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contaminate UK 
 /kənˈtæm.ə.neɪt/ verb
to make something less pure or make it poisonous:
Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.大部分海岸已受到核廢料污染。
foul UK 
 /faʊl/ verb formal
to spoil or damage something by making it dirty:
The oil spill fouled the river and destroyed habitats.石油洩漏污染了河流,破壞了野生動物聚居地。
pollute UK 
 /pəˈluːt/ B2 verb
to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or soil, dirty or harmful to people, animals, and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals:
The pesticides used on many farms are polluting the water supply.許多農場裡使用的殺蟲劑正在污染供水。
taint UK 
 /teɪnt/ verb
to spoil something, especially food or blood, by adding a harmful substance, or to spoil people's opinion of someone:
His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.那宗財務醜聞令他遺臭萬年。
contamination UK 
 /kənˌtæm.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ noun
the process of making something dirty or poisonous, or the state of containing unwanted or dangerous substances:
The water supply is being tested for contamination .供水系統正在接受汙染測試。
defilement UK 
 /dɪˈfaɪl.mənt/ noun
the action of spoiling something or someone so that that thing or person is less beautiful or pure:
People were furious at this defilement of the countryside.人們對這種汙染鄉村的行為感到憤怒。
pollution UK 
 /pəˈluː.ʃən/ B1 noun
damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste:
air/water pollution空氣/水污染
discoloration UK 
 /dɪˌskʌl.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ noun
a change to the original colour of something that makes it look unpleasant or damaged:
Too much fluoride can cause a harmless discoloration of the teeth.過多的氟化物會導致牙齒變色,雖然這是無害的。


light pollution UK 
 /ˈlaɪt pəˌluː.ʃən/US 
 /ˈlaɪt pəˌluː.ʃən/ noun
unwanted artificial light that has a negative effect on the environment:
Light pollution has changed the way we see the sky.光污染已經改變了我們看天空的方式。


cross-contamination UK 
 /ˌkrɑːs.kən.tæm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ noun
the process by which a substance that is harmful or dirty spreads from one area to another:
New hygiene standards were introduced to avoid cross-contamination of cooked and raw meat.



各種櫃子 英文

各種櫃子 英文 中文 特色
  • 衣櫃 / 衣櫥
  • 衣帽間
  • 可以指一般衣櫃,也可以是臥室內的更衣間
  • 有時會和 wardrobe 替換使用
  • 衣櫃 / 衣櫥
  • 有時會和 closet 替換使用
  • 通常指可移動式的衣櫃
  • WC 就是 water closet 的縮寫
  • 櫃子 / 貯藏櫃
  • 內閣
  • 空間較小的儲物櫃
  • 可用來放置各種物品
  • 櫃子 / 櫥櫃
  • 空間較小的儲物櫃
  • 大部分用來放置餐具、食物等
  • 抽屜
  • 為各種櫃子當中的一部分
  • 架子 / 書架
  • 為開放式
  • shelf life保存期限
  • 置物櫃
  • 通常配有鎖頭讓人擺放私人物品

chest noun [C] (BOX)

a large, strong box, usually made of wood, used for storing goods or possessions or for moving possessions from one place to another:

訂金 英文怎麼說?

訂金的英文會用 deposit,發音 /dɪˈpɑzɪt/,為可數名詞。訂金就是在訂購一些產品或服務時,有些賣家可能怕顧客反悔或需要先抓數量,就會請顧客是先支付一筆費用 💰 以預先保留產品或服務,後續再把帳款結清,像是租借場地、買賣房屋、訂購旅遊行程等等。


如果你在國外租屋,找到房子時,房屋仲介可能會跟你收取一筆 holding deposit,可以翻作訂房訂金或留位訂金,目的就是請對方先幫你把房子保留起來,那通常這筆金額之後可以抵扣租金。




pay a deposit (on…)

put down a deposit (on…)

I paid a deposit of 500 on that smartphone, and paid the balance two weeks later.



More than 700 people have put down deposits to reserve a seat on Virgin’s spacecraft.



The shirt was out of stock, so I paid 200 dollars as a deposit to reserve it.



A deposit of 1000 dollars is required to reserve this conference room.



The deposit won’t be refunded if you cancel your reservation.



Be sure to ask what the conditions are before you put down a holding deposit.





