may also choose trendy and fashionable clothes even if they’re not always the most flattering to them. If skinny jeans are in style and are being offered by high-end designers, the fashion conscious will want to wear skinny jeans even if they don’t necessarily have the figure for it.

The fashion conscious person will also be aware of what others are wearing and may instantly recognize certain labels and brands. In extreme cases they may avoid being seen with someone who isn’t concerned about trends and the latest styles.


Someone who is fashion conscious may also be aware of trends in other areas, such as the “hottest” places to vacation or the latest nightclubs to open in certain cities. They may follow news reports of where celebrities party and take their holiday, and want to be in those same places. Their idea of what’s fashionable and trendy is not limited to just their wardrobe and accessories but also to how they live their life.

Being fashion conscious is necessary for many careers in the fashion industry, as buyers and retailers need to follow trends and respect them in order to be successful. Writers and bloggers also need to keep up with the latest styles since these change regularly.



Want to change your fashion habits for the better but not sure where to start?

The answer is waiting in your wardrobe. We introduce three ways to switch to conscious fashion, and three inspiring individuals who’ve done it.

  • Fall in love
  • Mind your business
  • Being materialistic

Small steps go a long way, and who said that leading a sustainable lifestyle can’t go hand-in-hand with a passion for fashion? After all, style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.


glory /ˈglɔː.ri/US 
 /ˈglɔːr.i/ C1 noun
great beauty, or something special or extremely beautiful, that gives great pleasure:
They want to restore the castle to its former glory.他們想重現城堡昔日雄偉壯觀的面貌。
splendour UK 
 /ˈsplen.dɚ/ C2 noun UK
great beauty that attracts admiration and attention:
They bought a decaying 16th-century manor house and restored it to its original splendour.他們買了一幢破敗的16世紀莊園宅邸,經過整修使它恢復了先前的富麗堂皇。
grandeur UK 
 /ˈgræn.dʒɚ/ noun
the quality of being very large and special or beautiful:
the silent grandeur of the desert沉寂而壯麗的沙漠
magnificence UK 
 /mægˈnɪf.ə.səns/ noun
the state of being very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired:
the splendour and magnificence of the Pyramids金字塔的輝煌和壯麗
majesty UK 
 /ˈmædʒ.ə.sti/ noun
If something has majesty, it causes admiration and respect for its beauty.
This music has majesty, power, and passion.這首樂曲富有氣勢、力量和激情。
grandness UK 
 /ˈgrænd.nəs/ noun
the quality of being impressive:
We were taken aback by the grandness of the house.


magnificently UK 
 /mægˈnɪf.ə.sənt.li/ C1 adverb
in a way that is very good or beautiful, or that deserves to be admired:
I thought she coped magnificently.我認為她應對得非常好。
splendidly UK 
 /ˈsplen.dɪd.li/ adverb
in a way that is excellent, or beautiful and impressive:
All the recipes are splendidly clear.所有的菜譜都極為清晰。
gloriously UK 
 /ˈglɔːr.i.əs.li/ adverb
used to emphasize how beautiful something is:
a gloriously restored 12th century church一座修復的12世紀的壯觀教堂
grandly UK 
 /ˈgrænd.li/ adverb
in a way that attracts admiration and attention:
Their house is very grandly furnished.他們的房子裝修得富麗堂皇。
majestically UK 
 /məˈdʒes.tɪ.kəl.i/ adverb
in a way that is beautiful, powerful, or causes great admiration and respect:
The white cliffs rise majestically from the sea.白色的懸崖巍然聳立在海面上。
spectacularly UK 
 /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ.li/ adverb
in a very beautiful way that people admire:
At night, the city is spectacularly lit.夜晚,該市燈火輝煌,非常壯觀。


magnificent UK 
 /mægˈnɪf.ə.sənt/ B1 adjective
very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired:
a magnificent view壯麗的景色
glorious UK 
 /ˈglɔːr.i.əs/ adjective
very beautiful:
The beetroot had turned the soup a glorious pink.甜菜使湯呈現出極為誘人奪目的粉紅色。
majestic UK 
 /məˈdʒes.tɪk/ adjective
beautiful, powerful, or causing great admiration and respect:
The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.蒙大拿州的壯麗景色會令你屏息凝神。
spectacular UK 
 /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/ B1 adjective
very exciting to look at:
a spectacular view蔚爲壯觀的景象
grand UK 
 /grænd/ C1 adjective
impressive and large or important:
The Palace of Versailles is very grand.凡爾賽宮非常宏偉。
splendid UK 
 /ˈsplen.dɪd/ C1 adjective formal
excellent, or beautiful and impressive:
We had splendid food/a splendid holiday/splendid weather.我們的食物/我們的假期/我們碰到的天氣簡直太棒了。
epic UK 
 /ˈep.ɪk/ adjective
in the style of an epic:
an epic film about the Roman Empire古羅馬帝國題材的史詩電影


splendours phrase UK
the beautiful features or qualities of a place, etc.
the splendours of Venice威尼斯的瑰麗景色

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