此外,deposit 也可以作為動詞,它本身的概念為「放置、儲存」,在這裡會用來表示「支付訂金」,不過這個用法相較來說比較少見,使用上還是會以名詞居多囉,但還是可以來看看例句:


You can deposit 20% now and pay the rest when the product is delivered.

你可以先付 20% 的訂金,餘款在交車時支付。


You have to deposit 10% of the room price in advance.

你需要事先支付這間客房價錢 10% 的訂金。


押金 英文怎麼說?

押金的英文也會用 deposit,你沒看錯唷,別懷疑!這裡簡單解釋一下,押金指的是你租用一件物品時會收取的費用,等到你退租時,若物品完好無損害,對方就會把押金退還,像是租房子、租自行車、租導覽機等。


而租房子時,房東通常會收取數週或數個月的房租作為押金,在英文通常會用 security deposit,中文也可以稱為保證金,在一些國家則會使用 tenancy deposit 的名目,tenancy 為「租賃」之意,如果退租時有損害房子或物品,就會從這筆費用中扣除。



It costs NT$1,500 a day to rent the tent, with a NT$300 refundable deposit.

租這頂帳篷每天 1500元,還要付可退還的押金 300元。


The rental car company requires a deposit of NT$1000.



I paid a deposit of 500 on this bike.



Tenant: How much is the security deposit?



Landlord: It’s five weeks’ rent.



那同樣地,deposit 也可以作為動詞來表示「支付押金」,例如:


I’ve deposited 5000 and the first month’s rent.



deposit 的兩個小補充

小補充 1



小補充 2

有一個用語常會拿來跟 deposit 做比較,這個詞是 down payment,意思為「頭款、頭期款」,就是買房、買車通常會跟銀行貸款並分期還款,頭期款就是第一筆要支付給賣方的費用。




make a down payment (on…)

put a down payment (on…)


have a strong feeling of wanting something; desire something intensely

judge 評判者,裁判
expertise 專業知識
overestimate 高估
competence 能力
self-assured 自信的
phenomenon 現象
lack 缺乏
ignorant 無知的
limitation 侷限
skilled 有技能的
over-confident 過度自信的,自負的
intellectual humility 智性謙遜,認識並承認自己能力的侷限性
modest 謙遜的
willingness 意願
perspective 觀點,看待問題的角度
humble 謙虛的


admit 網路解釋

1. 公開承認:Bob同意(agree)公開承認(admit)自己錯了,而非暗示(suggest)也沒有了其它解釋(explain)了. Bob與Pat開始行動起來,共同一起分擔(share)撫養孩子操作(operate)、完成(perform)家務的任務. realize意識到,僅僅是一種心理活動,

2. 容許:admission 容許進入 | admit 容許 | admittance 接納

admit 詞典解釋

1. (常指不情願地)承認,供認

If you admit that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true, you agree, often unwillingly, that it is true.

e.g. I am willing to admit that I do make mistakes...


e.g. Up to two thirds of 14 to 16 year olds admit to buying drink illegally...


2. 接受(入院);收治

If someone is admitted to hospital, they are taken into hospital for treatment and kept there until they are well enough to go home.

e.g. She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature...


e.g. He was admitted yesterday for treatment of blood clots in his lungs.


3. 准許…加入;接納;招收

If someone is admitted to an organization or group, they are allowed to join it.

e.g. He was admitted to the Academie Culinaire de France...


e.g. The Parachute Regiment could be forced to admit women.


4. 准許…進入

To admit someone to a place means to allow them to enter it.

e.g. Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife...


e.g. Journalists are rarely admitted to the region.


admit 英英釋義


1. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of

e.g. He admitted his errors

She acknowledged that she might have forgotten

Synonym: acknowledge

2. admit into a group or community

e.g. accept students for graduate study

We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member

Synonym: accept take take on

3. allow participation in or the right to be part of

permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of

e.g. admit someone to the profession

She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar

Synonym: let in include

4. allow to enter

grant entry to

e.g. We cannot admit non-members into our club building

This pipe admits air

Synonym: allow in let in intromit

5. serve as a means of entrance

e.g. This ticket will admit one adult to the show

6. have room for

hold without crowding

e.g. This hotel can accommodate 250 guests

The theater admits 300 people

The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people

Synonym: accommodate hold

7. give access or entrance to

e.g. The French doors admit onto the yard

8. afford possibility

e.g. This problem admits of no solution

This short story allows of several different interpretations

Synonym: allow


bitter 網路解釋

1. 苦的:兒子主動提出要學習,於是都媽把他的<<智力300題>>和teacher pen拿到了床上,孃兒倆在床上開始複習:味覺(taste)sweet(甜的) sour(酸的) spicy(辣的) yummy(美味的) yucky(噁心的) 苦的(bitter)以及方位:east west north south r

2. 苦味酒:類.包括葡萄酒.啤酒.米酒和蘋果酒等.(2)蒸餾酒類.包括威古忌酒.白蘭地酒.俄得克酒.老姆酒(Rum).特其拉酒(Tequila)和中國的白酒.(3)精煉和綜合再製酒類.包括金酒.利口酒.味美思酒(或稱苦艾酒).苦味酒(Bitter).竹葉青酒.人蔘酒

3. bitter的解釋

3. 苦味:B,酸度(Acidity)C,苦味(Bitter)D,甘度(Sweet)E,香度(Aroma)F,風味(Flavor)對咖啡的評價除了外觀和大小之外,杯測(Cupping)是其中最重要的環節. 咖啡生豆(Green coffee been)在8-20分鐘的烘焙過程中,會產生一系列複雜的變化:從外觀來看,

bitter 詞典解釋

1. 激烈的;猛烈的;充滿敵意的

In a bitter argument or conflict, people argue very angrily or fight very fiercely.


e.g. scene of bitter fighting during the Second World War.


e.g. ...a bitter attack on the Government's failure to support manufacturing...



Any such thing would be bitterly opposed by Most of the world's democracies.


...a bitterly fought football match.


The rift within the organization reflects the growing bitterness of the dispute.


2. 怨恨的;憤憤不平的

If someone is bitter after a disappointing experience or after being treated unfairly, they continue to feel angry about it.

e.g. She is said to be very bitter about the way she was sacked...


e.g. His long life was marked by bitter personal and political memories.



'And he sure didn't help us,' Grant said bitterly.


party bureaucrats who bitterly resented their loss of power.


I still feel bitterness and anger towards the person who knocked me down.


3. (經歷或感覺)令人非常失望的,痛苦的,辛酸的

A bitter experience makes you feel very disappointed. You can also use bitter to emphasize feelings of disappointment.

e.g. I think the decision was a bitter blow from which he never quite recovered...


e.g. A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully...



I was bitterly disappointed to have lost yet another race so near the finish.


4. 寒冷的;刺骨的

Bitter weather, or a bitter wind, is extremely cold.

e.g. Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.


e.g. r spending a night in the bitter cold.



It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow.


5. (味道)苦的

A bitter taste is sharp, not sweet, and often slightly unpleasant.

e.g. The leaves taste rather bitter.


e.g. the wine ages, losing its bitter harshness, and becoming softer and smoother.



abandon oneself to 網路解釋

1. 沉溺於:beneficial有益的 有利的 | abandon oneself to沉溺於 | with abandon 放縱地√

2. abandon oneself to的反義詞

2. 沉溺於(to是介詞):abandon oneself to 沉溺於(to是介詞) | be about to do sth.正要做某事 | above all 最重要的是

3. 沉湎於:abandon oneself to 沉湎於 | after all 畢竟 | account for 解釋

4. abandon oneself to什麼意思

4. 沉溺於 abandon doing 放棄做某事:be concerned about 關心 be concerned in 和...某事有牽連 | be concerned with 牽涉到;與...有關;參與 | don oneself to 沉溺於 abandon doing 放棄做某事



add UK 
 /æd/ A2 verb
to put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole:
Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.把奶油和糖攪拌在一起,再慢慢把雞蛋打進去。
gain UK 
 /geɪn/ B1 verb
to increase in weight, speed, height, or amount:
I gained a lot of weight while I was on holiday.我休假期間體重大增。
increase UK 
 /ɪnˈkriːs/ B1 verb
to (make something) become larger in amount or size:
Incidents of armed robbery have increased over the last few years.持械搶劫案近幾年增多了。
raise UK 
 /reɪz/ B1 verb
to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc.
The government plan to raise taxes.政府計劃增稅。
expand UK 
 /ɪkˈspænd/ B2 verb
to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way:
The air in the balloon expands when heated.氣球裡的空氣受熱後膨脹。
mount UK 
 /maʊnt/ C2 verb
to gradually increase, rise, or get bigger:
The children's excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.隨著聖誕臨近,孩子都越來越興奮。
supplement UK 
 /ˈsʌp.lə.ment/ C2 verb
to add something to something to make it larger or better:
He supplements his income by working in a bar at night.他晚上在酒吧打工以增加收入。
accrue UK 
 /əˈkruː/ verb formal
to increase in number or amount over a period of time:
Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of seven percent.帳戶上的存款將會以7%的利率生息。
redouble UK 
 /ˌriːˈdʌb.əl/ verb
to make something much more than before; to increase something:
The government, he said, must redouble its efforts to beat crime.他說政府必須要加大力度打擊犯罪。
rise UK 
 /raɪz/ B2 verb
to increase:
Inflation is rising at/by 2.1 percent a month.通貨膨脹一個月增長2.1%。
hike UK 
 /haɪk/ verb
to increase the cost of something:
Retailers have hiked (up) prices again.零售商再次提高了價格。
steepen UK 
 /ˈstiː.pən/ verb
If something such as a cost steepens, it increases.
Our costs have steepened since we began this project.自從開始這個專案計劃,我們的花費就增加了。
up UK 
 /ʌp/ verb informal
to increase something such as a price:
We won't be able to make a profit on the deal without upping the sale price.這筆買賣的銷售價格不提高,我們就無錢可賺。
enhance UK 
 /ɪnˈhæns/ C1 verb
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something:
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.這些醜聞並不會提高這個組織的聲譽。
advance UK 
 /ədˈvæns/ verb
If something such as a share price advances, it increases in value.
On the New York Stock Exchange 1,228 issues advanced and 1,157 declined .在紐約證券交易所,1228檔股票股價上升,1157檔下跌。
expansion UK 
 /ɪkˈspæn.ʃən/ B2 noun
the increase of something in size, number, or importance:
the rapid expansion of the software industry軟體業的迅速發展
increase UK 
 /ˈɪn.kriːs/ B2 noun
a rise in the amount or size of something:
price/tax increases漲價/增稅
rise UK 
 /raɪz/ B2 noun
an increase:
a sudden temperature rise氣溫的突然升高
gain UK 
 /geɪn/ C1 noun
an increase in something such as size, weight, or amount:
Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches, or weight gain.這些藥物的副作用可能包括疲乏、頭痛或體重增加。
bump UK 
 /bʌmp/ noun mainly US
an increase in something:
There had been a bump in the number of students with learning disorders.有學習障礙的學生數量增加了。
increment US 
 /ˈɪŋ.krə.mənt/ noun
one of a series of increases:
You will receive annual salary/pay increments every September.每年九月你會得到加薪。
accrual UK 
 /əˈkruː.əl/ noun
a gradual increase in an amount of money
hike UK 
 /haɪk/ noun
an increase in the cost of something, especially a large or unwanted increase:
The recent hike in train fares came as a shock to commuters.最近火車票價的上漲讓通勤的人們十分震驚。
addition UK 
 /əˈdɪʃ.ən/ noun
the act of adding a substance or thing to something else:
Most working environments are improved by the addition of a few plants and pictures.多數情況下,只要擺上幾盆花、幾幅畫,工作環境就能得到改善。
advance UK 
 /ədˈvæns/ noun
something such as a share price that increases in value:
Declining stocks easily defeated advances 413 to 302.價格下降的股票有413檔,而上升的只有302檔,下降的明顯超過了上升的。
aggrandizement UK 
 /əˈgræn.dɪz.mənt/ noun formal disapproving
an increase in power or importance:
He gives a lot of money to charity, but personal aggrandizement/self-aggrandizement is his motive.他捐了很多錢給慈善機構,但他的動機卻是為了提高個人的地位。
pickup UK 
 /ˈpɪk.ʌp/ noun
an increase or improvement:
There's been a pickup in the value of the stock.股價持續上漲。
pile (sth) up B2 phrase
(of something bad) to increase:
Unpaid bills began to pile up alarmingly.未支付的帳單越積越多,數目驚人。
mount up C2 phrase
to gradually increase in number or amount:
It isn't a good idea to let bills mount up.讓帳單越積越多可不是個好辦法。
add on sth phrase
to include or build something extra:
We’ve added on a couple of rooms to the house.我們擴建了這座房子,增加了兩個房間。
bolt sth on phrase
to add an extra part or feature:
Other insurers will allow you to bolt on critical illness cover to standard life cover.其他保險公司允許在標準人壽保險承保範圍中增加重大疾病。
bump sth up phrase informal
to increase the amount or size of something:
The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.該軟體的下一版本發行時,經銷商很可能要提價。
crank sth up phrase informal
to increase or improve something:
crank up the volume/pressure調高音量/增加壓力
rack sth up phrase
to increase something such as a rent or price, especially by an amount that is considered to be too much:
Our landlord racked up the rent by 15 percent this year.我們的房東今年把房租猛漲了15%。
ramp sth up phrase
If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it.
The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.這間公司宣佈了每月生産一萬件的增産計劃。
ramp sth up phrase
to increase the speed, power, or cost of something:
Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days.預計公司合併的消息發布後,接下來的幾天裡股票價格會上揚。
scale sth up phrase
to increase the size, amount, or importance of something, usually an organization or process:
My company is scaling up its operations in Western Asia.我公司正在擴大西亞的業務。
step sth up phrase
to increase the size, amount, or speed of a process that is intended to achieve something:
The police are stepping up their efforts to fight crime.警方正在加強打擊犯罪活動。
pick up phrase
to increase or improve:
The truck picked up speed slowly.卡車慢慢加速。
again UK 
 /əˈgen/ adverb
in addition to the amount we know about or have mentioned already:
They are paid half as much again as we are.他們的薪水比我們的多一半。


up UK 
 /ʌp/ B2 adverb
If a level or amount is up, it has increased.
The cost of car insurance is up, but not very much.車輛保險費用有所提高,但增幅不大。


incremental UK 
 /ˌɪŋ.krəˈmen.t̬əl/ adjective
in a series of amounts:
Most research proceeds by small incremental advances.大多數的研究是漸進式的。
mounting UK 
 /ˈmaʊn.t̬ɪŋ/ adjective
gradually increasing:
mounting anxiety/excitement不斷增長的焦慮/興奮


multiply UK 
 /ˈmʌl.tə.plaɪ/ verb
to increase very much in number, or (in mathematics) to add a number to itself a particular number of times:
In warm weather these germs multiply rapidly.在溫暖的天氣裡這些細菌會迅速繁殖。


pump sth up phrase informal
to increase something by a large amount:
The US was able to pump up exports.美國有能力大量增加出口。


rollover UK 
 /ˈroʊl.oʊ.vɚ/ noun
a situation in which a prize has not been won in a competition and is added to the prize offered in the next competition:
a rollover week獎金累積滾入下一期的一週


shoot up phrase informal
to grow in size, or increase in number or level, very quickly:
David has really shot up since I saw him last.自我上次見到他以來,大衛長高了一大截。


creep up phrase
If the value or amount of something creeps up, it slowly increases.
Over the last year, the rate of inflation has crept up to almost seven percent.過去一年裡,通貨膨脹率逐漸上升,幾乎達到了7%。


put sth on B1 phrase
If people or animals put weight on, they become heavier.
I'd expected to put weight on when I gave up smoking, but I didn't.我以為我戒煙後體重會增加,不過沒有。


burst UK 
 /bɝːst/ noun
a sudden increase in something, especially for a short period:
a burst of speed/applause/laughter突然的加速/一陣掌聲/一陣大笑


motor UK 
 /ˈmoʊ.t̬ɚ/ verb informal
to move or increase very quickly:
Shares have motored ahead as profits have risen.隨著利潤上升,股價也迅速攀升。


on the increase C1 phrase
Homelessness is on the increase in many cities.許多城市裡無家可歸者在增多。


up the ante phrase
If you up the ante, you increase your demands or the risks in a situation in order to achieve a better result.
The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed .政府增加了砝碼,在達成停火協議之前拒絕談判。


raise/up the stakes phrase
to increase the prize or reward in a competition or any activity in which you are competing


power UK 
 /ˈpaʊ.ɚ/ verb
to act with great strength or in a forceful way:
Halfway through, she powered into the lead and went on to win the race.到半路時,她加速衝到前面,一直領先,贏得了賽跑冠軍。


triple UK 
 /ˈtrɪp.əl/ verb
to increase three times in size or amount, or to make something do this:
We have tripled our output over the past two years.過去兩年裡,我們的產量增加了兩倍。


increasingly UK 
 /ɪnˈkriː.sɪŋ.li/ B2 adverb
more and more:
to be increasingly important/common越來越重要/普遍


super-growth UK 
 /ˌsuːpɚˈɡroʊθ/ noun
a very large or fast increase in the size or the importance of something:
Although the market is still growing, the days of super-growth are over.儘管市場仍在增長,但超級增長的日子已經過去了。


turbocharged UK 
 /ˈtɝː.boʊˌtʃɑːrdʒd/ adjective
growing or increasing at a faster rate than usual:
The slowdown came after two years of turbocharged sales.超速增長兩年之後,銷售開始放緩。


order of magnitude UK 
 /ˌɔː.dər əv ˈmæg.nɪ.tjuːd/US 
 /ˌɔːr.dɚ əv ˈmæg.nɪ.tuːd/ noun specialized
a level in a system used for measuring something in which each level is ten times larger than the one before:
These processor speeds have recently increased by two orders of magnitude .這些處理器的速度最近增加了兩個指數單位(一百倍)。


steepness UK 
 /ˈstiːp.nəs/ noun
(of an amount) the fact of rising or falling very quickly from low to high or from high to low:
The steepness of recent price rises has produced many unhappy customers.最近價格的急劇上漲已經引起了許多客戶的不滿。


double or quits phrase UK
(in games where money is risked) an agreement that the player who owes money will owe twice as much if they lose, but will owe nothing if they win


Bavarian cream UK 
 /bəˌveə.ri.ən ˈkriːm/US 
 /bəˌver.i.ən ˈkriːm/ noun
a sweet food made with custard , gelatine , and thick cream:
Bavarian cream can be eaten on its own or used as an ingredient in desserts.巴伐利亞奶油可以單獨食用或用作甜點的成分。


uplift UK 
 /ˈʌp.lɪft/ noun
an increase in value:
Shares have now recovered to 481p - this represents a huge uplift of almost 50 percent in their value.股價已經回升到481便士了——價值大幅躍升近50%。


hypermobile UK 
 /ˌhaɪ.pɚˈmoʊ.bəl/ adjective
able to move and bend the body's joints more than is usual:
The child has low muscle tone and hypermobile joints but she is getting stronger all the time.這個孩子的肌肉張力低,關節過度鬆弛,但她的身體在不斷變強。


hypermobility UK 
 /ˌhaɪ.pə.məʊˈbɪl.ə.ti//ˌhaɪ.pɚ.moʊˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/ noun
a condition in which someone is able to move and bend their joints more than is usual:
This is a genetic condition affecting collagen (a basic building block of the body), which then causes hypermobility of the joints.這是一種影響膠原蛋白(身體的基本組成部分)的基因狀況,會導致關節過度鬆弛。


galloping UK 
 /ˈgæl.ə.pɪŋ/ adjective
increasing or developing at a very fast rate that cannot be controlled:
galloping inflation急劇的通貨膨脹


greying UK 
 /ˈgreɪ.ɪŋ/ adjective
containing an increasing number of older people:
Japan's greying population will drive up medical and pension payments.日本人口老化將推高醫療和退休金開支。


secondment UK 
 /səˈkɑːnd.mənt/ noun UK
a period of time when an employee is sent to work somewhere else, to increase the number of workers , to replace other workers, or to exchange experience or skills:
His involvement with the project began when he was on (a) secondment from NASA to the European Space Agency.他當初從美國太空總署借調到歐洲太空總署,由此參加了這個項目。


purging UK 
 /ˈpɝː.dʒɪŋ/ noun
the act of getting rid of food from your body, for example in order to stop yourself gaining weight, either by making yourself vomit or by using laxatives:
Binging or purging may be ways of dealing with feelings of trauma.暴食或催瀉可能是緩解創傷的辦法


run sth up phrase
to make the price or value of something increase:
Heavy buying ran the price of stocks up higher than expected.大量的買進使得股票價格上漲到了一個出人意料的水準。


extend UK 
 /ɪkˈstend/ B2 verb
to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer:
We have plans to extend our house .我們計劃擴建房屋。

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